Arad's Sword

Chapter 593

Chapter 593
Even for Midi, who is extremely good at flying, he couldn't resist the power of the sonic explosion.

In simple terms, this is equivalent to an enhanced version of Odin's "sword drawing sound".

This blow alone was enough to make Midi lose his balance in mid-air, and even stagnate to a certain extent.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, De Gopes has already rushed up like a tiger descending the mountain, and the giant ax in his hand crossed again, drawing a huge cross!

The power of this cross light is several times stronger than that of the explosion, and it is a real attack.

Meddy, who is only level 71, can't resist the attack of Degopes, who has reached level 75, from the front. His only choice is to dodge back as fast as possible.

This flash, several kilometers directly flashed out, and was almost forced out of the Dark Dragon City.

However, De Gopes did not pursue, but stayed in place.

Then, soon, the "carnival field" that was broken by a small part of Midi merged into Degopes's body, like a huge spell shield.

The combination of domains and domain powerhouses is the posture of attacking and defending as one.

"Unexpectedly, this big devil is quite cautious."

Midi narrowed her eyes.

Although Agares had already heard this point, De Gopez's performance is now more cautious than Midi imagined.

It's just that the attack has just started, and the demon lord has shown such an attitude of protracted warfare, which not only makes Midi feel a little difficult to start.

But thanks to this, Midi didn't have to face too violent attacks.

On the contrary, under Degopez's overly cautious attitude, it was Midi who could attack freely.

Of course, after experiencing the speed of Degopes and the terrifying attack power of the pair of giant axes, Midi no longer adopted the strategy of close combat, but circled back and forth outside the Dark Dragon City.

And the "glow field" formed by the bright silver light, following Midi's will, bloomed everywhere in the sky above the Dark Dragon City at an inconceivable speed.

Every time it blooms, the "Aura Field" will cause bursts of violent explosions.

As long as it is affected by this explosion, even the "Carnival Domain" cannot be unaffected.

De Gopes tried to resist the attack from the "Glow Domain", but was annoyed to find that this glow explosion was not only a mental attack, but also had the special effect of a physical attack.

This means that if he defends himself, he will also suffer a certain degree of damage.

Not only that, but when De Gopes tried to grab the "Aura" in turn and tear it apart, he found to his dismay that he had no way of doing it.

The "glow field" is light, and its characteristics make all kinds of negative effects have no effect.

De Gopez's incomparably powerful attack power was useless at all in the face of this "Glory Domain".

And if the domains are allowed to fight each other through mutual erosion, the facts have proved that the "Carnival Domain" is not the opponent of the "Glory Domain"!

In other words, it wasn't until this moment that De Gopes realized that the domain owned by the black-haired and black-eyed human youth in front of him turned out to be such an almost invincible domain!
As long as this field exists, Midi can completely wander around the periphery, neither escaping nor attacking, but using the purest containment method.

As for the real attack, it can be handed over to his own "Glow Domain", because there is no way to defend against this kind of explosive attack from the "Glow Domain".

If you wear it down a little bit, no matter how great your advantage is, I'm afraid it will be consumed into a disadvantage like this!

"It's kind of interesting, but do you think that just relying on this level of fireworks can stop me?"

De Gopes snorted coldly, and suddenly recited an extremely lengthy incantation.

Accompanied by this incantation, a vortex suddenly formed in the center of the "Carnival Domain", and from the vortex, Midi's phantom appeared faintly.

"not good!"

In Midi's heart, a strong warning suddenly appeared for no reason.

However, at the same time, De Gopes has already smashed the axe at the Midi phantom in the "Carnival Field"!

Made of Hei Yao stainless steel, the rough ax edge with jagged edges slid across the phantom.

The phantom itself didn't change in any way because of this, the ax seemed to be cutting directly into the air.

However, in front of Midi, who was several kilometers away, a huge ax suddenly appeared without warning, and it smashed down on him!

If there were no omens in his heart, this ax alone could directly split Midi into two.

But even if there was an omen, no matter how fast Midi was, it couldn't be faster than this blow that came out of thin air.

At the juncture of life and death, the only thing he could do was to block the giant axe's attack from the front with the horn king sword.

There was a crisp sound of metals biting into each other, and the air was slightly heated.

And amidst this loud noise, Midi flew upside down, like a falling meteor, was slammed down from mid-air, and smashed into the ground!

After finally getting up from the ground, Midi felt as if all the viscera in her body had been turned out, and the bones all over her body were even more painful.

Although it was not to the point of vomiting blood, the power of this blow had already reached the point where Midi was injured.

This is the power of a strong man who is at the peak of level 75, who is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the second awakening!
Midi couldn't help smiling wryly in her heart.

In the previous life, even after his second awakening, he might be inferior to this demon lord who has not yet awakened again, right?
It can be said that Midi is facing the top group of all professionals.

Unfortunately, the other party is an enemy, not a companion.

Moreover, Midi is also very clear that this blow from the air through the characteristics of the "carnival field" may not have brought out the full power of Degopes.

The blow I suffered just now was at most [-]% to [-]% of the power of Degopez's real blow.

Fortunately, it seems that this kind of space attack cannot be carried out continuously, otherwise, Midi has no power to resist at all.

But although the "Carnival Field" needs a period of time before it can use a space attack, this "period" is actually not long.

Not long after Midi stood up, and before she even had time to pat off the brick debris on her body, the phantom in the "Carnival Field" brightened up again.

Then, De Gopes let out a sneer, and slashed down with all his strength!
"I'd like to see where you can hide! No matter how weird your domain power is, it's absolutely impossible for you to resist my attack!"

At the moment when the warning sign appeared in his heart, Midi immediately made preparations.

Of course, if this kind of air slash could be easily avoided, then it would not be Degopes' trump card. No matter how fast Midi was, it would not be able to prevent the giant ax from slashing directly at him.

Therefore, he didn't try to dodge at all, but directly assumed the strongest defensive posture, and then blocked the blow from the front again!
But this time, Midi was not smashed to the ground, but was thrown into the air like a hit ball.

In this way, as long as it does not collide with the ground or other obstacles, at least Midi will not suffer secondary damage caused by the impact.

In addition, his speed was directly increased at this moment to a level that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

"For this sake, I want to see how fast your air slash is!"

Midi forcibly swallowed the blood from her throat, calmed down, and with the help of the impact of the ax just now, turned the black iron dragon light around her body again, accelerated twice, and started to fly!
This flight is not along a straight line, but along an irregular circular line, flying back and forth around De Gopes.

At the same time, Midi also condensed the "Glory Domain" once again, and restarted the indiscriminate bombardment of the "Carnival Domain".

Under the violent explosions again and again, De Gopes found with distress that many fine cracks were blown out of the edge of his own domain.

In addition to being afraid, he also became more and more angry.

Soon, the third ax fell on Midi.

Only this time, the effect is far from as good as the first time.

Although he couldn't avoid Degopez's attack and could only defend from the front, the defense was also particular.

Midi has already figured out the law and time interval of this unavoidable attack from a distance. As long as he grasps the angle of the giant ax at the first time, and then pushes away, he can buffer the blow to the greatest extent. shock.

Maybe he will still suffer some damage because of this, but it is far from directly collapsing because of it.

On the contrary, Midi can use the power of this ax to make himself fly faster in the air, making it even more difficult for Degopes to use other attack methods.

At the same time, despite being continuously attacked by De Gopes, Midi's "Glory Field" has never stopped bombing.

That piece of silvery radiance, like the sun hanging high in the sky, constantly sprinkled pieces of cold light like needles, piercing into Degopes' "Carnival Domain", causing bursts of violent explosion.

And every explosion will shake the "Carnival Domain", causing it to be irreversibly damaged.

This kind of damage can only be recovered when De Gopes returns to the Demon Realm for recuperation.

But right now, in this fierce battle, it can be said that every time Midi's "Glow Domain" bombards, the power of Degopes' domain will drop by one.

This also means that De Gopez's own strength is being gradually worn down in the indiscriminate bombing again and again.

De Gopes originally thought that he could easily crush Midi to death by playing the hole card of killing in the air.

However, Midi's tenacity is far stronger than he imagined.

After all, Midi is a person with the blood of a real dragon, and his physical fitness is far higher than that of ordinary professionals. Even if he is attacked by Degopes head-on, he will not be killed directly.

In addition, in Ghost Swordsman's swordsmanship, there are many methods of dismantling and unloading force, so even if forced to defend from the front, Midi can still hold on.

As a result, the originally one-sided battle situation has now turned into a confrontation with each other.

De Gopes kept bombarding Midi's body.

Midi, on the other hand, was constantly bombarding Degopes' domain.

(End of this chapter)

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