Arad's Sword

Chapter 531 True Dragon Fighter

Chapter 531 True Dragon Fighter
Finally, when the Black Dragon Conference entered its fourth week, other dragon tooth tokens were born one after another.

The second dragon tooth token was obtained by "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari.

One of the characteristics of a summoner is that he can use different summoned beasts according to different battle situations, and he can restrain his opponent every time.

With this feature, Immutisari won most of the battles with ease, and even won a generous reward from the giant dragon phantom, so the speed of forming dragon tooth tokens was second only to Odin.

The third Dragon Tooth Token was obtained by "Iron Wall King" Shi Gefen.

This person is a black dragon knight, and his defensive power and sense of oppression are stronger than that of a paladin. Although his attack power and speed are relatively weak, his victory lies in his stability.

There was a saying in the Black Dragon Conference this time, be sure to be overtaken by Bie Shigefen, if you are overtaken, there will be no more.

Relying on this steady speed, Shi Gefen got the third dragon tooth token.

The fourth dragon tooth token was obtained by Midi.

Although Midi only started with a silver token at the beginning, but after steadily obtaining the silver tokens from the Eastern Temple along the way, and taking a considerable amount of dragon energy from the "Ice Queen" Katerina, Midi The speed of gathering dragon energy is actually faster than the other sons of the dragon.

It can be said that he has been chasing several other Dragon Sons.

Of course, in fact, with the current time, no one can catch up with Midi, but the dragon phantom later gave Midi a reward called "Defeating the Son of the Dragon".

The amount of dragon gas rewarded in this reward was huge, which made Midi jump from the state at the end of the crane to become the fourth fighter to receive a dragon gas token.

And the "King of Slaughter" Ivanov, because of his murderous nature, was punished by the phantom of the dragon, and he was overtaken by Midi, and the last one formed the dragon tooth token.

As for the "Ice Queen" Katerina, after being defeated by Midi, she has been out of shape.

Although she managed to barely keep the record of complete victory, it was a pity that the victory was not beautiful, and therefore, she did not get the reward of the dragon phantom.

When the five Dragon Tooth Tokens were produced one by one, what the "Ice Queen" finally got was only a quasi-Dragon Tooth Token.

It can be said that she is the first son of a dragon who has been squeezed out of the top five since the millennium.

Because of this, not only the proud Katerina herself, but also the Lord of the Eastern Temple, after the fifth Dragon Tooth Token was produced, their faces were quite ugly, and they couldn't even hide it.

However, compared to the opening of the Dark Dragon City, the embarrassment of the Eastern Temple can only be regarded as a small episode.

"Five Dragon Tooth Tokens have been produced! Now, the quota for transforming from Black Dragon Fighter to True Dragon Fighter is determined!"

Overlooking the Dragon Tooth Arena, the phantom of the giant dragon high above nodded in satisfaction. Then, its huge pair of wings suddenly flapped.

Immediately, a gust of extremely hot wind roared across the entire Dragon Tooth Arena.

Under the action of this hot wind, the dragon energy tokens in the black dragon fighters immediately reacted.

Painful groans sounded one after another, which was caused by the broken tokens in the bodies of the black dragon fighters.

But at the same time, when most people felt this severe pain, the top [-] black dragon fighters were pleasantly surprised to find that the dragon energy in their bodies was constantly growing!
The dragon energy of the next four hundred people was directly drawn out by the giant dragon phantom, and then redistributed to the hands of the top one hundred people.

And the top [-] Dragon Qi Tokens, after being blown by the hot wind, directly became real objects!

Originally, these dragon energy tokens were just the manifestation of dragon energy in the fighters' bodies.

But now, they are chunks of actual objects that can be held in the hand.

This is "transformation".

This means that these one hundred black dragon fighters have become "true dragon fighters" and have obtained the qualification to enter the Dark Dragon City.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the field became extremely complicated.

There is pain, there is sigh, there is jealousy, there is envy, there is regret, and there is unwillingness.

But at the same time, there are also surprises, excitement, pride, pride, and ambition.

And the various states of the world reflect the only iron rule in the Underdark Region.

Roads and opportunities always belong to the real strong!
Among the hundred people, Midi couldn't help sighing slightly after seeing them.

Zaknafein, Ruisen, and Mason, all three of them lost the election.

However, this is to be expected.

After all, when they came to the Black Dragon Conference, they were all at the peak of level 64. Even if they break through to level 65 during the conference, they are still only the bottom group of people in this gathering of heroes.

There are strong fighters at level 66 and 67 here, and among the fighters at the peak of level 65, there are also many fighters with powerful bloodlines.

As long as you face any of these people, you will easily lose.

And once defeated, one-third of the dragon energy will be taken away, and it will be very difficult to make a comeback.

It was not easy for the three of them to get here.

Of course, Thor, the "King of Fighters", and Alex, both became true dragon fighters.

Together with Midi, Menzoberranzan City is shortlisted this time.

In the past few hundred years, this can be regarded as the best record of Menzoberranzan City.

You know, even if it is Blue Lake City, the largest city in the eastern region, only Engman, Lehman, and Lilian are shortlisted this time.

As for the second-rate and third-rate urban forces, most of them were wiped out by the entire army, and there was not even a single person left behind.

Looking at the overall situation, fully [-]% of the [-] true dragon fighters are from the five great temples.

Each of these temple forces has ten quotas, and each fighter has a very high level.

Even if some of them were eliminated, it was only the last two or three at most.

Midi thoughtfully counted, this time, there are exactly 40 real dragon fighters belonging to the five great temples!
Among them, in the Eastern Temple alone, seven people were successfully promoted.

As for the central temple, all ten fighters have become real dragon fighters!
Originally, the "King of Thunder" Odin was unbelievably strong, reaching a terrifying level of 70.

Now, he still has nine strong men under his command!
Among the hundred true dragon fighters, this is the most powerful force, and no one can fight against it.

"I don't know, what kind of trials and tests will us real dragon fighters face in this dark dragon city." Midi couldn't help but whispered to himself.

If it still takes the form of competition like the Black Dragon Conference, it doesn't matter if there are more or less people, just wait to play.

However, thinking of the "resource war" in the Sombra Forest in the Crystal Dragon Castle, Midi felt that the trials in the Dark Dragon City would never be a simple competition like the Black Dragon Conference.

A hundred true dragon fighters stood out, and while everyone was observing the distribution of forces, the five arenas began to move slowly.

While moving, circles of rippling light continued to radiate from the arena.

All the black dragon fighters whose dragon spirit tokens had been broken were immediately teleported out of the arena as soon as they touched the light, and directly sent to the camp on the stands.

But the real dragon fighters, when they touched this light, felt comfortable all over their bodies, and all the fatigue and hidden wounds from continuous fighting for many days were instantly wiped away.

Finally, the five arenas, each with a size of one square kilometer, were joined together to form a whole.

"The selection of true dragon fighters has been completed, and the Dark Dragon City is now open!"

The voice of the giant dragon phantom sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, he actually began to chant an extremely lengthy mantra in the obscure and ancient dragon language!

Amidst the chanting of the incantation, the dark magic power in the center of the entire Dragon Tooth Arena suddenly began to boil violently.

A huge and incomparably teleportation circle, gradually awakened in this boiling magic power.

Cross domain portal!

Looking at the continuously spreading light under her feet, Midi was taken aback.

He didn't expect that the place where he fought for a month turned out to be a cross-domain portal, and the scale of this portal even far exceeded the one in the eastern region!
Without waiting for Midi to think about it, the cross-domain portal has been activated.

After a long spin, Midi finally confirmed that her feet were indeed stepping on the hard ground.

A huge black shadow unfolded in front of Midi.

It is not a castle, nor is it a tall tower, but a colossus composed of castles, towers, buildings, and towering walls.

It was a real city!

Dark Dragon City!

However, before he had time to appreciate and appreciate the magnificence of the Dark Dragon City, Midi's whole body immediately tensed up to the extreme!

All around him, the black iron dragon flames suddenly rose, and a deep blue surged in his eyes, obviously directly entering the fighting state!
Because Midi felt an aura that he was all too familiar with, but also the most dreaded!

The sulfurous breath that is unique to the flames of hell from the devil world!
how can that be!

Midi was terrified.

Could it be that this Dark Dragon City is actually in the Demon Realm?
No wonder, to use such a large cross-domain portal!
For Midi, this sulfur breath is simply the most deadly poisonous gas.

The reason why he came to this dark region, and the reason why he wanted to enter the Dark Dragon City, was to become a real strong man as soon as possible, so as to defeat the demonic earls and marquises summoned by the order of death. , Duke and other strong people's purpose.

But now, after working so hard for so long, he unexpectedly crashed into the Demon Realm, isn't this courting death?
Compared with the demons, what are the dark elves?What is that arrogant East Palace Master?
They are nothing!

And Midi, who can't even defeat the Lord of the East Palace, is afraid that in front of these high-ranking demon lords, he can only be regarded as an ant that can be easily crushed to death!

(End of this chapter)

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