Arad's Sword

Chapter 605 Is the Sword Emperor Strong?

Chapter 605 Is the Sword Emperor Strong?
Staring at Meddy's star-black eyes, Philip felt uncomfortable all over.

Although he is now a strong man at level 64, he has directly increased by more than 10 levels in more than a year, and it can be said that he has made a leap in strength. However, in front of Midi, he feels that he is like a bird that has been trapped. The sheep that the dragon stared at had no ability to resist!

Even though they are already level 64, they can be regarded as first-class powerhouses on the continent of Arad.

You know, even Reinhardt, known as a genius of martial arts, is only level 66 now!
And the average level of professionals on the continent of Arad, although it took a leap after the Grand Forest fire, is only around level 50 now.

But why, after being glanced at by Midi, there is a feeling of being petrified?

Philip asked himself, but could not get an answer.

However, at this moment, at the most critical moment of the confrontation between the two armies, Philip knew very well that he must not lose his momentum.

Once overwhelmed by Midi's aura, maybe even a battle that was supposed to win will collapse in an instant!

After all, this is the legendary undefeated commander, just showing up is enough to put tremendous pressure on all enemies.

"But this time, do you think I will let your undefeated miracle continue? Midi Asrex, you came at the right time! As long as I defeat you, then the Kingdom of Bel Mare will not have any Hope!"

Philip forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, swallowed, and said in a cold voice.

No matter how powerful Midi is, or even possesses flying skills, I am afraid that he has not improved much during the year of disappearance.

But now, as the second prince, Philip is under the protection of a team of extremely elite soldiers and generals, the highest level of which has reached level 66!
He simply didn't believe what Midi could do in this situation.

Even if Midi gathered Reinhardt's elite troops to launch an attack, it would definitely be too late.

Therefore, Philip quickly convinced himself, and then tried to use greater ambition to restore himself to his usual domineering.

However, after hearing Philip's provocative and stern yelling, Midi didn't show any expression of anger. On the contrary, she just showed a mocking smile.

Facing the second prince Philip who was under the protection of the guards, who had layers of protection and wore many life-saving accessories, Midi didn't do anything, but stretched out his right hand wrapped in the iron glove.

Then, he shook his right hand lightly, as if trying to grab something out of the air.

The next moment, an invisible but irresistible force directly restrained Philip, just like catching a chicken, and directly grabbed the noble second prince out of the crowd.

Philip struggled frantically in mid-air, shouting, but to no avail.

When he came back to his senses from the whirling, Midi had grabbed his neck and carried him directly into the air.

Midi's hands were like iron clamps, firmly stuck on Philip's neck, making it difficult for him to breathe, and even made him feel that death was approaching.

How can this be?

In panic and fear, such a thought flashed through Philip's mind.

I was under the protection of a group of people, how could this Midi beckon me, and I was automatically restrained and flew over?

What kind of weird skill is this?
Or, in the past year or so, this Midi Asrex has made some terrible progress in strength, so that so many elites present have been completely suppressed by him?
Philip was completely lost.

But soon, the suffocation of his body forced him to focus on his eyes.

"You want to defeat me? It doesn't matter. You can come at me, but don't let those beasts under you attack my people, otherwise, I will never be polite."

Midi looked at Philip coldly and said quietly.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that the legendary invincible commander would be so naive. This is war! Whatever happens, even a massacre of the city is not surprising!"

Philip finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although his tone softened a lot, he still didn't want to be outdone.

After all, this is on the battlefield where the two armies are confronting each other. Once he submits, no matter whether the final result of this battle is victory or failure, it will still have a huge negative impact on his own reputation.

Moreover, he really couldn't understand how Midi's strength could be so strong.

In the depths of Philip's heart, he always believed that Midi either burst out with all his strength in an instant when he came up, or he used some special means.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to capture his majestic second prince directly from the tight protection in one move!

In the final analysis, although Philip was shocked and angry at being carried by Meddy like a chicken at the moment, he didn't have any fear from the bottom of his heart towards Meddy.

He just instinctively felt that Midi was dangerous and invisible, and the aura around him was extremely oppressive.

However, because the level of professionals on the continent of Arad is too low, even level 70 is extremely rare, so everyone present - including Reinhardt, who has the highest level of 66 - did not realize that Midi There is already a world of difference between them.

The second awakener, this is the kind of power they have no concept of at all.

Because of this, Midi just smiled faintly at Philip's stubbornness, and said, "Massacre? If you dare to say such a thing, aren't you afraid that I will show you off on the spot?"

"Hmph, even if I die, do you think this war will stop? Do you think the army of the Delos Empire will retreat? As long as the father is there, the army under his command will continue to go to Bell. Maer, then crush everything that stands in your way, and then conquer! Not only that, but if my prince dies in Bel Mare, I can guarantee that the imperial army will retaliate wildly! Believe me, Mi Di, that's definitely not what you want to see!"

Philip said loudly like a cannonball.

On the one hand, he was afraid that Midi would really kill him directly.

But on the other hand, Philip only thought that Midi's personal strength was very strong, but he was far from being able to dominate the current battle situation. Therefore, his words were soft but hard.

When hearing this sentence, Midi smiled instead of anger, and let go directly.

Philip, who lost his support, immediately fell down and sat on the ground with his buttocks firmly, grinning his teeth in pain.

"Do you know why I let you down? Because I want you to see clearly what will happen next."

Midi said in a calm tone.

Philip rubbed his neck, and didn't answer Midi's words, but just snorted coldly, because he really didn't know what would happen next.

Midi paused, and then glanced at the Delos Empire army in the distance, ready to attack at any time.

The number of this army is more than 3, and it is the elite main force of the empire stationed in the Peloponnese Great Plains. It is well-equipped and of the highest level.

From a distance, this army looks like a tide made entirely of steel, covering the entire horizon.

In contrast, although the war fortress of the Falcon Regiment facing it is quite magnificent, it has a lonely and tragic feeling.

It's like waiting for a reef that is about to be washed away by the tide.

However, the way Midi looked at this kind of army seemed to be looking at a group of dead people.

"Is the 'King of Swords' Yoren really strong? Since he even dared to invade the Kingdom of Bel Mare, I really want to ask that old guy, can you do this?"

Accompanied by these words, a light golden radiance surged out of Midi's originally pitch-black eyes.

Echoing with these golden eyes, countless pale golden rays of light emerged from the void throughout the entire Peloponnesian plain.

The dark clouds were dispersed by thousands of rays of light, and the originally slightly hazy plain suddenly became translucent under the omnipresent rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, beams of light shot down from the clouds one after another, hitting the army of the Delos Empire.

In the blink of an eye, nearly ten thousand imperial soldiers were gasified and evaporated in this light!
Their bodies, armor, weapons, and even their souls were all transformed into brilliant light particles, and then scattered in the air, like a tide composed entirely of light, surging and flying back and forth.

There are no thrilling explosions, and no bloody and cruel scenes. Everything comes without warning, but it is impossible to resist.

It wasn't until they saw their comrades vaporize and disappear with their own eyes that these imperial soldiers finally realized that they were attacked!
However, facing the pillars of light that descended from the sky like divine punishment, they had no way to resist at all.

Only a few great magicians who had reached level 65 tried to defend with magic circles connected to the leylines.

However, even if they managed to activate the magic circle, it was a so-called strategic defense, but under Midi's beam of light, it was shot through, burned, and even slightly prevented the beam of light from shooting like a thin sheet of paper. Can't do it.

And as the beam of light continued to fall, the military formation that was originally like an iron curtain had become riddled with holes.

In just a few minutes, the number of soldiers gasified by the universal light golden light has exceeded 2.

And this number is still increasing at an alarming rate.

It was also in just a few minutes that the Delos Imperial Army, whose morale was high, experienced the feeling of falling from heaven to hell.

At first, they didn't understand what was going on.

Then they tried to resist.

And soon, they finally realized that under the sea of ​​light that illuminated the entire Peloponnesian plain, no one had the ability to resist.

The only way is to wait to be evaporated.

At this level, even a ruthless soldier will only have helplessness and fear in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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