Arad's Sword

Chapter 572 Arrival of the Sword Demon

Chapter 572 Arrival of the Sword Demon
Although it was only a short sentence, Midi's statement was enough to calm everyone's minds.

After pacifying the people of the True Dragon Alliance, and extinguishing the arrogance of the Dragon Sons, it can be said that until now, Midi has become the true leader of all the true dragon fighters.

Only the absolute strength of level 70, coupled with the power to kill the "Queen of Beasts" in seconds, can truly twist these undisciplined true dragon fighters into a rope.

However, this kind of "unity" is completely different from the "Falcon Group" that Midi misses the most.

The unity of the Falcon Group is based on their loyalty to Midi. Even if they fight to the last person, as long as Midi does not order to retreat, they will still stick to it.

The "unity" of the True Dragon Alliance was initially based on reciprocal benefits, but now, it has added a layer of awe to Midi's strength.

Because these true dragon fighters were afraid of dying under Midi's hands, they chose to obey Midi's orders.

As a commander, Midi is naturally very clear that such an army can fight against the wind or balance the situation, but once it encounters a headwind, it will still completely collapse.

Once a domain powerhouse appears in the demon army, and Midi and Odin fail to resist them as beautifully as last time, then the whole army will collapse directly with just a wave of this powerhouse.

Disobey Midi's orders, and perhaps die later.

But if you don't run, you will die on the battlefield on the spot.

Comparing the two, it is clear at a glance what choices these true dragon fighters will make.

In other words, this army cannot be used against an opponent stronger than itself.

Midi's most troublesome domain powerhouse can only be solved by himself and Odin.

And the alliance of true dragons is just used to help clean up those ordinary demons on the battlefield.

Just because he knew this well, even if he controlled the entire True Dragon Alliance, Midi never thought of relying on them to win a real victory.

The only one he can rely on is himself.

"In the beginning, it was just a demon general, but after their defeat, the No.2 demon general appeared, and it was even stronger. Now, since I have completely wiped out the vanguard of the demons, the other party will surely follow Send out more powerful and difficult generals?"

Standing on the towering city wall of the Dark Dragon City, looking at the sixth floor of the Underdark region composed of black rocks and bright flames, Midi made a judgment.

Will the enemy he will face next time be level 72 or level 73?

Midi couldn't help thinking this way.

Even though he has reached level 70, and can be regarded as the top of level 70, he is still at a disadvantage against the strong in the upper field, relying on his own strength alone.

Fortunately, with his current strength, it would be much more convenient for Midi to use the "Thunder Fire Bomb" to catch the opponent's flaws.

At least, there is no need to forcefully take the opponent's move at the expense of serious injuries like when dealing with the Bone Demon of the Ice Prison.

But even so, Midi still felt that his strength was not enough.

Because of the "death hunting order" in his body, the activities have become more and more frequent.

From the initial silence to the final activation of this "death hunting order", it depends on the strength of the host and the environment where it is located.

The stronger the power of the host, the faster the growth of "Death Hunting Order".

And the closer you are to the Demon Realm, the easier it will be for those real high-ranking demons to notice the "Death Hunting Order".

Today, Midi's rapidly rising level, coupled with the connection between the sixth layer of the Underdark and the Demon Realm, can be said to satisfy these two points at the same time.

While Midi is leaping up the level, it is also tantamount to ripening the terrible "death pursuit order" in his body.

Now, as long as he probed into his body a little, Midi could clearly smell the pungent sulfur breath that made him extremely unhappy.

However, this death order from the second apostle "Herder with Tears" is not something that the current Midi can dispel. Therefore, his only way is to wait.

Waiting for a certain day, the day when the Death Chasing Order will truly mature and send a signal to the Demon Realm.

"Between one month and two months... It is estimated that after such a little time at most, the death hunting order in your body will really activate. I am afraid that even the trials of the Dark Dragon City will not be over by then. ?”

The eighth apostle Rotes said, sighing deeply.

After he cast the seal at first, he thought that he could at least delay the death hunt order for one year, but now it seems that he might not even be able to do the nine-month seal.

"That's fine, maybe, the three giant dragons in the Dark Dragon City can also come out to help me block it."

Midi replied.

"It's best not to expect too much from us. After all, compared with the real strong, the will body is still too far behind."

There was strong unwillingness and anger in Rotes' words.

As the eighth apostle of the demon world, the emperor of the ocean, originally, those demons who had not awakened a second time were no different from ants to him.

Anyone under the Marquis of the Devil was directly shot to death by a tentacle.

But now?

Not only can he curl up in a dagger most of the time, but he can't play a decisive role when Midi faces the 71st level demon viscount.

This huge difference in power made Rotes want to be reincarnated as soon as possible.

But as eager as he is, Roters is also worried.

As his role in the battle became smaller and smaller, the enemies Midi faced became stronger and stronger.

This kid, when faced with the death order, can he really support him until the time of helping him reincarnate?

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily." Midi said lightly, and subconsciously touched the position of the "fate fetter" on her chest, "They are still waiting for me, and since I owe you With so much kindness from you, I will definitely do what I say."

Midi's voice was not loud, but there was a resolute flavor in it.

"Then, let's make more Thunderbolt Bombs. This time, let's improve it and make it more powerful until we can kill those demon counts!"

Rotes nodded and replied like this.

"External force" and "strength", when Midi was trying his best to obtain these two things, in a barren land thousands of kilometers away from the Dark Dragon City, a spatial rift slowly opened.

To be more precise, this space was directly cut open.

As if an invisible sharp sword had slashed across the space, a crack with extremely smooth edges appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, after a brief fluctuation, a team of hundreds had appeared on the sixth floor of the Underdark.

This move is much more clever than the method used by the abyssal fiend Mamun to force his way into the sixth floor.

There were not too many fluctuations in magic power, nor did they cause any abnormal weather phenomena. Even the three giant dragons found that when they opened the dimensional channel here, the people who sent it had already left.

It can be said that the way of the invasion alone is enough to prove the strength of the leader of this centurion.

And this leader is none other than the thin "Sword Demon" Agares dressed in white.

"So that's it. This is the Underdark Region. It feels really good. At least, there is no such damn sulfur smell in the air, and it smells much fresher."

Agares took a deep breath comfortably, but there was an unpredictable smile on his face.

"Master Agares, please give me instructions."

A hoarse voice sounded, interrupting Agares' emotion.

The owner of this voice is a demon with six arms and a python-like lower body.

This is a six-armed snake demon.

He was also the true captain of the centurion.

When the demon lord De Gopes ordered this elite centurion to "assist" Agares, he naturally meant to monitor him.

After all, Agares is not his confidant, on the contrary, it is the eye placed by his side by the power of the third layer of the demon world.

This time, Agares took the initiative to invite Ying to go to the Underdark Region. Although it made De Gopes feel relaxed, it also made the suspicious demon count suspicious.

That's why he sent his real confidant, "Six-armed snake demon" Bartos.

"Just find a hiding place and don't let those three lingering lizards find out. I'll leave everything to you."

Agares didn't show any displeasure because of being interrupted, but just patted the "Six-armed Snake" on the shoulder in a friendly manner, and gave an order that was completely equivalent to shaking hands.

However, even after hearing such nonsense, "Six-armed snake demon" Bartos's expression remained unchanged, he just bowed slightly, and immediately turned and left.

It was almost as if he had been waiting for such an order.

"Hmph, it's just a lowly mutant snake, and you dare to be disrespectful in front of Mr. Agares..."

A female demon with red ghost horns on her head snorted coldly, looking at Bartos's back with disgust in her eyes.

"Master Agares, why don't we clean up the interior first?"

Another soft voice rang out, it was a female demon who looked exactly the same as the red horn, the most conspicuous difference between the two was that the woman had a white ghost horn on her head.

"Red Horn" and "White Horn", the twin sisters of the sword demon clan, are the real direct descendants of Agares, the guards he brought directly from the third layer of the demon world.

But in fact, the twin sisters are not so much guards as Agares' concubine.

Because their levels are only level 71, there is a certain gap between them and Agares at level 73.

However, the two of them have a secret method of two-person attack. Once this secret method is used, it can easily leapfrog the battle.

Therefore, as the younger sister, "White Horn" threatened to kill the level 72 "Six-armed Snake" Bartos for Agares, which was not arrogant.

However, Agares showed a doting smile, then touched Baijiao's head, and shook his head again: "There is no need for that, Captain Bartos is quite serious in his work, and it can be regarded as He is a good man, and since Degopes is standing behind him, there is no need for us to turn our faces. Anyway, the great lord will never know the real purpose of my coming to this dark region."

Accompanied by these words, "Sword Demon" Agares finally laughed lightly.

And in those bright, alluring eyes, an irrepressible longing flickered away.

PS: The second update arrives, and the third update arrives at 23:30, so stay tuned, and continue to ask for monthly tickets for recommendations!

 The second is more, continue to ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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