Arad's Sword

Chapter 596

Chapter 596

"what is this……"

De Gopes could hardly believe his eyes.

He wanted to roar angrily, but in the middle of shouting, the sharp pain from his chest made the sound stop abruptly.

He lowered his head, looked at the sharp giant sword that pierced through his chest and the "crazy heart", and quickly recognized the owner of this weapon.

"Agares, it turned out to be you!"

The demon lord gritted his teeth and let out an unwilling cry.

And amidst this shout, "Sword Demon" Agares slowly appeared from the "Glow Domain", first nodded to Midi, and then looked down at Midi with a condescending attitude. To the Demon Lord.

There is no doubt that this deadly sword is Midi's biggest killing move.

In other words, everything Midi did before was all for this sword at this moment!
You must know that in the previous life, Midi was also a strong man who had reached the second awakening after all. In the battle of the heavens, although his main duty was to serve as a commander, he had also seen and experienced countless times of this kind. Combat at the highest level.

Anyone who has reached the second awakening, or a strong man like De Gopez who has half-stepped into the second awakening, is not easy to deal with.

One of the biggest characteristics of these strong people is their strong "resilience".

They will not pin their hopes on just one explosive attack, because that is tantamount to gambling, but will weaken their opponents step by step, slowly but surely moving towards victory in a completely controllable environment.

In other words, for a strong man like De Gopez, the most basic strategy in battle is to consume, not "second kill".

And the characteristics brought about by this strategy are that such strong people have high defense power and strong recovery power.

If it is really consumed, even if Midi has the "Heart of the Revenant", coupled with the support from the Dark Dragon City, there is absolutely only one dead end.

So, in fact, if Midi wants to win, the only option is to "spike".

His "Glow Domain" can do this, because "Glow" can undoubtedly be regarded as the most overbearing domain power.

But the problem is, if Midi keeps hiding the "Glow Field" and doesn't use it, then he will never have the chance to kill Degopes in seconds, and I'm afraid he will be killed by the opponent directly if he comes up to face to face.

Therefore, in the end, the strategy Midi formulated was to gradually weaken Degopes's strength by himself until it was weakened enough to create a large enough flaw.

And at that time, the "Sword Demon" Agares, who owns the "Thousand Swords Domain" and is second only to Midi in attack power, needs to seize this flaw and kill him with one blow!

This is a strategy to maximize your own attack power.

Also a strategy to maximize De Gopez's defense, resilience and stamina in check.

Although it was extremely difficult to actually implement it, and Midi was on the verge of death many times, but at this moment, this strategy has finally won.

Agares, who had been hiding in the "Glory Field" for a long time, finally seized this opportunity.

When the two sides offered their legendary magic props to confront each other, all Degopes' attention could be said to be on Midi.

And most of the power he has is placed on the "heart of madness" to maximize his attack power.

Even the power of the "Carnival Domain", a domain that Agares was quite afraid of, has been withdrawn and converted into a driving force for attack.

It can be said that Midi has created the right time and place for Agares.

If such a sword can't be hit, then Agares is not worthy to be called a genius of the third level of the devil world.

As soon as the giant sword condensed from the "Thousand Swords Field" came out, it immediately penetrated the protection of Degopes' whole body, and even directly stabbed the biggest trump card of the demon lord - "Heart of Madness"!
In this way, De Gopez is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out and its claws have been cut off. It has lost its greatest support and means of attack.

In fact, Midi could already hear a hint of bravado in De Gopes' angry growl.

The demon lord stretched out his hands and barely pulled out the giant sword from his chest.

However, at this moment, with the "Carnival Domain" consuming most of the domain's power and suffering serious injuries, his level has directly dropped to level 75, to only level 74.

With this kind of strength, it is simply impossible to leave Agares' "Thousand Swords Field" with bare hands.

Agares just had a thought, and the huge sword shook violently, broke free from Degopez's hand, and then slashed down fiercely again!

With a "clang", this time, Degopes finally reacted fast enough to block Agares' sword with the same legendary double axes.

However, after losing his "crazy heart", with a big hole in his chest, and being stared at by Midi, he has long since lost his interest in fighting.

You know, although Midi is now close to the state of exhaustion, Agares who just emerged is unscathed.

Now De Gopez himself has fallen to level 74, and he has suffered heavy injuries and lost his hole card. Facing this level 73 genius, he has no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, although on the surface he looks full of anger and is ready to fight back, deep down, De Gopez has begun to cringe.

He is the great demon lord, who has existed for thousands of years, and he is on the first level of the demon world.

Now, although he hates Agares who is on Meddy's side, and he can't wait to eat Meddy himself, but De Gopes cares more about his own life than hatred.

Only by surviving can there be a future and revenge.

"Don't think you can escape, De Gopes."

Agares sneered, obviously seeing through the other party's mind.

"Hmph, you are obviously a demon, but you actually turned around to help the prey marked by the 'Death Hunting Order'. You are betraying the entire demon world! Agares, aren't you afraid of being punished by the apostle?"

Not to be outdone, De Gopes let out a growl.

However, how could Agares take this threat to heart?
You must know that although he did have to help Midi because he had signed the "attachment contract", Midi was able to borrow the "Revenant Heart", which was the acquiescence of the fourth apostle and the ninth apostle.

In other words, it can be said that Agares has already obtained the tacit approval of the apostles.

The reason why he stood here was no longer simply coerced by Midi, but more like the result of a game between the top leaders of the demon world.

Therefore, when De Gopez sang high-profile here, Agares simply scoffed.

In terms of background and understanding of the overall situation, how could this narrow-minded first-tier lord of the demon world compare to him?

Therefore, Agares didn't bother to explain anything, but said coldly: "As long as you die here, who will know about my helping human beings?"

Accompanied by this sound, the gigantic sword condensed from the "Field of Thousand Swords" suddenly soared, and directly turned into a length of several kilometers, and it was about to strike De Gopes head-on.

However, in the face of this mortal creature, Degopes did not move at all, and immediately afterward, Midi and Agares discovered that his huge body, which was ten meters high, was gradually becoming dimmer. stand up.

It's like melting into the air.

"No, it's void transfer!" Agares frowned.

He didn't expect that De Gopes would have such a move, but after a few words and a delay of less than a minute, the demon lord was ready to escape!
Moreover, this "void transfer" cannot be interrupted even if you know it, unless you have the power of a domain that has attributes directly related to space, otherwise, you can only watch Degopes complete this spell!

And once the "Void Transfer" takes effect, it will not be teleported hundreds of kilometers away, but will be teleported directly from the Underdark Region back to the Demon Realm!

However, seeing that De Gopes was about to escape, Midi's expression was unusually calm.

He didn't take any action to stop it, on the contrary, he just watched coldly.

After a few more minutes, the phantom of Degopes finally completely dissipated from the air.

Agares couldn't help but sighed deeply.

Only a little bit, he was able to kill the demon lord.

But just when the sword demon was feeling remorseful and frustrated, another huge monster suddenly spit out from the void.

It was the dazed Degopes!

"What? What's going on here? Why... why did you come back here?"

De Gopez was already incoherent.

He obviously activated the "Void Shift", and it did take effect, but in the end, his position didn't even move. How is this possible?

As if to answer Degopez's question, suddenly, three extremely powerful forces rose above the Dark Dragon City.

Then, three pairs of wings covering the sky and the sun appeared in the sky above Dragon City.

It is the three giant dragons of wisdom, strength, and inheritance!
"Has the seal been completed?"

Midi raised her head and asked in a calm tone.

"Ah, thanks to you kid, this time, the seal was finally successfully completed." The wise dragon nodded slightly, showing a gratified expression, "In this way, the dimension between the Demon World and the sixth layer of the Underdark is completely sealed." The wall will become extremely stable, and even if it resonates, these demons will not be able to come in! And this seal can be used for at least a thousand years!"

"Of course, there is no way out for a little bug like this that wants to escape."

On the side, the power dragon gave Degopez a condescending look, and said coldly, with an undisguised killing intent in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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