Arad's Sword

Chapter 590 Active Activation

Chapter 590 Active Activation

Although it is necessary to explain the cause and effect to the real dragon fighters, of course, Midi will not directly tell the whole story about the "Death Pursuing Order".

The story is too long and too cumbersome.

Therefore, Midi just told these true dragon fighters very succinctly that there will soon be an endless stream of field experts coming to raid the Dark Dragon City, and this includes the first layer of the "Magma Death Land" in the Demon Realm. Demon Lord Degopes.

This news immediately caused an uproar among the true dragon fighters.

And just as Midi expected, all the true dragon fighters chose to avoid it.

After all, the Alliance of True Dragons and the Falcon Group, which is completely loyal to Midi, are two completely different concepts. Everyone gathers under Midi's banner for their own benefit.

In addition, the gap between domain experts and level 70 professionals who do not understand the power of the domain is too large. Even the sons of the dragon have no confidence in facing it.

Therefore, even Engman and Lilian, who wanted to fight with Midi, or Thor and Alex, who had always thought highly of themselves, all chose to retreat here.

As for the others, including several sons of the dragon, there is no need to mention it.

But at the same time that they were afraid of the arrival of the powerful in the field, these true dragon fighters were also shocked by Midi's another leap.

"How long has it been since I entered the Dark Dragon City? I have already realized the power of the domain, reached level 71, and become a strong player in the domain. This Midi is really too hard to figure out."

The moment he walked out of the central square, Engelman glanced at Midi from a distance, and then sighed involuntarily.

Recalling the time when he met Midi at the cross-domain portal, he felt as if ten years had passed, but the actual time was so short.

Unknowingly, no, it can even be said that in the short time before he had time to react, Midi had surpassed him, and still surpassed him greatly, crushingly surpassed.

How could this not make him feel emotional?

In fact, not only Engman, but almost all the real dragon fighters who had some contact with Midi were feeling emotional.

Because they were all people whose level and strength surpassed Midi at the beginning, but now they are completely inferior to Midi's level strength.

All of them can be said to be the most outstanding group of talented elites in the Underdark Region, characters that even Patriarchs and Palace Masters must try their best to cultivate and win over.

However, at this moment, looking at Midi who has realized the power of the domain, these heavenly favored children feel that they are nothing.

And when Midi was preparing to fight against the demon lord Degopes, they had no choice but to escape from the Dark Dragon City in desperation, and took refuge in the corners of the sixth floor of the Underdark.

In this case, who will be in a good mood?

But even if the heart is full of unwillingness, life is the most important thing after all. For these true dragon fighters who have not even reached level 70, they have no choice, and they may not even be qualified to be cannon fodder.

Therefore, I can only leave the Dark Dragon City.

But of course, Midi kept all the golems exchanged for dragon energy.

This can also be regarded as the privilege he has as the lord of the alliance after bringing victories to the true dragon fighters.

Although these golems are inferior to the true dragon fighters in terms of combat effectiveness, they are, after all, alchemy products of the Dark Dragon City.

When needed, the golem is not only combat power, but can also be used as "nodes" one by one, so that the already huge prohibition circle of the Dark Dragon City can be further exerted.

Now, if all the more than 1000 golems exchanged by the real dragon fighters are spread out, it can completely strengthen the dragon city's magic circle by at least [-]%.

But of course, even so, the challenge facing Midi is still extremely severe.

After all, the other party is a genuine demon lord.

Among the combat power he currently possesses, the strongest is the "Sword Demon" Agares who has just contracted.

According to Agares, if his "Thousand Swords Domain" transforms into a giant sword form, with a full blow, he can hurt De Gopez's terrifying "Carnival Domain", but it is only a wound. Just arrived.

As for the "King of Thunder" Odin, although he also volunteered to join the battle, after all, he is only level 71, and the domain power he possesses is not as overbearing as Midi's "Glow Domain" formed by relying on mysterious ghosts and gods.

Therefore, at best, it can only play a limited role in harassment. In more cases, what Odin needs to do is to deal with the army brought by De Gopes.

Although the strength of the three giant dragons had already reached the level of the second awakened powerhouse before their death, they are now the body of will.

As for the will body, there are many weaknesses that can be targeted.

These three giant dragons have been guarding the sixth floor of the Underdark for thousands of years. For the demons, they have long been familiar with it. Even if they take action themselves, it may not bring any advantage.

Moreover, rather than letting the three giant dragons come to help out in person, Midi hopes that they can complete the grand plan that they made at the beginning-to repair the cracks in the wall of dimensions, so that the Underdark and the Demon Realm can be completely isolated.

Although this is an extremely grand strategy, in fact, Midi can also benefit from it.

You must know that after the death hunting order is activated, the frequency of sending demons is related to the distance from the demon world.

If the Dimensional Wall is not repaired, the demons can swarm from the Demon Realm one after another, and there will be no breathing time for Midi.

It might even be that those cunning demons are all waiting to pick up the leaks and make up for the knife.

But if the Dimensional Wall is repaired, even the death hunting order made by "Tear Eyes" Herder, it is impossible to continuously send the demons over without stopping.

During the teleportation process, the Death Chasing Order will consume more energy.

Therefore, on the issue of fighting Degopes, Midi never counted on the three giant dragons.

But of course, Midi must use the forbidden magic circle of the Dark Dragon City and the "Heart of the Revenant".

This can also be said to be Midi's biggest reliance besides "Sword Demon" Agares.

After merging the Heart of the Dead Soul with the underground magic veins of the Dark Dragon City, this prohibition circle can not only use magic power to suppress it, but even has the characteristics of a domain.

The biggest feature of the field is that it can produce rules that are most beneficial to the creator.

For example, Midi's Dragon Flame will be suppressed by the other party's ordinary flames in the fiery domain of the fiend in the deep hell.

But now, based on the Dark Dragon City, after bringing out all the characteristics of the "Heart of the Revenant", this prohibition circle also has a great suppressing effect on those powerful demons.

In an ideal situation, if the demon lord at the peak of level 75 can be suppressed to level 74, then the combination of Midi, Agares, and Odin can still defeat him.

But the problem is, how much effect this prohibition circle can have on the demon lord, even Agares, who has been in contact with De Gopes for many years, can't tell.

A high-ranking demon who can stay in the position of the great lord for hundreds or even thousands of years without being usurped must have an unknown trump card.

How can this kind of hole card be understood by outsiders like Agares?
No, perhaps, even De Gopez's confidants don't know what the hole card is?

On the battlefield, there are no guarantees, and no one will come to make guarantees.

If you want to know whether you can kill the demon lord De Gopes with such a lineup and preparation, the only way is to know after a fight.

However, the most critical question is when exactly?

The "Death Chasing Order" in Midi's body is now ready to move, and it can be felt growing at any time, and it is trying to make a sharp cry in the direction of the demon world.

And the pungent sulfur smell became more and more intense, even making Midi feel like a prey being hit by a hunter's scent bomb.

Agares even claimed that the room where Meddy was in gave people a feeling of "back to the devil's hometown".

However, according to the estimates of the three giant dragons and the eighth apostle Rotes, it will take at least two weeks for this death hunt order to reach the stage where it can penetrate the dimensional barrier and send a signal.

Whether to use these two weeks for self-adjustment and cultivation, or simply try to directly trigger the "death pursuit order", this is the choice that Midi has to make now.

However, on this issue, Midi did not hesitate at all.

"Now that everything is ready, of course the 'death pursuit order' should be activated immediately."

Midi said firmly.

It will take at least two weeks to activate automatically, which actually means that the actual activation time of the death pursuit order is uncertain.

This kind of uncertainty may bring variables to the entire combat plan.

In addition, Midi's style has always been "offense is the best defense", so instead of waiting here for the arrival of the devil, it is better to actively lure the opponent.

That's what Meddy does.

In addition, the most important point is that he should use the Dark Dragon City as his backing as much as possible.

Now, after returning from the bloody battlefield, there is still one month left in the "Dark Dragon City Trial".

By the end of this month, most of the black crystal power stored by Dark Dragon City in the past five years will be consumed. Next, Dark Dragon City will have to enter a semi-dormant state.

At that time, even if Midi can continue to use the power of "Revenant Heart", she will no longer be able to use the black dragon city's prohibition circle, and the three giant dragons will not be able to help at that time.

Therefore, in order to be able to persist for a longer period of time under the "death hunting order", he would rather activate it earlier.

As for the active activation method, it is very simple, as long as the growth of "Death Hunting Order" is accelerated.

Midi slowly circulated the black iron flames in his body, and sent one after another flames into the "Death Hunting Order" to promote its growth. In just a few minutes, the "Death Hunting Order" began to grow rapidly. Swell up!

The next moment, a low voice erupted from Midi's body, and a leaden gray light shot out from his body, pierced through the body, pierced through the solid walls of the Dark Dragon City, and even directly pierced through the void, piercing into the To the distant demon world!

"Death Chasing Order" has finally started!

(End of this chapter)

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