Arad's Sword

Chapter 585 Field Selection

Chapter 585 Field Selection
"Oh? Is this a magic item refined by the apostles?"

Midi's heart twitched slightly.

Earlier, when the "Sword Demon" Agares introduced himself, he also said that he came from the third layer of the Demon Realm.

Moreover, this person is extremely arrogant, and he doesn't even pay attention to the demon lord De Gopes. Obviously, there are more powerful figures behind him.

Now, since the eighth apostle Rotes has also spoken, it can be said that many fragmented clues have all been connected together.

Thousands of years ago, in order to refine a legendary magic item, an apostle from the demon world managed to cast the "Heart of the Dead" on the sixth floor of the Underdark.

For thousands of years, Revenant Heart and Dark Dragon City have coexisted in the same area, and with the passage of time, with the help of the absorbed countless resentful souls, they have finally been upgraded to a true legendary magic item.

And now, the apostle from the demon world sent "Sword Demon" Agares, who happened to have reached the upper limit of the teleportation level of the weak point of the wall of dimensions, to recover this legendary magic item.

It can be said that after connecting the cause and effect, Midi discovered that there should be many details in it, which are worthy of careful consideration and use.

For example, the identity of Agares.

For example, the heart of the soul itself.

For another example, the conflict between the demon apostle and the demon lord De Gopes and so on.

If it is used well, it may be able to greatly reduce the threat of the death pursuit order.

However, to make use of these, first of all, one must have sufficient strength.

Otherwise, if the strength is so weak that you can't even pick up the chess pieces, what qualifications do you have to form an army?

"All in all, the most important thing right now is to understand the power of the field!" Thousands of thoughts flashed through Midi's mind, and a firm expression suddenly appeared in his pair of star-black eyes, "Rotes, help me protect the law!"

Even though it was inside the Scarlet Setting Sun, surrounded by inextricable chaos, it was hard to guarantee that the Heart of the Dead still had any mechanisms, so Midi had to be careful.

And the eighth apostle Rotes naturally nodded unequivocally.

With the approval of Rotes, Midi finally closed her eyes, immersed her mind in her body, and began to really arouse her own domain power.

Now, from the perspective of external conditions, it can be said that Midi's mobilization of the power of the domain is a matter of course, and there is no bottleneck at all.

The inheritance of the "Dragon and Fire God's Light" in his body still retains a huge power of inheritance, which may not be fully absorbed even by the second awakening, and it can provide enough magic power to help Midi form the power of the domain.

In addition, beside Midi, this black crystal-like Heart of Souls directly immerses Midi in a pure environment of perception, so that Midi will not lose the original fleeting inspiration at all.

It can be said that today's Midi can directly gather the power of his own domain as long as he moves his mind.

But the question is, what kind of domain power should be formed?
This is the most important thing.

The power of the field is of great significance, even related to the second awakening of Midi in the future, and the success rate of breaking through from the peak powerhouse to the supreme powerhouse.

Midi had to be cautious.

In the previous life, due to the limited conditions and the fact that the Falcon Group had begun to disintegrate at that time, Midi was naturally disheartened. Awakening is just a foreshadowing process.

But in this life, he has many more choices, and with the "Magic Bullet Queen" Fina and "Mist Witch" Alice waiting for him, Midi naturally has to make the best choice.

Recalling the experience of being a human in the two lives, Midi has also seen many powerful domain forces.

For example, the power of the domain related to the two high-level attributes of "time" or "space".

The former can slow down, speed up or even stop time.

And the latter, to achieve the ultimate, can travel thousands of miles in an instant, and can make his own domain nearly ten times larger than his opponent's.

It can be said that both of these are extremely powerful domain forces.

In addition, there are all kinds of powerful bloodlines, such as the most famous one, which is naturally the bloodline of the dragon clan. Various fields evolved through the bloodline of the dragon clan, even the most common "field of flames" will evolve into "fields of flames", thus It makes the strength increase and gains a greater advantage in the same level of confrontation.

In the previous life, the strongest field formed by the power of blood that Midi had ever seen was the "Destroyed Field" of a peak powerhouse with "Titan blood".

As soon as this field appears, it can directly crush and annihilate everything within a radius of a hundred miles, making it impossible for people to resist. It can be said that it is enough to rank first among the peak powerhouses in terms of destructive power.

In addition, there are some other domain powers, such as those used for prediction or astrology, which can also provide extremely effective help to professionals.

After all, Midi is not an adventurer who simply needs personal force. He has people to protect and his own hometown. In addition, he also has an army of hundreds of warriors who completely obey him.

If the advantages of commanders and rulers are to be brought into full play, then the strength of related domains is also essential.

Of course, the power of the field is not something that can be formed if you want to. The key is to look at the "foundation" that the professional has.

It is impossible for a professional who strengthens the body to form any "astrological field".

Of course, it would be wishful thinking for a professional without a special bloodline to form the Titan's exclusive "Domain of Destruction".

Today, Midi has the following types of "foundation" that can be regarded as the top grade:
The first type, of course, is the blood of the real dragon, and with the inheritance of the "Dragon Vulcan Light", it can be regarded as a top-notch power.

The second type is the inheritance of the Sea Emperor. Although the inheritance of the Sea Emperor itself can only be said to be incomplete, as long as there is the eighth apostle Lotes, it will naturally help Midi complete it.

In addition, the power of psychic powers is hard to come by.

No matter how strong the blood of the real dragon is, after all, it is a strength that can be seen, touched, and resisted.If one cannot be stopped, two will come, and if two cannot be stopped, ten will come.

Even if there is a dragon and fire aura, Midi is not [-]% sure, so he can directly pick ten.

However, due to its mysterious and irresistible characteristics, psychic powers can not only make people hard to guard against, but can also be used to perform various special operations.

After all, not all victories have to be achieved by force.

Moreover, Midi has now reached the realm of a psychic king, and in terms of psychic powers, it can be said that it is not inferior to the inheritance of "Dragon Fire God's Light".

True dragon blood, psychic powers, these two are the top two types of "foundations" that Midi possesses, and the choice of these two foundations will also greatly affect the formation of Midi. domain power.

After all, which one should you choose?

Midi fell into deep thought, and then, his eyes lit up——

Perhaps, the two different foundations can be mixed to form a compound domain similar to the "Thousand Swords Domain"?

In this way, whether it is the power of the real dragon or psychic powers, Midi can directly hold them all in his hands.

In time, perhaps, his domain can grow and evolve to the peak level of the Arad continent.

Thinking of this, Midi immediately began to think about how to activate two completely different "foundations" at the same time.

His calculation ability was used to the extreme at this moment.

Only at the heart of the dead, when the possibility of comprehension is raised to the highest, can Midi be able to perform such calculations.

Gradually, with the passage of time, Midi became more and more confident in obtaining the "composite domain".

However, his mood did not have any passion in it, but became more and more flat.

Even Midi himself felt very strange about this.

It seems that in this process of perception, he missed something.

"In general, the power of the domain can already be activated..."

Midi opened her eyes and sighed deeply.

After a series of calculations, he is now more than [-]% sure of forming the compound domain of "True Dragon Bloodline" and "Psychic Powers", which can also be said to be the highest level that can be achieved when forming the power of a domain. Success rate.

In other words, as long as Midi thinks about it at this moment, if there is no accident, he can directly form such a top-level field.

However, at the last moment, Midi did not move.

Sure enough, something was still missing.

But what exactly?

As a reborn person, I should have filtered all the known powerful fields, why did I instinctively stop now?
and many more!

Midi's eyes suddenly lit up.


This word flashed through his mind.

At this moment, Midi finally understood what she had missed.

Perhaps, the blood of the real dragon is indeed the top.

Perhaps, psychic powers are indeed the most mysterious of all.

However, in the final analysis, all of this and even this life were given to him by rebirth.

The reason why Midi was able to be reborn was neither because of the powerful blood of the real dragon, nor because of any mysterious psychic powers, but because of the mysterious ghosts and gods he possessed.

Although this mysterious ghost is now dormant in the real dragon sword in Midi's body most of the time, if you want to say what the core power of Midi is, the only answer is this mysterious ghost.

In comparison, even the blood of the true dragon, psychic powers, and even the seemingly powerful "composite domain" are probably nothing.

"The opportunity of my life is given by you, and the path of my life is also step by step through the perfect fusion with you. Then, at this new beginning, of course, it is up to you to decide gone."

Midi showed a nostalgic smile.

The next moment, the real dragon sword in his body seemed to respond, and began to make a crisp ringing sound.

It's not the black iron dragon light, nor is it psychic powers.

In an instant, the cold and ghostly aura that only ghost swordsmen have, in this chaos, slowly permeated like a cold wave for thousands of years!
(End of this chapter)

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