Arad's Sword

Chapter 508 Re-entering the Tarantula Secret Land

Chapter 508 Re-entering the Tarantula Secret Land
If you get lost in power, status, and power, it's not Midi.

However, Midi also knows that as his status gets higher and higher, he and Glentis, and even the entire tarantula tribe, are getting farther and farther away.

After all, he may not care about the change of status, but that doesn't mean others don't care.

At least, after seeing the respectful look of the red-blooded bat elder, no Tarantula warrior dared to come up to joking with Midi like before, or to slap the shoulder deformedly, and to punch this kind of physical contact.

Even Galantis, who has always been willful and savage, has begun to pay attention to propriety when talking to Midi.

To put it nicely, this is called politeness, and this is called maturity.

But to be more practical, this is alienation and awe.

In the future, when Midi's rank becomes higher and her status becomes higher, the two parties will eventually become strangers.

No matter how much Midi takes care of the tarantula tribe, it is impossible to return to the original state.

Even though she felt emotional because of this, even if she knew this, Midi would never stop because of it.

Because he knew very well that "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Mist Witch" Alice were waiting for him ahead.

No matter how fast they run or how powerful they become, they will never alienate themselves and will always be by their side.

That's enough.

However, the changes in status and strength, even though the people who were originally close to them have become alienated, are not without benefits.

After returning to the Tarantula Tribe, due to the terrifying strength shown by Midi, when he proposed to re-enter the Tarantula Secret Land where the Black Dragon Remnant Stele was located, he was not blocked at all.

In other words, even the patriarch of the Tarantula Tribe didn't dare to say "no" in front of Midi.

After bypassing the labyrinth-like tunnels and passing through several phantom arrays, Midi came to that huge empty cave again soon.

And the Black Dragon Remnant Stele stood in the center of the cave as always, constantly exuding a mighty aura.

Without any hesitation, Midi walked directly to the side of the Black Dragon Stele.

Hawk, the chief of martial arts, is not from the Tarantula tribe, so he did not follow Midi to this place.

As for the patriarch of the tarantula who led the way, he was sent back directly by Midi.

In the entire cave, there is only Midi alone, no matter what he does, he is free.

Back then, when they first came to this cave, everyone including Alex could only choose to draw a little dragon's breath at the edge of the cave.

But now, Midi can freely sit beside the black dragon stele and absorb as much as he wants.

This is the change brought about by the difference in strength and status.

The stronger the person, the more and better resources he can obtain, so the strong becomes stronger and the weak becomes weaker.

However, at Midi's current level, relying on the thin dragon's breath of the tarantula, a small remnant monument, can no longer bring much improvement.

He came here this time mainly to find an unknown magic vein, and then activate the fragments of the Black Dragon Stone Tablet he brought out from the Crystal Dragon Castle.

After confirming with psychic power that there was no one else in the cave, Midi took out a stone about the length of an adult's forearm from the storage ring.

This one is bigger than the one he gave Verna, and it was also chiseled from the crystal dragon castle.

As soon as it was taken out of the storage ring, a brand new dragon's breath permeated from the fragment of the stele. Although it was weak, if you feel it carefully, there is indeed a subtle difference between it and the stele of the tarantula.

Midi didn't think much, and directly inserted the fragment next to the tarantula stele.

The next moment, sensing the dark magic power surging in the magic vein, the fragment immediately made a crisp sound, and began to greedily absorb the magic power from the magic vein.

At the same time, the originally thin dragon's breath in the air also instantly became thicker at this moment.

It was as if a large amount of honey was suddenly poured into a glass of clear water, which was sticky and even suffocating.

Midi immediately sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the dragon's breath.

"The stele of the Tarantula Tribe is the first type of dragon energy I have absorbed, and the one in the Crystal Dragon Castle is the second type of dragon energy. In addition, according to the owner of the Death Scorpion, the dragon stored in Menzoberranzan City The qi comes from three different black dragon steles, so when added together, there are five kinds of dragon qi in total."

After a long time, Midi stood up, then carefully took the fragment out of the magic vein, and put it back into the storage ring.

It's not that he is stingy, in fact, he has absorbed different types of dragon climates, so it doesn't matter if he keeps this fragment.

However, now that he knows the value of the Black Dragon Stele, Midi thinks it's better to take the fragments away.

Even if there is only a small Black Dragon Remnant Stele, it is already considered a treasure for the Tarantula Tribe.

As the saying goes, if a man is not guilty, but if he is pregnant, he is guilty. Once this black dragon stele is discovered, it will be a disaster for the Tarantula Tribe.

Therefore, he didn't want to add another danger to this danger.

Before, the reason why Midi took the initiative to destroy the Blue Snake Tribe and forced the Red Blood Bat to destroy the Water Spider Tribe, in fact, also had such thoughts in it.

Even if one day, the Black Dragon Stele of the Tarantula Tribe is really exposed, Midi also hopes that other people will at least be afraid and dare not take action against the Tarantula.

For Midi who came out of the tarantula tribe, this was all he could do for the tribe when he was still in Menzoberranzan.

Since the two parties have already developed a sense of alienation, even if they stay in the tribe, it will only make Midi feel dull.

After absorbing the second dragon energy, he left a certain amount of seventh-level potions for the Tarantula Tribe, and told Galantis for a while, without even taking a break, Midi took Hawke and other guards, and directly Embarked on the way back to Menzoberranzan City.

There is the most suitable stage for Midi today.

When Midi arrived in Menzoberranzan City, the news that the water spider tribe was wiped out by the red-blooded bats just came.

Since this incident had long been expected by Midi, he did not show any surprise at all, but tacitly, in his own name, directed his attention to Alec, the only remaining core disciple of the Red Blood Bat. Si, sent a few medicines.

The potion was only of the seventh rank, so it wasn't a particularly good product. However, through this potion, Midi also showed his attitude to the Patriarch of the Red Blood Bat.

In this Black Dragon Conference, he will not take the initiative to deal with Alex.

At this point, all the aftermath of the Crystal Dragon Castle trial has finally been resolved, at least on the surface.

In the next two weeks, Midi didn't feel complacent because of the favor received from the Death Scorpion family, and continued to practice as before.

Now, Midi already knows the true structure of the Black Dragon Conference.

Although Menzoberranzan City can be regarded as a relatively strong "urban force", there is a more powerful "temple force" above this "urban force".

This means that among the competitors that Midi will meet at the Black Dragon Conference next, there will inevitably be opponents who are stronger, higher in level, and older in blood than "King of Fighting" Thor.

If you take it lightly now and think you are strong, then when you meet the fighters of the temple, I am afraid that Midi will not even know how he died.

For four full months, from the moment he was teleported to the Underdark by "Choice of Destiny", Midi fought all the time.

After finally getting to this point today, with one foot finally stepping into the gravel of the Dragon Tooth Arena, how could he allow himself to relax at this moment?
It can even be said that the real battle has only just begun.

Because the most powerful group of geniuses in the entire Underdark region gathered in the Black Dragon Conference, such a conference is the most dangerous and difficult.

Just because she is very aware of this point, Midi is not willing to waste even a moment, but is practicing wholeheartedly.

"Great achievement at level 65!" Two weeks later, Midi's level finally increased again.

Although it was not as rapid as the one week in the Dragon Temple, the current Midi has a high status in the Death Scorpion, and he can go anywhere, even the top floor of the library tower. He has obtained quite a lot of alchemy formulas, and all of them are formulas of ninth- and tenth-tier potions.

Relying on these formulas, coupled with the unlimited resource support of the Death Scorpion, Midi raised her level from a small achievement of level 65 to a major achievement of level 65 in two weeks.

Now, it's time to head to the Dragonfang Arena.

As the largest city in the fourth layer of the Underdark, Menzoberranzan has seven places for "Black Dragon Fighters".

Death Scorpion's "Fighting King" Thor, a battle mage, peaked at level 67, with half a foot on the threshold of level 68. He was the undisputed No.1 in terms of level, and he was also the captain in name.

Share the dragon spirit, [-]%.

Midi, a ghost swordsman of the four lines, a level 65 master, the nominal vice-captain, is actually the most promising seed player, and gets [-]% of the dragon spirit.

Loki of the Scorpion of Death, an Ice Master, peak level 65, gets [-]% of the Dragon Qi.

Alex of the Red Blood Bat, Devil May Cry, peak level 65, gets [-]% of the dragon energy.

Rui Sen of the Flame Snake, fighter, peak level 64, gets [-]% of the Dragon Qi.

The above five people are all from the big families of the city council, and all of Longqi has been separatized.

The last two are the ghost swordsman Zaknafein from the small family, and the wandering gunman Mason. With the help of Midi, these two are now at the peak of level 64, and they can reach level 65 by one step. s level.

Of course, with their backgrounds, there is no way to get even a little bit of dragon energy.

However, for Zaknafein and Mason, becoming a real black dragon fighter is beyond their dreams, and it doesn't matter if they have dragon spirit or not.

The above seven people are the Black Dragon Warriors of Menzoberranzan City.

Next, under the leadership of the Patriarch of the Death Scorpion, they will travel long distances, pass through the cross-domain portal, and finally arrive at the location of the Dragon Tooth Arena.

The fifth floor of the Underdark.

(End of this chapter)

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