Arad's Sword

Chapter 548

Chapter 548

"Hmph, a group of dark elves, and they are the most outstanding geniuses in the Underdark Region, came to this Dark Dragon City, and even embraced a human being as their leader. It's so ridiculous, it's unreasonable!"

"Ice Queen" Katerina said through gritted teeth.

Since the Black Dragon Conference, the grievance between her and Midi is the deepest. Although this grievance is entirely caused by her own prejudice, but that kind of problem has naturally been selectively forgotten by Katerina. .

In other words, in her opinion, human beings should not be eligible to enter the Black Dragon Conference.

But now, Midi has not only taken away the Dragon Tooth Token that should have belonged to her, but now has the support of most true dragon fighters, how can this not make her feel angry.

It's a pity that no matter how angry Katerina is, there is nothing she can do now.

"Hmph, forget it, it's just a group of weak people who want to rely on others because their own strength is not enough, nothing to be afraid of."

"Queen of Beasts" Immutisari said indifferently, but her flickering eyes revealed that her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

"That's right. If Midi brought that group of cannon fodder to the front, it would be much more convenient for an elite team like ours to earn dragon energy, wouldn't it?"

"King of the Iron Wall" Shi Gefen echoed from the side.

"Besides, even if you become the leader, it's still just a title. I want to see how Midi can integrate these various people!"

Immutisari said with a sneer.

This genius from the northern temple really hit the nail on the head.

The reason why those true dragon fighters want to support Midi and Odin is obviously impossible to be grateful for the life-saving grace.

In the Underdark, the feeling of "grateful" is basically worthless.

After all, it was Midi's strong strength and outstanding command experience that really prompted the formation of this alliance.

True dragon fighters hope to join forces with the strong, get their protection, and earn more dragon energy, so the alliance came into being.

In essence, they don't want to be Midi's subordinates, but want to gain more benefits from Midi's light.

In such a situation where everyone is thinking carefully, it is absolutely impossible to regard this "alliance" as a real army.

If it is a master of many battles like the "Falcon Group", Midi's words are an absolute order. It can even be said that whoever Midi asks to die will die.

When the battle situation is unfavorable, Midi can order a small group of people to cut off the rear, and use a small sacrifice in exchange for the survival of the majority.

When the battle situation is favorable, Midi can still order a small group of people to launch a suicide attack, in exchange for a brilliant victory at a relatively small cost.

As the saying goes, one general succeeds and ten thousand bones die. Behind Mi Di's victory, there is an astonishing bloody price.

But in such a seemingly united alliance, if Midi, as the "leader", issued such an order, no one would listen to it at all.

The reason is that Midi did not have the power to "punish" them.

Of course, if someone disagrees with Midi, Midi can also directly use his strength to frighten the opponent, or even kill him.

But this kind of deterrence is nothing more than the most simple and direct way of preying on the weak, but it is not based on the status of the "alliance leader", nor can it take advantage of the system of this alliance.

Therefore, it can be said that the newly formed alliance is extremely fragile at the moment.

Once someone feels that they have suffered a disadvantage, or if someone feels that the treatment is unfair, or if someone feels that Midi is using them as cannon fodder, it may directly lead to the dissolution of the alliance.

It is precisely because of these fatal problems that the "Queen of Beasts" Immutisari showed a look of waiting for a good show.

However, she didn't know that Midi had already prepared countermeasures for this.

Since before the start of the first battle, he had already thought of possible alliances in the future, how could Midi not make careful calculations and research?
Although such an alliance is indeed quite loose and difficult to manage, in the human kingdom, the situation is much more complicated when facing those nobles whose cities are so deep that you can't even tell they have cities.

As the ruler of the Kingdom of Bel Mare, Midi naturally had plans for such an alliance.

Simply put, manage this alliance as a "country", not an "army".

And every true dragon fighter in this alliance is regarded as a "lord" by Midi.

Dragon Qi is their wealth and territory, and golems are their army.

As for Midi himself, who is the "leader", he is naturally equivalent to the "king" who owns the largest piece of land in the capital.

In normal times, Midi, as the "king", would not ask how much wealth and armies these "lords" possessed.

His only requirement is that when the war begins, every lord must respond to his call and complete the military tasks assigned by him.

That's it.

This is exactly the characteristic of feudal lordship countries with less monarchical power and looser management.

In normal times, everyone does their own thing. In wartime, the king, the biggest lord leader, will act as the commander-in-chief and gather the lords of the whole country to form a large army to fight against foreign countries.

Even better, in this way, the distribution of spoils would not be a problem at all.

Whoever can achieve a better record in the war will naturally gain more benefits.

As the "king", Midi didn't need to count the battle achievements at all, let alone distribute the spoils, everything was done by himself.

Of course, the result of doing this is that everyone may go up to grab the military exploits, but they all shirk the hard bones.

However, of course, Midi had already considered this and made an agreement in advance.

It can be said that, on the whole, this is a simplified replica of a human country.

Its form is very loose, but the greater the pressure of war, the closer this alliance will become.

And the most important thing is that it is much more convenient for Midi to manage in this way, without paying much energy and cost at all, as long as he gives an order at a critical moment, he can immediately gather an army for him to drive.

All the true dragon fighters hope to gain benefits by clinging to Midi's wings.

But this time, it was they who made Midi more able to earn benefits.

"I heard that you arrived in this dark area through a super-long-distance random teleportation circle. Before that, when you were on the surface, who were you?"

Finally, "King of Fighting" Thor couldn't hold back first, and raised this question to Midi.

"This is a very complicated question." Midi smiled disapprovingly, "However, if I must answer, I can tell you that I am the deputy head of the 'Falcon Regiment'."

"The Falcon Group?"

Thor repeated Midi's words.

On the side, Odin and Alex also secretly remembered this name in their hearts, and at the same time they were slightly startled.

With Midi's strength, a human being not only survived in the Underdark, but even made it to this point where he became the leader of many true dragon fighters, but he is only a "deputy" leader?
How powerful is the head of the regiment, to let a genius like Midi take the place of others?

No, it should not be said to be inferior to others, but to be said to be loyal.

Because at this moment, faced with Thor's question, Midi did not hesitate to call himself the "Deputy Head of the Falcon Regiment".

That in itself is a testament to loyalty.

I don't know, how are the two of them doing now?
With the holy blood in your body, have you ever encountered any danger?
Or did he pass the trial successfully and his strength soar?

When mentioning the "Falcon Group", Midi's eyes could not help showing nostalgia, and subconsciously felt the "fetters of fate" on his chest.

The cross-dimensional connection between the three is still as calm and warm as ever, which shows that the "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and the "Mist Witch" Alice are still in a safe state at this moment.

But how long can this state of security last?

Midi didn't know.

Even if he knew, he would not be able to save him.

It can even be said that since Midi's death hunting order has begun to be gradually activated, whether he can overcome the immediate difficulties is the biggest problem.

After all, there is still a lack of strength.

Sighing deeply in her heart, the ripples and shaking in Midi's eyes have disappeared.

The next moment, he turned his gaze back to the magnificent Dragon Temple in the central square.

Appointing Engman and Lilian as the main officers of the "True Dragon Alliance", Midi and Odin directly entered the Dragon Temple of Inheritance.

"Open the exchange list." Midi said bluntly.

"Confirm that the total dragon energy value exceeds 10000 points, you can open the intermediate exchange list, confirm that the true dragon energy value is 0, and you cannot open the rare exchange list."

The familiar mechanical voice sounded again.

"Huh? Rare exchange list?" Midi was slightly surprised.

Originally, in Midi's opinion, in the end, all true dragon fighters should be able to see all the items that can be exchanged.

Dragon Temple has always been very fair in this regard, the difference is that everyone accumulates dragon energy at different speeds, so they see different speeds.

But now, there is a "rare" exchange list that can only be opened by real dragon energy. This is equivalent to saying that those who cannot get real dragon energy will always have some things that cannot be exchanged.

In addition, this also made Midi pay more attention to "true dragon spirit".

You know, in the previous battle, he participated in the whole process of killing two level 70 deep-hell refiners, but even with such a brilliant record, Midi still didn't even have a single point of real dragon energy in his hands.

There are two possibilities for this. One is that the real dragon energy is not obtained by killing demons, but may need to be obtained through other means.

Another possibility is that only by killing a real strong man can one obtain real dragon energy, and the 70-level deep-hell refining demon may not be ranked high.

Midi was more inclined to the first judgment before, but now, after learning that there is a "rare" exchange list, he thinks the second is more likely.

Could it be that this true dragon energy can only be obtained by killing a strong person above level 71?
In Midi's heart, she couldn't help but have such a speculation.

At the same time, as if aware of Midi's confusion, an ancient voice slowly rang in his ears.

"For the sake of saving many true dragon fighters, I will make an exception and let you take a look at the items on this rare exchange list in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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