Arad's Sword

Chapter 54 A Cup of Black Tea

Chapter 54 A Cup of Black Tea

Midi failed to kill Fenrir in the end.

After all, this was a night attack, and it was a night attack with a disparity between three hundred and four thousand people.When Fenrir ran away desperately and kept asking for help along the way, attracting more and more soldiers of the Scarlet Flame Legion, the pursuit itself could no longer continue.

But Midi has no regrets about this, because from the very beginning, his goal was not Fenrir, but to win this war.

As the nightsaber cavalry retreated in an orderly manner, the cold white fog finally dissipated, and at the same time, the morning sun was slowly rising on the eastern horizon.The golden sunlight broke through the cold and darkness of the night, bringing light and warmth to people.

However, the camp of the Scarlet Flame Legion did not show any vitality due to the rising sun at dawn. On the contrary, it was a mess here.There are corpses and blood everywhere, knocked down tents, and traces of all kinds of magic, which looks like ruins.

When General Red Fox lost more than [-] soldiers and finally escaped from the counterattack of the Witch of the Mist, what appeared in front of him was such an incomparably bleak scene.

"Calculate the losses immediately." General Chihu said with a sullen face. After all, he learned about the situation through magic communication in the middle of the night attack, and he was naturally mentally prepared. Be happy.

I took 500 people out, and only [-] came back, killing only one or two hundred people.

Where's Midi?Bringing 300 people over, killed hundreds of elementalists who were the core of the Scarlet Flame Legion, leaving only two great magicians. The current Scarlet Flame Legion, in terms of long-range and large-scale firepower, has approached zero.

Next, the only thing that can be relied on is probably the cavalry.Avoid the environment where war horses cannot be used at night, fight in the daytime, break through in the center, outflank the two wings, and kill those damned elves and that damned Midi directly from the front.

"Master Potter, it's bad, it's bad!" A knight ran over with a pale face, "The stables have been attacked, and all our horses have run away!"

"What!" General Chihu shook his body heavily as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. If the guards on both sides hadn't rushed forward to support him, he might have fallen directly.

This is of course the result of Midi's night attack.

It is a very risky thing to attack the enemy's camp with three hundred night saber cavalry. If you are not careful, you will fall into it and be completely wiped out.Therefore, Midi's target at the beginning was only the elementalist. Once he succeeded, he evacuated immediately.As for the cavalry, although he also wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate them, it was absolutely too late in time, even if there was interference from the fog demon.

But just when the Red Flame Army began to turn into a defensive posture, and Midi had to prepare to retreat, Fenrir appeared.

Therefore, Midi launched an attack decisively, and also recruited dozens of the most elite nightsaber cavalry to build up momentum.

This is not for any personal enmity, but to use it as a bait to divert the attention of the Red Flame Legion.

As expected, Fenrir lived up to Midi's expectations. Hearing the news, he fled in fear and called all the troops he could call.For a moment, the Scarlet Flame Legion also thought that Midi's real purpose was to kill Fenrir, so they re-arranged, abandoned the areas in the barracks that needed to be defended, and all went to protect Fenrir, while trying to surround Midi.

Of course, the siege came to nothing, because from the beginning, Midi didn't take Fenrir seriously, so naturally he wouldn't pursue too deeply.

But taking this opportunity, the rest of the nightsaber cavalry gained time and space again. So, after killing a large number of elementalists, they turned their swords and directly attacked the stables where the defense became weak again. .

This time, it was easier than massacring the elementalists, because there was no need to kill, all they needed to do was scare away the groups of war horses, and soon they achieved their goal.

Therefore, the final result of this night attack was to directly pull out the two strongest and second strongest firepower points of the Scarlet Flame Legion.

Now, General Red Fox only had infantry, a group of cavalry who had lost their mounts and could only be used as infantry, and a few dozens of elementalists who could not form a cover attack at all.

The gap between the two sides has been further narrowed. This is not only a narrowing of the gap in military strength, but also a transformation of advantages at the tactical level-even if it is a generation of famous generals, it is difficult to arrange anything exciting under such a single composition of arms. tactics.

"Break out the camp immediately and move to the territory of Asrex." As soon as Midi returned to the camp, he immediately issued an order, "Don't worry about physical strength, speed up first, get rid of the Red Flame Army, and prepare for the decisive battle .”

The black-haired boy's eyes flashed with agility, and he gave instructions one after another in an orderly manner.Up to this moment, the consecutive victories and Midi's extraordinary record of beheading countless enemies have completely won the awe of the elves from their hearts.

As long as the Mist Witch doesn't speak, Midi's order is absolute.After the instructions were issued, the elders and captains of the five tribes immediately began to quickly implement them.

It wasn't until the last elf walked out of the main camp that Midi let out a long breath.

At this moment, his young face was no longer as calm and composed as before. On the contrary, it revealed deep fatigue.

Even if it is a super-level job changer, even if it has a unique and powerful ghost, Midi is always human. Since he is a human, he will be tired, have weaknesses and mistakes, and Midi is of course no exception.

Since he hunted scouts during the day, he has been calculating and arranging non-stop.

Then came the ambush with bated breath.

A whole night of raiding and fighting.

The charge of the first soldier, with the strength of one person, opened a bloody path with a big sword.

Face four 35-level great magicians directly in a short time and kill them one by one through an instant burst.

And finally, the powerful oppressive force shown by Fenrir when he faced the elite unit "Yanwei" with an average level of 18, which made Fenrir run away in fright.

Doing any of the above is already considered remarkable.Meddy, however, did it all.

Therefore, he is tired now, and very tired, and it is difficult to even hide it.It's just that the war won't end with a successful sneak attack, so he had to cheer up and keep the elves maintaining their current morale while continuing to issue various orders.

A cup of steaming black tea was abruptly handed to Midi.

The black tea made by Alice Otropos herself.

The refreshing fragrance, the mellow soup color, just smelling and looking at it will make people feel warm.

"This is Ston black tea, which has a calming effect." Alice said lightly, with a natural and calm expression.

The way of making tea, Alice is confident that it can be regarded as super first-class, but it is the first time in her life to make tea for others like this.No matter how easy and effortless it seems, there is no doubt that this cup of tea is definitely not that simple for a black-haired girl.

Alice can't predict how Midi will react.

So when speaking, despite her calm expression, the girl involuntarily lowered her eyes to avoid the other party's sight, and then subconsciously looked at her own toes, as if feeling guilty.

"Thank you." Midi took the teacup very naturally, and then showed a brilliant smile.

Alice had seen such a smile before. After the battle, Midi always smiled and waved like this.

But at that time, she was mostly located in the rear corner, silently observing.

Such a sunny smile, Alice thought, must have been given to Fina.Anyone can see the strong bond between the red-haired girl and the black-haired boy.

Besides, the Witch of the Mist never thought that the relationship between herself and Midi had reached that level.In the final analysis, it was just a deal. Alice got the right to study Midi's ghosts and gods, and Midi got reinforcements from the elf tribe.The bond on both sides, that's all.

Not comrades in arms, but both sides of the transaction. When necessary, Alice can withdraw at any time.

But at this moment, Midi's smile was truly given to Alice, and it was unique to her alone.

This feeling seems to be good.

Thinking of this, the black-haired girl involuntarily opened an imperceptible smile.

In an instant, the city is overwhelmed.

But when the elves quickly pulled out their camp and retreated, just as Midi expected, the Scarlet Flame Legion couldn't continue to pursue them.They must first clean up the losses, treat the wounded, and at the same time gather as many stray horses as possible to regroup the army before they can start marching.

After chasing in the birch forest for an afternoon, I lost countless scouts, and was beaten into a daze in a night attack. In the end, I still couldn't catch up with the enemy's troops. This feeling of failure was a feeling for the whole army. major blow.

However, in the camp of the Red Flame Legion, there was a tent with unpretentious decoration, but it was not affected by the atmosphere of failure.

And last night, it was never attacked.

Even though the nightsaber cavalry went back and forth many times, they just didn't pass in front of the tent.

The ubiquitous fog demon did not notice any abnormal magic power.

Even Midi, who has 20 years of rebirth experience and is extremely sensitive to danger, has never paid attention to this place.

Coincidence, or necessity?

This is the tent of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton.

"What an unexpected surprise. I thought that in such a laid-back place like the Principality of Belmar, there would be nothing but a family-like noble war. I didn't expect that I would bump into such an interesting thing. "The middle-aged man in a gray robe, at this moment, his squinted eyes are shining with joy, like a child who has discovered a new toy, his expression is full of happiness.

"I just wanted to be an audience, but it seems that it's time to make a move. After all, it is the audience's duty to applaud loudly and throw some gold coins at the critical moment of the play." Wiseman himself Talking to himself, he finally stood up.

"Bai." He read out a name.

"Yes." A voice came from behind.


"Yes." A second voice came from the shadows.


"Yes." A third voice came from afar.

"Get ready to warm up, let's catch some kittens and come back." Wiseman said, showing an extremely cold smile.

 The first confrontation with the empire is about to begin. I had a lot of fun writing it. Did you enjoy watching it?

(End of this chapter)

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