Arad's Sword

Chapter 59 The Rose Hound and the Magic Bullet

Chapter 59 The Rose Hound and the Magic Bullet

Suddenly, the sun's light dimmed, and then it brightened again like an explosion, which hurt people's eyes, as if some force interfered with the operation of this world.

The smell of blood suddenly filled the air.Everywhere in the whole town, there seems to be something about to move, in the shadows, in the cracks in the walls, in the wells, under the eaves...

At some point, the carrion-loving vultures had already started circling in the sky, their sharp cries cutting through the scorching air, making the surrounding atmosphere even more chilling.

The soldiers of the Red Flame Legion, who were constantly attacking, began to panic for no reason. Even General Chihu, who had always been extremely calm, did not reprimand his subordinates for their timidity, but began to vigilantly observe the movement around them.Fenrir even showed nervousness involuntarily, looking left and right subconsciously.

While not knowing what will happen next, everyone knows that there is "something" coming.

Now the sun over Alvin Town is already blood red.

The sky is also gray.

The appearance of something affects everything around, even a stone, a tree, gradually showing a different appearance from the usual, disturbed by the arrival of the terrible monster summoned to this land.

Silently, fog began to form.

It is neither white nor black, but a red mist like blood, like a flood rushing out of a dam, spreading crazily towards every part of the town.

On the battlefield, there are still countless corpses. The blood of the dead is already cold, and the dark red color is full of ominousness, but compared with the blood of the dead, the color of this mist is even more frightening.If anger and hatred are mixed together, it must be the color of this mist.

The Chiyan soldiers at the forefront tried to retreat, but the speed of the red mist was faster than the wind, and in an instant, hundreds of soldiers were all enveloped in it.

In the next instant, countless miserable screams came from the mist.The scream was so sharp that it pierced people's eardrums in an instant, but it only lasted for a few seconds before the scream stopped abruptly as if it had been silenced.

After a few seconds, the sound sounded again, but this time it was no longer the sound from the throat of the living creature, but the clanging sound of swords, armor, shields, etc. falling to the ground.The sound of the metal colliding with the ground became one piece, extremely crisp, as if all the soldiers dropped their weapons and took off their armor at the same time.

And if someone can see through, he will know what happened in the mist in those few tens of seconds—countless fangs and sharp teeth condensed from blood mist, frantically tearing apart every living thing. The flesh and blood of the creatures until they were devoured, leaving only a pair of armor and a sword.

And there wasn't even a trace of blood on these equipments, they were as bright as new, because every drop of blood, every piece of flesh and blood had been swallowed by this weird red mist.

"Attack!" The knights barely suppressed the fear in their hearts, roaring and giving orders.

However, neither the sharpness of the sword nor the impact of the bullets could hinder the red mist at all.And the large-scale attack magic cast by the elementalists even made the fog more colorful and expanded faster!

Destroy the enemy with an irresistible penetrating attack, and convert all flesh and blood into its own energy with terrifying digestion power. Its tonic is a wide range of magic, and steel can't stop its actions.Once summoned, it will become stronger and bigger as it fights, and it is said that in the end, it can even completely swallow an entire city, and not even a single mosquito can escape the fate of becoming its food.

This is Alice Otropos' hole card - the Red Devil "Rose Hound".

When facing fog demons or night demons, although the Red Flame Legion could not attack the main body, what they suffered was only interference after all, and no direct casualties would be caused.

And those female ghost swords with special skills like those of the Delos Empire can continue to grope in the fog until they finally find the location of the main body, thus severely injuring them.

However, the Red Devil "Rose Hound" is a completely different existence, because it not only has attack power, but also has extremely powerful attack power.

In this bloody and brutal vortex created by the Rosehound, no one can walk through it at will, and every step will cost a huge price, but it can unscrupulously attack every target within its range, and then Transform a dead enemy into a part of itself.

Rosehound, it is the messenger of anger, the representative of madness, and the synonym of destruction!

It is not an exaggeration to call it "the strongest summoned beast".

In front of such a summoned beast, a large part of the Scarlet Flame Legion was bitten off in an instant. At least 2000 people became the food of the Rose Hound.

A large number of colleagues were wiped out in an instant. Even the well-trained soldiers finally couldn't help but began to collapse, from the formation, to the morale, to the soul.


"Man-eating monsters, they are eating people!"

"Run, we can't deal with this kind of thing at all!"

The soldiers in the front row are closest to the danger and can see it most clearly.In the vague red mist, they only saw a figure disintegrating like gravel, and then the armor and weapons that lost their master fell one by one.This terrifying sight made them desperately want to flee. They squeezed their colleagues behind them, shouting and retreating with a terrified expression.

But at this moment, a sharp horn sounded, and then, a group of soldiers wearing black armor with expressionless faces suddenly took a step forward, drew out their long knives and slashed down without hesitation.In an instant, all the fleeing soldiers were beheaded!

The Red Flame Legion has iron-like discipline, and of course it is not self-consciousness and honor that maintains this kind of discipline, but the ruthless supervisory army.

"Retreat! But you must maintain your formation! The rear army immediately becomes the front army to clear the way, let's leave Alvin Town!" General Red Fox roared loudly, his expression unchanged, but he covered his trembling hands in his cloak.

"Summoning this kind of monster, that insane Midi must have been buried in it long ago, and those damned elves must have been buried with him!" Fenrir said sternly from the side, with a sinister light in his eyes, "We have won this battle!"

Under the cold eyes of the supervising army, the roar of General Red Fox, and Fenrir's sneer, the Red Flame Legion hastily changed direction and began to retreat desperately.

The red mist "Rose Hound" immediately chased after it without a sound.

But this is not Alice's order. On the contrary, the Witch of the Mist is trying her best to restrain the movement of the Rose Hound. Her extremely beautiful face has already become extremely pale, and her long black hair is sticking to her body with sweat. On the skin, it completely lost its agility.

Because at this moment, the backlash and struggle from this terrifying summoned beast are getting stronger and stronger.

The Witch of the Mist has yet to fully control the Rosehound.

In other words, no one can fully control it.

The strength of the soaring character in the battle makes the Rosehound's resistance continue to increase. The ordinary soul contract can't restrain it at all. The summoner must use the pressure of his own soul to make the will of the summoned beast obey.

No matter how talented the Mist Witch is, her age is still there. However, she is still a young girl, and the accumulation and precipitation of her soul are not enough to bring an overwhelming advantage.

Therefore, resistance always exists, not only that, every time the Rosehound kills an enemy, this resistance will increase by one point.Once Alice can't control it, what awaits her and the more than 1000 elves next is the same ending as the soldiers of the Red Flame Legion.

If half of the Red Flame Legion is killed here, and at the same time, all of our own side is wiped out, can it be considered a victory?
Of course not, it was just an undisputed fiasco.

Not only was it a fiasco, but it would also make Midi's act of saving herself meaningless.

Therefore, Alice was clenching her teeth, trying her best to suppress the Rosehound's struggle.

However, as time passed, she felt more and more powerless.

Originally, he was not [-]% sure, and he was injured in the confrontation with the necromancer Wiseman before. The combination of the two made it extremely difficult for Alice to suppress the Rosehound.

She could even feel that the invisible but qualitative soul contract between herself and the Rosehound was constantly vibrating, creating countless small cracks, and when the contract completely collapsed, it was this bloodthirsty summoned beast that came towards her. When the fangs are shown.

Is this my limit?
Is this the end of the legacy of Aotropos?
As the lord of the forest, can he only reach this level?
Thousands of thoughts turned in Alice's mind, but in the end, what she remembered was the figure from the back that rushed forward without hesitation and saved her.

In the end, nothing was done...

At this moment, a strong blue light pierced the gray sky.

This ray of light seemed to be a sharp sword cut from the sky, and it directly hit the town of Alvin, which was swallowed up by the red mist, causing the Rosehound, who was devouring flesh and blood unscrupulously, to let out a horrified cry lament.

Before the light disappeared, the second beam of light came one after another, accurately destroying an old building, and ingeniously blocked the way for the Scarlet Flame Legion to retreat.

Then, the third, the fourth...

As the attacks came again and again, the brutal Rosehound lost its momentum, and the retreating Scarlet Flame Legion was in a mess. This powerful magic bullet instantly controlled the entire battlefield.

In the entire Principality of Bel Mare, there is only one person who can cast this magic bullet.

Fina Hamilton, the red-haired queen of magic bullets.

"It's finally here, and it's ahead of schedule." Alice murmured softly, subconsciously letting out a long breath.

Although the proud Mist Witch would never admit it verbally, at this moment, when she thought that the red-haired girl of the same age had come here, her heart was indeed at ease.

Of course, the appearance of Fina is not a miracle or a coincidence, but the result of Midi's careful arrangements.

Fina, who had disappeared since leaving Fort Joseph, obviously couldn't really get out of this war.

Her real mission was to go to the territory of the Asrex family, join up with Midi's father, Earl Ingerman, and lead the [-] soldiers of the Asrex family to break through the defense of Yorkshire.Afterwards, they moved closer to Midi's elf troops from the east, forming a double-teaming trend quietly, and finally defeated the main force of the Scarlet Flame Army in one fell swoop!

This is an extremely bold strategy that requires a precise grasp of time.

If Fina attacked Yorkshire too early, General Red Fox would probably adopt a conservative strategy, combining the originally separated forces into one tens of thousands of troops, making it impossible to defeat them one by one, let alone carry out a small-to-many encirclement up.

So, Fina has been waiting patiently.

When Midi launches her night attack, she doesn't attack.When Midi and the Red Flame Legion fought back and forth, she didn't attack either.It wasn't until General Red Fox couldn't hold back that he dispatched 500 people from Yorkshire to prepare for a general offensive that she finally gave the order to launch an attack.

Quinine Joseph's last [-]-man team, together with the [-] old, weak, sick and disabled left behind in Yorkshire, were no match for the [-]-man army led by Fina.In a flash, Yorkshire was broken.

Then, Fina immediately showed a vigorous attitude. She left all the wounded and all the supplies, and immediately led the troops to the main battlefield without stopping.

But at this moment, after just one and a half days, Fina's army had completed the three-day journey, and at this most critical moment, appeared on the battlefield, blocked the retreat of the Scarlet Flame Legion, and stopped The madness of the rosehound.

The soldiers of the Asrex family who came running wildly were all ill-equipped. Most of them took off their helmets, armor, and even their shields in order to keep up with the troops. handle sword.They were panting non-stop, never resting along the way, and their formation was extremely scattered, but they had to face the most well-equipped Scarlet Flame Legion in the Principality of Belle Mare immediately.

However, at this moment, what ignited from the eyes of these soldiers was an incomparably strong fighting spirit.

In just one charge, the rear army of the Red Flame Legion was completely pierced.The Asrex family's army was like a nail, directly nailing the Scarlet Flame Legion trying to retreat to the center of Alvin Town.And the overwhelming attack of magic bullets from Fina made Chi Yan's soldiers even more frightened, and the formation almost collapsed.

And the rose hound at the other end also suffered from magic bullets.Fina's attack is not like the magic of ordinary elementalists. Her magic power is extremely condensed, and it is difficult for the rosehound to absorb it. The characteristics of the red mist are even more unable to resist this kind of attack with strong penetrating power.

Therefore, the only thing the Rose Hound can do is to devour the Scarlet Flame Legion at a crazier speed to make up for the weakened strength.

There was a terrifying summoned beast in front, and the back road was blocked. The Red Flame Legion caught in the middle, after a weak struggle, was finally crushed without any suspense.

"No, it's impossible!" Fenrir shouted hoarsely with bloodshot eyes, "Damn Fina, damn Midi, how could you win me over!"

"Shut up, follow me immediately!" General Red Fox roared, and he grabbed Fenrir and left without any explanation.

Under the protection of their personal guards, the two nobles barely fought their way out, but there was no joy in their expressions, but a look of life rather than death.Because there were not even 100 people who escaped with them.

A total of 500 elite soldiers, how many years of accumulation of the Seth family, how much capital investment, how many days and nights to take care of the Scarlet Flame Legion, just disappeared!As for the [-] people in Yorkshire, there is no need to think about it—Fina has already fought here, why don't they raz that side?
The ordinary soldiers who were abandoned by the generals and their masters desperately wanted to escape, but they were not strong enough and their formation was chaotic, so they were blocked back after all.And most of them, without even a chance to surrender, became the food of the Rose Hound.

It's a pity that when the flesh and blood are finally devoured, Fei Na's magic bullet never stops.

The Rosehound's strength increased, but it still couldn't keep up with Fina's continuous bombardment.It finally began to grow weaker, and eventually, could no longer resist Alice's orders.

The bloody and brutal red mist finally dissipated, and the commander-in-chief of the Red Flame Legion also fell.

Thus, there was no longer any obstacle between the black-haired girl and the red-haired girl.

No words, no need, when the Witch of the Mist and the Queen of Magic Bullets stood side by side, when the black hair like a waterfall and the red hair like an autumn maple fluttered in the wind at the same time, this This war is over.

However, the battle belonging to Midi has just begun.

 The [-]-word chapter, starting now, will be the climax of the first volume, readers, stand up!
(End of this chapter)

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