Arad's Sword

Chapter 576 The Neverending War

Chapter 576 The Neverending War


In the eyes of "Sword Demon" Agares, there was an expression of surprise.

The fact that Midi was human was enough to surprise him in itself.

And this 70th-level human, when he saw that he was about to enter the bloody battlefield, he rushed directly into the red mist. Is this ignorance and fearlessness, or is it courageous?
Or, just pure gambler psychology?

Agares couldn't help feeling curious.

"Master Agares, that human..."

On the side, sisters Hongjiao and Baijiao felt a little worried.

However, Agares waved his hand.

"You can tell at a glance. This person came here to understand the power of the domain, and it doesn't conflict with my purpose. If I meet him in the bloody battlefield, maybe we can chat." Ajia Reis smiled, and said with grace, "The key is your side. After I go in, remember to hide the big snake."

The "big snake" in Agares' mouth naturally refers to the "six-armed snake demon" Bartos.

As the eyes and ears of the demon lord Degopes, anyone who was targeted by Bartos would naturally report to the lord behind him without reservation.

And since Agares's trip was for personal purposes, it is of course impossible to allow the other party to bite his tail.

On the contrary, Midi, the true dragon fighter, did not pose any threat to Agares.

This is why Agares is not in a hurry to show a hostile attitude.

In fact, this powerful but still extremely cunning demon has already begun to consider whether he can use Midi, a "bold lunatic" in his mind, to deal with "Six-armed snake demon" Bartos.

However, the thought was only fleeting.

"It's meaningless to think too much. Let's wait until we meet in the bloody battlefield. If you can become my puppet, it will be considered a surprise."

Agares smiled and whispered to himself.

The next moment, his figure had disappeared from the spot and stepped directly into the red mist.

At the same time, when Agares was thinking about it, Midi had already arrived on the "Blood and Fire Battlefield".

This area is not so much a "field" as it is an independent space.

This is an endless desolate world made of hot sand and rocks, and it is all red when you see it.

The ground is red, the plants are red, and even the hot wind in the air smells like blood!

And in the sky covered with heavy dust clouds, there is even a round of red sun that is as bright as a drop of blood.

How long has it been since I have seen the sun?
Midi couldn't help thinking this way.

"It seems that this is the inside of the bloody battlefield."

Midi withdrew her gaze towards the dazzling red sun, looked around, and at the same time began to activate the black iron flame in her body.

There was nothing unusual about his body, however, at some point, he was covered with a set of armor.

This set of armor is extremely hideous, rough and heavy. According to Rotes, it should be a product that was eliminated thousands of years ago in the Demon Realm, and should not appear in this dark area at all.

However, its degree of reality is not at all like the illusion created by the phantom array, it is obviously a real demon armor.

If it's the last level of the maze of the mind, it's a trial that only the spirit will enter, it's quite understandable.But now, it seems that Midi's soul came in together with the body, and then some kind of restriction was imposed.

This surprised Midi a little.

"I really didn't expect that the power in this field would be so huge. It should be said that the resentment of the dead is always the most terrifying thing in this world." On the side, the voice of the eighth apostle, Rotes, also sounded, with a few I am very emotional, after all, he can also be regarded as a "dead person".

"Is this the real world, or a kind of illusion?"

Hearing Luo Tesi's voice, Midi immediately felt relieved, and asked quickly.

"It's the real world, not an illusion. Everything here is created with the power of the domain. To some extent, this is a realm that can only be achieved by professionals who have awakened twice. In addition, I It can also be felt that the flow rate of time here is different from that of the outside world, probably at the ratio of one day to one week."

Rotes pondered for a moment before finally speaking.

"One day for one week, that's okay, at least, the time I spend on comprehension will increase."

Midi nodded, and at the same time tried to move the strange demon armor on her body.

But soon, he discovered that this set of armor couldn't be taken off, it was like a second layer of skin growing on his body.

But unfortunately, there was nothing on the armor to attract or stick to Midi.

It can only be said that this unreasonable state is probably the strength of this field itself.

And just as Midi was thinking about what to do next on this bloody battlefield, a deafening hoarse voice slowly sounded.

"Little brats, it's time to work!"

With this sound, the earth began to tremble.

The next moment, Midi's eyes blurred, and she suddenly realized that she was already in an extremely huge military camp!

Red is everywhere in this barracks.

Huge red turrets, giant red fortresses, red demon cannons, red barbed fences and horse refusal formations, etc.

In the barracks, all kinds of demons can be seen everywhere.

From the most common blade demon, to the scythe demon, and the tall demon guards, or the hellfire overlooking all beings like a giant, etc., all demons from the first to third floors of the demon world gathered in this barracks among.

This is a demon army camp!
However, what made Midi feel strange was that even though he was an extremely conspicuous human standing here, the demons didn't even look at him at all.

After a long while, a four-armed snake demon twisted his lower body, slowly came to Midi, and then spat hard on the red sand under his feet.

"I haven't seen a newcomer for many years, but no matter what race you are, since you entered this barracks, you must obey orders, understand?"

The four-armed snake demon said slowly, while looking at Midi with an extremely contemptuous gaze.

But Midi calmed down instead.

Although the tone of the other party was very aggressive, it was the attitude of veterans towards recruits, not the attitude of demons towards humans.

It seems that there is also some special logic in this "bloody battlefield".

This is not a deliberately created place of inheritance, so naturally there are no tests or rules. However, although it is a natural domain, it must have its own rules.

If you can experience these rules personally and act according to these rules, perhaps, you will be able to gain some insights.

"Understood, sir."

Midi said calmly, and then gave a military salute.

He didn't want to be caught in any way at this time, and then suffer any punishment.

The four-armed snake demon laughed again: "Forget about that, in the army of demons, you don't need this kind of etiquette, you just need to be good cannon fodder!"

After speaking, he spat heavily on the ground again.

With the wave of the four-armed snake demon, Midi was immediately included in the demon army, and became the lowest-level recruit among them.

In other words, his current status is no different from that of the Blade Demon, and he is still an ordinary Blade Demon who can't even detect.

As for the order Midi received, it was also very simple and clear—go to the front line, and launch a charge while receiving the order.

Simply put, it is the role of cannon fodder.

This is also very much in line with the style of demons-use it as garbage, merciless, merciless, and undisguised.

Midi originally thought that since he was inexplicably attributed to the side of the devil, the opponents he met would definitely be the dark elves who were true dragon fighters.

However, after the real battle started, he was surprised to find that the opponent of this demon army turned out to be another demon army.

The two armies, each with many demons, bit each other like this. Countless demons fought with their same or different species. The whole scene looked extremely bloody.

In such a battle, the only function of the blade demon and the scythe demon is to go up and consume the magic power of the upper demon on the other side, and use waves of offensives to cause the opponent to create openings, so that the upper demon on their side can launch a fatal blow.

This way of fighting makes the chances of survival of these cannon fodder extremely low.

Even if someone wants to escape, they will be torn to pieces by those level 70 supervisors very quickly, without any chance of resistance.

However, for Midi who has the "Dragon Vulcan Light", it is not a problem at all to block the indiscriminate and large-scale attacks of the upper demons.

Midi successfully survived this tragic battle, and the demon army he was in also successfully won the battle.

Although nearly one-third of the high-ranking demons and almost all of the low-ranking demons died in this battle, the next day, Midi suddenly discovered that a large number of demons had joined the army.

The four-armed snake demon called these new demons "recruits", and scolded them with the contemptuous attitude he had treated Midi before.

As for Midi, he was automatically promoted to a veteran. His set of demon armor, which was originally extremely tattered, seemed to have been cleaned and became at least visible.

And after the demon army took shape again, another new battle began.

This time, it was a fight with the true dragon fighters dominated by the dark elves.

Golems, dark elves, lizardmen, dragonmen, black dwarves, gray dwarves, and even mind flayers, these powerful races in the Underdark formed an army of more than a hundred real dragon fighters. The demon army is fighting together.

Without any suspense, Midi also survived this time, and although the demon army suffered heavy losses, it still defeated the True Dragon Fighter coalition army, and on the next day, once again absorbed newborn demons equal to the number of dead .

Then another day passed, and the war started again.

In just a short period of one week, Midi went through four extremely tragic battles in a row. Although all of them were victorious, the enemies he encountered became stronger and stronger.

Of course, his military ranks have also become higher and higher, from recruits to veterans, then to commanders of ten men, and now commanders of centurions.

However, watching the armor on her body become thicker and more gorgeous, Midi still didn't find the opportunity to realize it.

(End of this chapter)

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