Arad's Sword

Chapter 518

Chapter 518
What Midi is facing now is a level 68 powerhouse.

And behind this strong man, there is the "Ice Queen" Katerina sitting in charge.

But now, he directly threatened to kill this level 68 powerhouse and take her dragon energy.

There is no doubt that this is a naked provocation to Katerina.

It can even be said that it is a kind of arrogance that does not know the heights of the sky and the earth.

When hearing these words, most people looked at Midi as if they were looking at a dead person.

And the "Ice Queen" Katerina herself had a real murderous intent on her delicate and fair face.

"Sherry, I've changed my mind. I just wanted to be merciful and let this person exit, but now, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, you can just kill this human being." Katerina's frosty voice, on the third The arena rang.

"Follow your will." Xie Li replied immediately, and at the same time, threw the "Sound Devouring Bead" into the air.

In an instant, this alchemy-made treasure flew into the sky, covering the entire arena like an eye.

Ordinary "Sound Devouring Beads" will open a barrier of silence, but it will eventually be broken.

After all, if there is restraint, there will be backlash. Every time the silenced person resists, the power of the "Sound Devouring Orb" will be weakened until it finally shatters.

But this "sound-eating bead" in the eastern temple is a bit special, because it only silences one sentence.

In other words, after this "sound-eating bead" is activated, all dialogue and communication can proceed as usual, and only when someone wants to say "admit defeat" or the like, will they be silenced.

This kind of restriction makes this "sound-eating bead" useless most of the time.

However, this also makes it extremely targeted at "admitting defeat", and it is almost impossible to break through.

With this "Sound Devouring Orb", Xie Li didn't need to kill Midi before he gave up, but could slowly torture her opponent completely according to her own wishes.

However, Midi sneered when he saw this "sound-eating bead".

If given a choice, Midi would definitely not choose to offend a son of a dragon at this time.

The strength gap between the two parties is too great. To do so is completely inconsistent with the normal step-by-step process, and it can even be said to cause endless troubles.

However, when the other party came to the door and put forward such an overbearing and unreasonable condition of "exit", it was doomed that there was no room for maneuver between the two parties.

In other words, Katerina, who is used to saying what she says, has never thought of leaving any room for others.

That being the case, Katerina would be offended anyway, so Midi might as well just let go and offend Katerina thoroughly!
He is now at the peak of level 65, stuck at the bottleneck and unable to break through, why not just use this level 68 freezer as a whetstone to help him advance!

Although the opponent's level and bloodline are indeed dreadful, the so-called whetstone must be a bit hard to be suitable?

"Come to fight!" Midi shouted loudly, and a violent black iron dragon flame rolled up all over her body.

"Hmph, it's just a small skill." Xie Li sneered, and when she raised her hand, a storm of ice and snow completely covered the entire arena in an instant!
Midi has also encountered many ice masters before.

For example, the slave-fighter "Ice Hand" of the Tarantula tribe.

Brothers Uday and Uerhan at the bonfire party. Although the latter is a battle mage, he is also quite powerful in the use of ice master skills.

But compared to Shelly, those ice masters can only be described as pediatrics.

What the ice master is best at is not throwing large pieces of ice and snow to hit people, but controlling the whole field.

Xie Li is an ice master who has used control to the extreme.

In Shelly's view, the most threatening thing about Midi is the teleportation skill.

Especially for legal professions, teleportation can be said to be a deadly threat, the distance between the two sides loses its meaning, and Midi can cut into the inner circle at any time to launch a personal attack.

Therefore, as soon as she came up, she directly used the special secret book "Death Glacier" that only the blood of the ice dragon possessed.

As soon as the glacier came out, it immediately enveloped the audience.

In this way, Midi, who was contaminated by ice chips, would not only lose speed, but also had to use his strength to resist the cold erosion of the glacier.

What's more, as long as the area is covered by glaciers, Shelly can sense it, no matter where Midi moves instantly, even if it is several meters away from the ground, she can sense it immediately.

It can be said that once the glacier of death emerges, no one can hide their whereabouts.

Then, Shelly immediately placed three layers of shields all over her body. Each layer of shields was made of layers of ice, and together, it was like an impeccable frost castle.

Even if several 68-level berserkers attack together, the defense of this shield cannot be broken in a short time.

Midi is just a level 65 ghost swordsman, and Shelly doesn't believe that he can get this multi-layered ice shield at all.

The layout of control and defense was completed in an instant, and a bright cold light gathered in Xie Li's hands, ready to launch an attack.

Generally, the attacks of ice masters are mostly ice dragon dance, and the extreme ice bloom is a large-scale attack skill. Through face-to-face strikes, even fast opponents cannot dodge.

However, Shelly's attack style is different.

What she uses is an unpopular skill, Bow of Ice Soul!

After using this skill, the Ice Master will have an extra longbow that is completely condensed with its own magic power, and then shoot a series of ice arrows.

This is a one-point strike skill. Although a single target attack is more powerful, it is not easy to aim after all. Once it misses, the gain outweighs the gain, so not many people use it.

But for Shelly, there is no such problem.

The existence of the death glacier made it possible for her to easily grasp every detail of the entire arena without even opening her eyes.

Even for an opponent like Midi who is extremely fast and has the ability to teleport, she is confident enough to hit it accurately.

That being the case, it is natural to use the "Ice Soul Bow" with higher attack power, and there is no need for the large-scale attack skills that seem to be huge and are not practical.

In fact, Shelly has already thought about it, as long as Midi teleports over to chop her ice shield, she will immediately shoot five arrows.

At this almost zero distance, the power of the Ice Soul Bow is definitely not something that a level 65 ghost swordsman can avoid or block.

Even if Midi can use teleportation continuously, she can instantly determine the opponent's position, and continue to attack continuously until the human being is nailed to death on the arena with a rain of arrows!

But soon, Shelly discovered that Midi didn't use teleportation at all.

Under the shadow of this death glacier, on this icy and snowy arena, Midi is walking towards Shelly step by step!

Just like this, step by step, come over!
"This guy..." For a moment, both Xie Li and the other fighters were stunned.

Once a normal person is shrouded in the severe cold of the death glacier, the most direct reaction is to evade, and then close the distance with the ice master as much as possible, and then launch a mad attack.

Even if Xie Li was covered with layers of ice shields, she still had only one option to attack.

Attacked, at least there is a chance to break through the ice shield, and then win.

But if you don't attack, isn't it waiting to die?

What is it that walks directly through the death glacier like this?
Among them, is there any hidden killer move?
Shelly couldn't figure out what Midi wanted to do, but soon, she gave up this idea and launched an attack directly.

This is the best way to deal with it, rather than speculation.

In an instant, streaks of pure white light flew across the sky and shot straight at Midi!That is the brilliance of the magic ice arrows formed by the Bow of Ice Soul, each of which is powerful enough to pierce through the heavy armored warships in the Star Ocean!

Facing the oncoming ice arrow full of murderous intent, Midi did not dodge or dodge, and the Horned King Sword in his hand whizzed towards it.

In an instant, the black iron dragon flame collided with the bright ice, creating a frenzied storm!

A level 68 ice master still has the blood of the ice dragon in his body, coupled with the penetrating power of the ice soul bow, after a series of continuous shots, Midi only felt suffocated for a while.

Even if he now possesses the True Dragon Dual Art, the gap between the two sides still cannot be ignored.

However, after blocking this series of attacks, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth.

Although the Frostbolt's power was strong, it was within his expectations.

In the final analysis, the Ice Master is a profession that focuses on control.

The first thing Xie Li used was the defensive skills "Death Glacier" and "Ice Shield", and she finally started to prepare for the attack. In fact, she had already exposed the deep-rooted fighting ideas in her heart.

That is, defense is the main thing, and attack is the second.

Since the attack is only an auxiliary and a secondary means, it is naturally impossible to be too powerful.

On the contrary, for Midi at level 65, it can even be said to be just right.

If at this moment, Midi is facing a level 68 berserker with some special bloodline, then his only choice is to play all his hole cards in an instant and try to kill this berserker in seconds.

Because if he couldn't drop in seconds, he would be dropped in seconds by the berserker's terrifying attack.

But now, he was facing a level 68 Icicle Master, who was still inclined towards defense and control.

In the end, after personally receiving the opponent's attack, Midi proved this point even more.

Therefore, Midi has nothing to fear.

It seems that this ice master named Shelly has taken the initiative, but in fact, with her current attack strength, she can't pose a substantial threat to Midi at all.

On the contrary, Midi wants to take advantage of this opportunity to make good use of the opponent's "Bow of Ice Soul" to sharpen himself and strive for a breakthrough!

This is the best sharpening stone.

Strong enough and durable enough.

Moreover, Midi was given enough time.

(End of this chapter)

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