Arad's Sword

Chapter 562 Psychological Warfare

Chapter 562 Psychological Warfare

This is a relatively, not particularly hidden location.

Or rather, the second most secretive location.

After excluding the condition of "where the magic vein is located", the scope of the search has been expanded a lot. After all, in the entire sixth floor of the Underdark Region, there are too many places where the wall of dimension is weak.

Since it takes a lot of time to construct the space teleportation array, Midi can be sure that this ice prison bone demon will definitely choose a fairly secret place to create his escape channel.

However, he may not choose the most secret place.

Because this demon is too cunning.

The most secret location, to some extent, is also the location that everyone will pay attention to immediately.

It's like when breaking into a door, most people will go to the door without thinking about it, so as to avoid someone hiding behind the door to ambush.

Now, choosing a teleportation point is the same thing.

With too many weak points in the Dimensional Wall, even if Midi can use the fourth-level authority to teleport on the entire sixth floor, there will be too little time.

Moreover, the teleportation crystal in his hand can only be used for a limited number of times. Once the magic power is exhausted and the bone demon of the ice prison is not found, it is tantamount to a failure in the strategic goal.

In this case, Midi can only make a few limited choices.

In other words, it is a psychological warfare.

Moreover, it is still a psychological warfare that will not meet.

If the two sides are face to face, they can influence their opponents in various ways, just as Midi provokes Mamon through words, and then narrows the distance between the two sides by running away.

But when the two sides can't meet at all, the so-called psychological warfare actually depends on how well the two sides know each other.

What does he look like in the eyes of the ice prison bone demon?
As long as you can know this, you can make a correct judgment.

"In the eyes of that ice prison bone demon, I'm probably a cunning and cunning human being, and I also received strong support from the Dark Dragon City."

Midi said mockingly.

After all, he cheated a high-level demon known for his cunning, and possessed a terrifying weapon that could instantly kill high-level demons. From the perspective of the other party, this person must have been favored by the Dark Dragon City.

Moreover, judging from the experience of the previous life, the general evaluation of demons on humans is similar to that of "Ice Queen" Katerina.

Timid, cowardly, but extremely cunning.

Since he infers that the other party will view him in this way, then this view will definitely affect his psychology when he is looking for the "secret place".

Although the most secret location is good, I'm afraid it can only be used to deceive the dark elves.

Midi had already used the lava river to severely injure the demon army, and then used the fury of the pit fiend to kill them. The methods used were to wait for work.

This time, most likely, the so-called most secret place may also be explored by humans, and a net has been laid.

Therefore, in Midi's view, the biggest possibility for the Ice Hell Bone Demon is to choose a second-level location for teleportation.

In other words, it was the "second secret" location he pointed out.

Of course, there are several places like this, most of which are located at the bottom of canyons, inside extinct volcanoes, or among some ruins and ruins.

Therefore, even if Midi guessed the other party's mind correctly, it would still take a long time to find the other party.

"Transmission begins."

After sorting out her thoughts, Midi started teleporting again.

But this time, he didn't fail again.

After only two teleportations, Midi immediately discovered the situation of a place, which seemed to be a little abnormal.

This is a canyon, and the bottom of the canyon is a small-scale lava river. Due to the disorder of magic power, this place has become a weak point of the wall of the dimension, and the large amount of smoke and dust brought by the lava is also very good. The environment at the bottom of the canyon is covered, so it can be said to be a semi-enclosed and relatively hidden place.

However, Midi discovered that this lava river seems to be a little smaller than expected.

The measurement of Dark Dragon City has always been very precise, and the deviation is extremely small.

Now that the size of the lava river has shrunk, it can only explain one thing—the weather environment here has changed.

Why did it change?

Apparently, an ice-type expert arrived here.

"It seems that the ice demon is here."

Midi and Odin looked at each other, with high fighting spirit and deep fear in their eyes.

Although they are chasing and killing each other now, after all, he is a level 71 field expert, and what he possesses is the "Ice Field" that has a strong suppression effect on low-level professionals.

Any carelessness may cause them to be killed in an instant.


Without any hesitation, "King of Thunder" Odin took the lead.

He turned into a bolt of lightning, and fell directly from the sky, piercing the flames rising from the lava river with the momentum of thunder, like a sharp sword, tearing down the sky and tearing down the clouds!

At the same time, a very strong aura immediately rose from a certain place in the lava river.

Then, an extremely sharp icicle went against the trend and met Odin's Lightning Sword from the front!
In an instant, two sharp swords made of elements collided with each other, sparking dazzling sparks.

And when the sparks dissipated, it was Odin who was knocked into the air.

In other words, it really was Odin.

"Sure enough, here, hmph, it's obviously an ice demon, but it's quite cunning to hide in the land of flames and secretly build a passage."

The black iron dragon flames around Midi suddenly ignited, and then, like a black meteor, he also joined the battle.

Dozens of black fireballs shot out from Midi's sword edge. These fireballs did not hit the ice prison bone demon hidden in the smoke, but directly smashed into the lava river!

Immediately, under the agitation of Midi's offensive, the magma in the lava river began to erupt violently, as if a continuous crater was erupting.

However, soon after the overwhelming ice and snow appeared, the lava river was frozen again.

"Human, you are very kind, but you are only level 68. How dare you come after me? Are you looking for death?"

Finally, an extremely cold voice rang out slowly.

Then, Beelzebub, the Bone Demon of the Ice Prison, slowly appeared from the snowflakes flying all over the sky. His extremely handsome pale face was full of distorted anger.

Although Midi's action just now had no effect on him, it caused the space teleportation circle that had been built with great difficulty to be directly destroyed by the magma.

More importantly, as a demon general, a high-level demon with a title, and a level 71 field expert, he was actually hunted down by a level 70 and a level 68 weakling. How could he endure this?
However, even though his heart was full of killing intent, Beelzebub did not dare to do it lightly.

The scene where Mammon was bombarded to the point that there was not even a scum left was still vivid in his memory. If he couldn't kill the two of them immediately, then maybe he would be the one who was killed.

It was necessary to find a loophole, cast the Ice Domain, and then use a series of combos that made it impossible to resist, to kill these two people directly!

Beelzebub immediately had a plan in mind.

It's a pity that this plan has long been speculated by Midi.

He didn't give Beelzebub any chance to think or observe at all, Bian and Odin rushed over from two different directions.

The two faced each other far away, separated by several kilometers. In this way, even if it was the ice field, it was impossible to cover them at once.

In addition, both Midi and Odin, who is the "sword soul", have unique long-range skills, which can directly attack the bone demon in the ice prison, and there is no need to fight close to him.

This way of fighting from both sides immediately made the Ice Hell Bone Demon feel very uncomfortable.

His ice field can only be placed on one side, and the defense on the other side will become relatively empty.

Besides, he didn't know who had the terrible weapon that killed Mamon.

It is more likely that both of them have this kind of weapon on hand, so for the sake of safety, he has to defend both of them.

As a result, the ice prison bone demon trapped in the middle became a living target, and Midi and Odin could only let Midi and Odin attack from both sides.

Although the Ice Prison Bone Demon's own attack is quite powerful, both Midi and Odin are good at speed. If they don't use their domain power, it will be difficult for them to slow down their speed, and ordinary attacks will not be able to pose a threat. up.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for Midi and Odin's attacks to hit the Ice Prison Bone Demon.

Even if it hits, it can't do much damage.

But after all, Midi holds the "thunder bomb" in his hand.

As long as the battle continues, this big killer will form a psychological deterrent to the ice prison bone demon.

It can be said that now Midi and Odin are in the active position, they can fight if they want, and they can leave if they want to. However, whether they want to fight or leave, the Ice Hell Bone Demon has to think about it. If Midi throws a little sun out again , Can he escape?

This kind of psychological torment is enough to make the Bone Demon of the Ice Prison feel that the passage of time seems particularly long.

Not only that, Midi would also perform some threatening actions from time to time, making the Ice Hell Bone Demon feel that he seemed to be about to throw out that kind of big killer.

This made the Ice Prison Bone Demon's nerves even more tense, and he didn't even have time to rest.

Although the two sides are in a fierce fight, one side is only using magic power and physical strength, while the other side is exhausting their minds and minds. It is obviously self-evident which side consumes more.

And under such consumption, if the winner cannot be determined in a short period of time, the final result will only be more and more flaws.

We can't drag on like this any longer, we must get rid of these two little bugs immediately!
A trace of anxiety arose in Beelzebub's heart, and then he turned his gaze to Odin, the "King of Thunder" who was wandering on the ground.

"Give me death!"

Accompanied by Beelzebub's words, the field of ice has spread out overwhelmingly, once again freezing the thunder that Odin transformed into in the air.

The next moment, he let out a sharp roar, flying down from mid-air like a huge eagle!

However, even though it was Odin who was being attacked, Midi's eyes became more serious than ever at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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