Arad's Sword

Chapter 511 The Arrival of the Blue Lake City Team

Chapter 511 The Arrival of the Blue Lake City Team

"Since the sparring is over, I'm going to rest first." Midi said lightly.

After sweeping out with one blow, he didn't even bother to look at the result, he just turned around and returned to the camp.

Hopkins really wanted to yell "Stop!", but looking at Midi's mysterious back, he couldn't yell out the words on his lips.

"Do you want to continue to compete?" Alex walked up and asked in a cold voice.

This feeling of being left behind by Midi is very bad, so Alex's complexion is also very bad.

However, if anyone had the worse complexion, it would of course be the people from Stormwind City.

"Of course we will continue to compete!" Hopkins said angrily. While calling for help for Mills who had fallen into a coma, he asked Faith to prepare for the game.

After the first round of sparring was like this, if they retreated without even a match in the second round, what would they do if they met people from Menzoberranzan again at the Black Dragon Conference?
Is it possible to admit defeat directly?
Even if they are gritting their teeth, this second game must be compared, because Stormwind City has reached a situation where it is difficult to get off a tiger, and it is a dilemma.

Moreover, in Hopkins' opinion, this Alex is obviously not as good as Meddy, because when Meddy called at random and walked out first, he didn't even dare to express his opinion at all, and could only let Meddy do whatever he wanted.

In addition, Alex is clearly the pinnacle of level 65, but the vice-captain is Midi, a master of level 65, which is enough to prove the level of the two.

Therefore, he believes that with Firth's 66-level achievement level, it is not difficult to defeat Alex.

Even if it's difficult, even if you show your trump card, you must win this duel!

Thinking of this, Hopkins silently gave Feith a "go all out" wink.

Of course, Hopkins' reasoning is very correct. In such a short meeting, it can be deduced from the details that Alex is not as good as Midi, which is quite remarkable.

Unfortunately, Hopkins forgot one of the most basic things.

Even if Alex is not as good as Midi, it's not something a kitten or dog can beat.

Moreover, as a psyker who is quite sensitive to emotions, Alex now clearly feels that he is underestimated.

The attitude of Stormwind City treating him like a persimmon and preparing to get a fight back from him made Alex feel extremely angry.

Therefore, the result of the next battle can be imagined.

Although Feith was indeed quite strong, in the face of Alex's relentless psychic powers, he didn't even survive two rounds, and passed out on the spot.


The leader of Stormwind City was already too terrified to speak.

How did things become like this?

Shouldn't it be that Stormwind City firmly grasped the initiative, and then tested all the opponent's cards?

Now, not to mention the hole cards, he didn't even see clearly what the opponent was using, so he just lost in a daze.

Moreover, he was still crushed and instantly killed.

After the two matches, the morale of Stormwind City fell to the lowest point.

As for Mills and Feith, it is even more unlucky. When the Black Dragon Conference starts three weeks later, it will be a question of whether they can recover to their peak condition.

"I didn't expect that Menzoberranzan City would be so strong this time."

"Although I haven't seen those newcomers last year, it seems that they are all strong people who are not easy to mess with."

"I really don't know where they found that human being. I remember that human beings should be a very weak race?"

"Humans are very weak, but how can a human being who can reach the fourth layer of the Underdark be weak?"

"Their fighter captain, that 'King of Fighters' Thor, hasn't made a move yet. I don't know how strong he will be."

The performance of Midi and Alex immediately attracted the attention of many other forces around them. All of a sudden, everyone turned their attention to it.

At the same time, many people regarded Midi and Alex as imaginary enemies, and immediately began to deduce the situation in the real battle.

However, Midi remained indifferent to these temptations and analysis.

The Menzoberranzan team did not intend to send their own personnel to test others.

Because currently on the field, there are not many teams worthy of a first-class force like Menzoberranzan City to test.

In the next few days, as teams from different cities gradually arrived at this cross-domain portal, there were more and more camps in the entire cave, and there were more and more exchanges and trials between them. .

Fortunately, this kind of discussion is also graded.

First-rate forces, second-rate forces, and third-rate forces all have their own circles, and they are clearly distinct from each other.

Second-rate powers dare not compete with first-rate forces. If first-rate forces seek out second-rate forces, it will be a complete drop in price.

Therefore, forces at different levels will only conduct internal testing.

There are relatively few first-class forces, and there are even fewer big cities like Menzoberranzan City.

Occasionally, a few short-sighted people challenged Midi by name, and the final result must be swept away by the black fire.

After a few times, Midi's reputation spread again, and no one challenged him anymore.

One is that there is no hole card to be tested, and the other is that the risk is too high. Being killed by the opponent with one blow can easily lead to low morale of the entire team, and the loser will even be devastated.

No one would do such a thankless task of boosting the prestige of others and destroying one's own morale.

So, soon, a delicate balance began to appear among the first-class forces.

However, when there were three days left before the cross-domain portal was activated, this balance was instantly broken.

A new team has entered here forcefully.

"Blue Lake City..." Looking at the team's coat of arms, Mason's expression became very complicated.

"Will they come to trouble you?" Midi asked from the side.

Hearing Midi's question, Mason froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile: "Zaknafein can betray Stormwind City, but if I want to betray Blue Lake City, I'm afraid I'll be shown to the public that day Yes. I am an abandoned traitor of Blue Lake City, not a traitor, and with the strength of Blue Lake City, they will never allow traitors to live."

"Blue Lake City is strong?" Midi frowned.

"Of course it is very strong." On the side, Thor interjected in a rare way, "It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest."

With the arrogance of the "King of Fighting", he actually admits that others are the strongest at this moment. This can only show that the strength of Blue Lake City is probably beyond imagination.

However, when she saw the fighters in Blue Lake City, Midi immediately understood.

"Look, that's the captain of the Blue Lake City fighters, Engman! He's already reached level 68, my God, it's level 68!" Many people exclaimed, and at the same time, when the Blue Lake City team entered the arena, one after another cheered. Make way.

Level 68, placed in Menzoberranzan City, is already at the same level as the Patriarch of the Red Blood Bat.

"However, their vice-captain doesn't seem too strong. Not only is she a woman, but her level is only 67." Some people also raised doubts, but this person was immediately ridiculed.

"What do you know? That Miss Lilian is a rare psychic user! Just one thought from her, and you will be killed directly!" Many people said in awe.

To a certain extent, their awe of that Lilian was probably even higher than that of Captain Engman.

Except for Captain Engman, who is level 68, and Vice Captain Lilian, who is a small success at level 67, most of the other fighters in Blue Lake City are between level 67 and 66, and only the last few are 65. class.

Of course, even if it is level 65, it is still the peak of level 65.

In addition, they had as many as ten Black Dragon Fighters, three more than Menzoberranzan's seven!

It can be said that if such a team of fighters goes out, it will not be a problem to destroy some second-rate and third-rate forces.

Because in those small cities, the strongest group of people are only at level 68 or 67, and in other factors such as background and blood, they must be much worse than these few fighters.

"I don't know if anything interesting will happen at the Black Dragon Conference this time." A slightly lazy voice sounded.

It was Lilian, the vice-captain of the Blue Lake City team, who was complaining.

This dark elf woman has a pair of azure blue crystal-like eyes, plus that long silver-white hair, a beautiful appearance, and a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, which can be said to be full of mysterious charm.

Coupled with the unique aura of psychic powers, Lilian has quite a group of supporters no matter where she goes.

Even the 68-level captain of Blue Lake City, Ingeman, kept his gaze on Lilian from time to time.

At this moment, when he heard the girl he was thinking about being coquettish, Engman suddenly smiled and replied: "I have already asked the guards to collect information. In the past few days, these different forces must have fought many times. Now, who is strong and who is weak is probably separated, and when the time comes, let's find the strongest ones and take a look."

Of course, with Engelman's level 68, although it is only a small achievement of level 68, it is very different from other fighters.

He definitely wouldn't go off to play some temptations in person, it would be too cheap to do so.

However, Engman was not the only one in Blue Lake City, so he could naturally let other lower-level fighters make a move, which was called a match-up. In fact, it was just to have some fun for Lilian.

Not long after, the camp in Blue Lake City had just been set up, and the guards who went out to collect information brought back news.

"So fast?" Engelman couldn't help being a little surprised.

Nowadays, there are so many and intricate forces on the cross-domain portal. Engman thought that it would take at least several hours for the guards to find something interesting. Unexpectedly, they all came back in less than half an hour.

Moreover, the news brought back by these guards all pointed to the same team.

Menzoberranzan Gladiators!

It is said that this year, their momentum is extremely strong, and there is even a foreign fighter among them. Every time they compete with each other, they win with one move!
"Interesting, hurry up, let's go and see, which race of fighters is so powerful!" Lilian's pair of azure blue eyes suddenly radiated excitement.

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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