Arad's Sword

Chapter 536

Chapter 536
"Thor, Alex, you two, one is level 67 and the other is only level 66, and you still want to resist the Eastern Temple? Surrender immediately and obey my command, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Katerina said coldly Said loudly.

As long as these two people are subdued, they can get quite a lot of information about Midi, and even drive them to act as cannon fodder to bite Midi in turn.

This "Ice Queen" already had a plan in mind.

"Hmph, instead of looking for Midi, you vent your anger on me instead. Does this mean I'm not as good as that kid Midi?"

Thor's eyes were burning with anger.

"At this point, the most important thing is to tear a breakthrough first."

In Alex's eyes, a ray of blue light flickered slightly, obviously ready to use his trump card.

Seeing that the two were going to do their best, Katerina sneered slightly, and in the palm of her hand, two ice dragons had already taken shape.

But at this moment, a vast and majestic aura descended from the sky, like a mountain, directly pressing down.

The aura of destruction came so quickly and without warning, the fighters of the eastern temple didn't even have time to dodge, they were hit immediately, and flew out one after another.

In the center of the battle field between the two sides, there is a huge prototype crater.

Midi stood in the center of the crater, like a god of war descending from the sky.

"Midi Athlex!" Katerina yelled out the name through gritted teeth.

The two ice dragons beside them roared at the same time, feeling the anger from their master.

"Katerina, do you still want to let these seven fighters live?"

Midi directly chose to ignore the dragon's son's anger. He smiled, glanced at the Eastern Temple fighters who had been knocked about by the blow just now, and finally gave Katerina a meaningful look.

"You..." Katerina was about to make a move, but hesitated at this moment.

These seven fighters were now hit by Midi, and several of them were seriously injured.

Once Katerina really fights with Midi, they will surely die.

The remaining few people are afraid that they will also be murdered by Thor and Alex.

With just one blow, Midi directly reversed the situation.

The Ice Queen regarded the two fighters in Menzoberranzan as his weakness, but it wasn't until now that Katerina realized that her own men were not his weaknesses.

"Choose, let us leave, or you die here." Midi said calmly.

This arrogant tone angered Katerina again.

But as the son of the dragon, it is impossible for the Ice Queen to lose her mind just because of Midi's words. Although she is full of anger, at this moment, she has no choice.

Without seven high-level true dragon fighters as helpers, even if she herself is a level 69 powerhouse, she can't do much in this dark dragon city.

Therefore, the only thing Katerina can do is to back down.

"Don't think it's over, Midi... Even if I can't do anything to you for the time being, they are still waiting!"

Looking at the backs of Midi and the other two going away, Katerina said to herself coldly.

At the same time, the two people who were rescued by Midi did not show any happy expressions.

After all, the three of them have been in a state of fierce competition for a long time.

Now just because Midi made a shot once, it is impossible for Thor and Alex, two arrogant guys, to feel grateful.

"We can handle the scene just now."

Thor glanced at Midi with complicated eyes, and said coldly.

"I know you can handle it, and I don't want to show you favors on purpose. To be honest, I really want to see what you will look like after the dragon's blood is activated, but it's definitely not now."

Midi replied lightly.

"Is it possible that you want us to be with you?"

Aside, Alex seemed to think of something.

"Those demons are much stronger than I imagined. They are definitely not something that a single true dragon fighter can deal with, even with the help of a golem army. Team combat is imperative."

Midi said straight to the point.

Although there are many conflicts between the two parties, in the final analysis, they are all robbing resources.

Now, if cooperation can make everyone survive more safely and obtain more resources, then there is nothing unreasonable in forming an alliance.

Although Thor and Alex are proud, they are completely different from the unreasonable and even prejudiced "Ice Queen".

Sure enough, after hearing Midi's words, although the two didn't immediately agree, they didn't mean to refuse, but each fell into deep thought.

The three of them moved forward like this, passed through half of the Dark Dragon City, and came to the central square again.

Midi didn't intend to force the two of them to give an answer first, but it seemed that he was very impatient.

He intends to say goodbye to the two of them first, and then go to the Dragon Temple of Inheritance to see if he can use the existing dragon energy to match a configuration that can restrain the demon army to the greatest extent.

However, as soon as she stepped into the central square, Midi immediately noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Aside, Thor and Alex, who were in deep thought, also came back to their senses.

The next moment, a tall figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"Your boy, is it Midi Asrex?"

A deep, hostile voice sounded slowly, like the friction of metal gears, making people feel uncomfortable and creepy.

And the owner of this voice is none other than "King of Slaughter" Ivanov.

Although he was a dark elf, the tyrannosaurus blood in Ivanov's body made his figure soar and his muscles became extremely developed. It seemed that he was taller and burly than a dragon man.

Not only that, but his eyes and hair were as red as blood.

Just being looked at by those blood-red eyes makes one feel like being drowned in a pool of blood.

At the previous Black Dragon Conference, several black dragon knights known for their defensive power were directly smashed into flesh by this "King of Slaughter" with a huge sword, which shows how powerful their attack power is.

If Midi had faced the "King of Slaughter" instead of the "Ice Queen", I am afraid that there would be no room at all, and he could use his opponent as a whetstone.

But now, Midi has reached level 67, and with his flying skills, even if he can't beat Ivanov, he can still choose to escape.

It's just that he still doesn't quite understand why this person would suddenly find him.

Could it be that she was instigated by Katerina?

Thinking of this, Midi's heart sank slightly.

Then, he cautiously scanned the surroundings with psionic energy.

With this scan, Midi immediately discovered that besides the "King of Slaughter" in front of him, there were actually two extremely powerful auras lurking in the left and right rears!

If you want to know with your toes, it must be the "Queen of Beasts" and "King of the Iron Wall"!
The sons of the three dragons joined forces to besiege at this point in time. Even Midi immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level at this moment.

Especially the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari, not only ranked second among true dragon fighters, but also a summoner.

Having become lovers with the "Witch of the Mist" Alice, Midi naturally knows nothing more than the ability of a powerful summoner.

Even if Midi has "Sky Dragon Strike", opponents like "Queen of Beasts" can easily be restrained.

She can't fly by herself, but it doesn't mean she can't summon a summoned beast that can fly.

In other words, even if Midi wants to escape now, he may not be able to do so.

Surrounded by heavy siege, the string in Midi's heart was stretched to the tightest, but his expression was as calm as ever.

He fixed a glance at the tall and burly "King of Slaughter" Ivanov in front of him, and then said lightly: "I am Midi Asrex, the only human being in the Dark Dragon City. Knowing the three sons of the dragon, what is your business with me?"

"Huh?" Ivanov's blood-colored pupils shrank slightly.

As soon as Midi opened his mouth, he said "the three sons of the dragon", which meant that he had already discovered the ambush of the other two.

When was it discovered?

Could it be that it was before Midi entered the ambush circle?

If that's the case, it means that Midi walked into the ambush circle of these three people on purpose, obviously without any fear.

Thinking of this, the "King of Slaughter", who has always been bloodthirsty, couldn't help showing a trace of fear in his eyes.

He is indeed bloodthirsty and likes to kill his opponents, but this does not mean that he has no IQ.

If the "King of Slaughter" is just a rabid dog that likes to bite, how could it be possible to pass all the way and finally become a son of the dragon?

Seeing that Ivanov was afraid, Midi knew that her strategy had worked.

He showed a calm smile, and then shouted loudly: "Aren't the other two coming out to meet me?"

The sound was like rolling thunder, sweeping across half of the Dark Dragon City in an instant.

Moreover, there is even a hint of provocation in it.

Faced with this shout, the "Queen of Beasts" and "King of the Iron Wall" really couldn't sit still.

"Hmph, you human being is quite good at sensing." A voice as deep as gold and iron sounded.

The next moment, with a dull sound, a huge shadow jumped up from a certain street, leaped hundreds of meters away, and landed heavily on an open space 30 meters away from Midi. Like a steel cannonball falling from the sky.

In an instant, the open space collapsed directly.

This person is the "King of the Iron Wall" Shi Gefen.

At the same time, a crisp chirping sounded, and then, a large black bird soared into the sky from its hiding place, carrying a female dark elf wearing an exquisite robe and holding a gem staff on its back.

"Hehe, I don't know, is it my mount that flies fast, or your flying skills?" The woman said with an arrogant smile.

The big black bird is a legendary bird of prey called the Obsidian Roc. It flies extremely fast and can burn the magic power of its prey. It can be said to be an extremely terrifying monster.

And the one who can use this black obsidian roc as a mount is naturally the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari.

The three of them appeared at the same time, together with the fighters from the three major temples who followed them, in just an instant, Midi and the others were already surrounded!
(End of this chapter)

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