Arad's Sword

Chapter 533 Nine Great Dragon Qis

Chapter 533 Nine Great Dragon Qis
Under the explanation of the wisdom dragon, the mysterious veil of the Dark Dragon City was finally gradually unveiled in front of the true dragon fighters.

To put it simply, this Dark Dragon City is a checkpoint left by the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

It is located at the bottom of the Underdark, on the sixth floor, guarding the passage between the Demon Realm and the Underdark.

Just like the "Azure Rock Seventeenth Palace" guarded by Segerhardt, the lord of the City of Light.

At the beginning, Midi spent a lot of trouble in order to open the passage between the continent of Arad and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

However, in the end, Midi also got a white crystal pool of dragon blood, and used it to perform an extraordinary awakening, and since then, he has obtained the blood of the real dragon.

Looking back now, that extraordinary awakening can be said to be the first step for Midi to truly embark on the road of being a strong man.

But at this moment, Midi actually came to the city built by the Tyrannosaurus King Bacal again. This is not so much a coincidence as it is more like fate.

Especially under the effect of "choice of fate", this feeling becomes more and more obvious.

However, this time, Midi did not come to attack, but to defend.

Although the Demon Realm is connected to the Underdark Region, most of the time, there is an extremely thick layer of dimensional walls between the two dimensions, making it difficult for demons to enter the Underdark Region.

Even if a few sneak in occasionally, with the strength of the Dark Dragon City, they can be easily killed.

But every five years, there is a period of time when the frequency of fluctuations between the two dimensions tends to be consistent.

In this case, the resistance of the Dimensional Wall will drop to the bottom, which is the best time for the demons to invade the Underdark.

At that time, demons will swarm in, not only including some high-level demon lords, but also may form an army of demons.

No matter how powerful the Dark Dragon City is, it cannot move, and its deterrent range is limited. Once it is bypassed, it will appear very passive.

For this reason, in order to deal with this kind of "demon offensive" that appears regularly, the Dark Dragon City will hold a Black Dragon Conference every five years, and select enough powerful true dragon fighters to station in the Dark Dragon City to help defense.

This is why this place is called the "Devil's Frontline".

The so-called "Dark Dragon City Trial" is actually an offensive and defensive battle with demons.

As long as you survive the dimensional resonance period and repel the tide of demons, you can continue to accumulate military exploits, and then exchange them for powerful treasures, equipment, props, skills, inheritance, etc.

Battlefields, exploits, and defensive battles relying on the Dark Dragon City.

These factors can be said to be extremely beneficial to Midi.

Compared to other true dragon fighters who have nothing but physical strength, Midi is a real commander, and he is also the top one.

If the Dark Dragon City can provide enough troops, he doesn't even need to take action himself, just by strategizing, he will be able to obtain massive feats that other true dragon fighters cannot match.

It can be said that in this "devil's front line", Midi is like a fish in water.

It's just that Midi suddenly felt a headache when he thought of the death order in his body.

This death hunting order was issued by the supreme powerhouse in the demon world, the second apostle "Tear Eyes" Herder himself.

Once it is activated, it can completely ignore the dimensional barrier and directly teleport the high-level demon lord to the vicinity of Midi.

Originally, the activation time required for this death pursuit order was one year.

However, that refers to the situation away from the demon world.

Now, Midi is in the "Frontline of Demons" on the sixth floor of the Underdark. Next, he will fight against the army of demons. If you want to know it with your toes, he might be immersed in the pungent sulfur breath every day. .

In this environment, when the death hunting order will be activated suddenly becomes an unpredictable unknown.

In other words, there is a big bomb in Midi's body, but when it will explode, even the bomb itself may not be very clear.

Dark Dragon City, is this a huge opportunity, or is it a place of death?
Midi couldn't help asking herself this question.

But soon, he shook his head and shook the question out of his mind.

Because he has no choice.

If he had known the situation in the Underdark region from the beginning when he stepped into the portal of "Choice of Destiny" half a year ago, maybe he would have made a different choice.

But now my own people are already in the Dark Dragon City, and half a year has passed.

If you look back at this time, the only result is to give up all your previous efforts!

No, you don't even need to look back, as long as you have the thought of retreating in your heart, you will fall into the quagmire of stagnation.

Now that he has come to the front line of the devil, the only thing Midi can do, the only thing to do, is to accumulate meritorious deeds, and then continue to become stronger!
That's it.

And when Midi made up his mind, the explanation of the Dragon of Wisdom finally came to an end.

"There is still about a week before the Dimensional Wall falls into a trough. During this week, you should try your best to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment. After a week, that old guy, Dragon of Strength, will personally issue orders to you. At that time, Dark Dragon City It will also enter a wartime state, disobedient, die!"

The Dragon of Wisdom said, in the tone of voice, there was an air of iron and blood that Midi was very familiar with.

This is the smoke of the coming war, the smell that Midi is most familiar with in her past and present lives.

Walking out of the Dragon God Hall—Midi and the others now know that this temple is called the Temple of Wisdom—the true dragon fighters are all lost in thought.

The words of the Dragon of Wisdom directly pointed out the current status quo.

To put it simply, the war is imminent.

In such a big battle, how to survive and earn merits is the biggest test for these true dragon fighters.

Even a strong man like the "Thunder King" Odin couldn't help but bury his head in deep thought.

After all, even though he has reached level 70, in the Demon Realm, this level is not enough.

Randomly come out a devil viscount, that is level 70.

Moreover, the demon's racial talent and bloodline strength already had an overwhelming advantage in the same level, even against Odin's "Blood Dragon Bloodline", it would definitely not give way.

How to deal with such an opponent?
Even Odin couldn't find the answer for a while.

Compared with these real dragon fighters, Midi's heart is much calmer.

Leaving aside the deadly issue of the death warrant, war is what Midi is most familiar with.

"In short, let's take a look at the defense system of this dark dragon city." Midi quickly made a decision.

Stepping into the streets of Dark Dragon City, Midi walked around several areas.

Soon, he discovered that in this huge and incomparably huge city, apart from the three giant dragons of the Dragon Temple, the "Dragon of Wisdom", "The Dragon of Power" and the "Dragon of Inheritance", there was not a single one of them. Creatures exist!
Various defensive facilities, alchemy workshops, etc., are all maintained and operated by alchemy puppets.

At the beginning, the mechanical centaur that Midi and the others saw was the most common guard puppet in the city, and besides that, there were many different types of alchemy puppets taking care of the city.

It can be said that this is completely a puppet city.

Midi immediately thought of the "resource war" in Crystal Dragon Castle.

It seems that when the war with the demons starts, the army that they, the true dragon fighters, will command will also be composed of puppets.

"Let's go and see what we can exchange for meritorious deeds." After walking around, Midi returned to the central square again.

Through the explanation of the dragon of wisdom, he already knew that the three dragon temples corresponded to three giant dragons.

The largest in the center is the Temple of Wisdom, and the manager is the Dragon of Wisdom, who is in charge of the overall situation.

On the left is the Temple of Power, and its manager is the Dragon of Power, that is, the phantom of the giant dragon that was transformed from the Black Dragon Conference.

In the ensuing war, this giant dragon will be the supreme commander of all true dragon fighters.

On the right side is the Temple of Inheritance, the manager is the Dragon of Inheritance, and all meritorious deeds are exchanged here.

Without hesitation, Midi directly entered the inheritance temple.

Of course, with his current status, it is naturally impossible to see the Dragon of Inheritance located deep in the temple, but Midi can see a list of exchanges on the first floor of the Temple of Inheritance.

The moment the exchange list was opened, a voice full of mechanical texture immediately rang in Midi's ears.

"Activate the redemption list for the first time, retrieve the user's dragon energy value, the results are as follows—"

Earth Dragon Qi 210 points.

Water dragon gas 180 points.

Fenglongqi 410 points.

Fire Dragon Qi 150 points.

Light Dragon Qi 0 points.

Dark Dragon Qi 50 points.

Phantom Dragon Qi 0 points.

Dragon Qi Fragment 0 points.

True Dragon Qi 0 points.

Total: 1000 points.

"There are actually nine types of dragon energy?" Midi was slightly taken aback.

However, when he saw these nine different values, he finally understood what the Black Dragon Priest Verna meant when she said that "Dragon Qi requires not only the quantity, but also the type".

At the beginning, Midi absorbed the first type of dragon energy from the stone tablet of the Tarantula Tribe, and obtained the second type of dragon energy from the Crystal Dragon Castle, and the dragon energy distributed to Menzoberranzan came from three different stone tablets. , together, there are five dragon spirits.

Now, the dragon aura possessed by Midi on this list happens to correspond to five of them.

It seems that the dragon energy absorbed at the Black Dragon Conference seems to be absorbed from the opponent, but in fact, there is no increase in any type. It can only be said that this Black Dragon Conference will only change the amount of dragon energy, not the actual amount. It is necessary to transfer other people's dragon energy to Midi's side.

Therefore, the dragon energy at hand is probably all the resources that Midi, the "Dragon Tooth Token", possesses.

1000 points of Dragon Qi, five different types.

However, there is no explanation on how much each type of dragon energy is worth.

For example, the amount of dark dragon energy is so small, only 50 points, is it because its value is rare, or is it just that Midi doesn't absorb much?
"Anyway, let's see what we can exchange." Midi thought to herself, and looked at the exchange list.

(End of this chapter)

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