Arad's Sword

Chapter 623 The Fifth Alchemy Workshop

Chapter 623 The Fifth Alchemy Workshop
If it is placed on the Arad continent or the dark area, Midi, the airborne person in charge, will inevitably show his skills, or try to make an example of others, so that he can establish his majesty and completely control the workshop.

However, this is the heaven, and a person's status depends more on the wings he possesses.

Since Midi is Gold Wing, it is only natural for him to come to take charge of this alchemy studio.

Because before he came here, the highest person in charge of this place was just a Yuren.

Moreover, it happened to be the Yuren who appraised the holy silver bullet for Midi back then.

Since I am convinced of Midi's alchemy skills, and because the status of the feathered man and the golden winged man are very different, Midi took over the alchemy workshop without any effort at all.

"Master Midi, next, you are the main person in charge here, please give the order."

This feathered alchemist soon entered the role of the deputy director of the workshop.

According to the deputy director, in Qingfeng City, there are a total of ten workshops under the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild, and each workshop has its own area of ​​responsibility, and they mainly cooperate with each other.

For example, the Celestial Legion requires a thousand sets of roaming gunners.

This order, after the Silvermoon Guild accepts it, will be assigned to the Alchemy Workshop for manufacturing.

However, it is not allocated to one workshop, but to different workshops according to the content of the equipment.

A workshop dedicated to the manufacture of firearms will take over the production of a thousand pieces of firearms.

A workshop dedicated to the manufacture of armor will take over the production of a thousand pieces of armor.

Of course, there are many other workshops for accessories, detection instruments, etc., and they will also carry out their own work in different categories.

Finally, when all the workshop work is done, put together, there is a thousand complete sets of roaming gunners' equipment.

This division of labor allows each studio to focus on its own professional field while continuously improving efficiency.

It is precisely because of this extremely detailed division of labor that the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild can always provide the best products in the shortest possible time.

In the previous life, it was also for this reason that Midi chose this guild as the army's logistics supply base.

And the fifth workshop where Midi is located, the main alchemy products belong to the field of "consumables", such as bullets, arrows, mines and so on.

Obviously, due to the relationship between the Holy Silver Bullet, Diadona directly gave Midi a seat.

After all, although a master alchemist can be said to have a sufficient understanding of all fields, from medicine to mechanics, etc., and is very good at them, in the end, there are still "best" fields.

The 24 holy silver bullets with exactly the same pattern are enough for Diadona to believe that Midi has gone deep in this field.

Of course, in fact, Midi is good at far more than bullet manufacturing.

However, it was exactly what he wanted to be assigned to be the supervisor of the Fifth Workshop.

After all, although consumables can bring less profit than large alchemy products such as firearms, they will continue to generate "consumption".

And as long as there is "consumption", there will naturally be continuous demand.

Once a big customer like the Celestial Legion is settled, there is no need to think about it at all, and the orders will come in a steady stream.

After all, even for recruit training, bullets have to be consumed, right?
Of course, since it has been decided to gather the most resources for upgrading in the shortest possible time, and try to get the name "Midi" out, then Midi will not be content with the status quo.

"Does our Fifth Workshop have any competitors now? Which alchemy products are we mainly competing in? List all the situations for me!"

Midi quickly gave instructions.

And after just one hour, the deputy director put the entire stack of documents in front of Midi with all his heart and soul.

In this stack of materials, all the materials of the main competitors of the entire Silver Moon Alchemy Guild are recorded.

Of course, among them, those that involve bullets, arrows and other consumables are naturally competitors of the Fifth Workshop where Midi is located.

"Tiangang Alchemy Association, is this one..."

A smile appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth.

He vaguely remembered that the Tiangang Association was an alchemy workshop that placed great importance on status, and all the alchemists in it were real angels, while Yuren and Wuyu could only serve as coolies.

In the previous life, because there were a large number of ground races such as humans and dark elves in Midi's army, the Tiangang Association refused to provide any supplies for it.

Even if Midi's army is fighting against demons for the sake of the heavens, they still have such an attitude.

In this life, since the Tiansteel Association was bumped into by Midi, no matter whether it is public or private, there is nothing to be polite about.

However, purely from a technical point of view, the level of the Tiangang Association can be regarded as first-class.

After all, an alchemist who is composed entirely of angels still has a certain degree of advantage.

Because compared to Yuren alchemists, their average level is higher, and as an angel, they can get access to some better formulas, design drawings, etc. Therefore, the products of Tiangang Association have some other alchemists. An advantage that stores cannot catch up with.

That's "high end".

The top-notch bullets, arrows, and even firearms are all produced by Tiangang Factory.

Of course, due to the high-end positioning of these alchemy products, the price is naturally ridiculously expensive, even for the rich and powerful Celestial Legion, it is impossible to popularize them.

However, the Tiangang Association does not need to be popularized at all.

"Angel products can only be used by angels."

This is the most commonly used slogan of Tiangang Association.

The high-end weapons and ammunition they make are basically only supplied to angels above the rank of general officer.

In this way, the high-end equipment takes the high-end route, which fits the angels' aloof mentality, and instead firmly occupies the market of the angels.

If the approach of the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild is to provide cheap and high-quality products to most people, then the approach of the Tiansteel Association is to provide angels with the most expensive and best quality products by angel alchemists.

Of course, although it seems that the routes of the two parties are not the same, there is no doubt that once the orders of the Celestial Legion are involved, there will still be a considerable degree of competition.

After all, it is impossible for the Silver Moon Guild not to seek orders for high-level equipment for generals.

Although the Tiangang Association doesn't bother to provide alchemy products to classes other than angels, they often advocate that they increase the budget of angel generals and further reduce the budget for soldiers.

In other words, they want to transfer Wuyu and Yuren's share to themselves.

Therefore, the two parties are not only in a general competitive relationship, but also have irreconcilable conflicts due to different alchemy concepts.

However, in Midi's view, whether it is a business philosophy or a target group, these messy business problems boil down to one problem in the end.

technological competition.

Obviously, Yinyue's technology is not as good as Tiangang, or at least the investment in technology is less than the emphasis on production, so in the end, the Celestial Legion will still hand over more equipment orders from generals to Tiangang.

As long as it surpasses technically, nothing else is a problem.

"Angel products can only be used by angels."

Who wouldn't say such beautiful words?

The question is, who can come up with the most perfect alchemy product that satisfies those extremely picky angels?
Only after you have the finished product, can you speak beautiful words, right?
"It seems that we have to try to develop something that can shock the angels in the heavens."

While flipping through the documents, Midi said.

However, when he heard this sentence, the deputy director at the side smiled bitterly: "Master Midi, there is something I must remind you..."


Midi raised her eyebrows.

"You just joined the Silver Moon Guild, maybe you don't know yet? A week later, it will be the day when the Celestial Legion will hold an alchemy conference and place new orders. Those orders will determine the various equipment for the next half a year. Making a matter of attribution, and once it's decided, it's very difficult to change. So, I'm afraid..."

Out of awe of Jin Yi and respect for Midi, the master, the deputy director didn't finish his sentence.

However, his meaning has been expressed very clearly.

In just one week, the Celestial Legion will place a new order.

For the major alchemy shops, this can be said to be a stage for a head-on collision, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.

How many orders a store can get and what kind of orders are basically at this alchemy conference.

And at this point of time, it is almost impossible for Midi Ruo to surpass the Tiangang Association, which has always dominated the high-end market, in terms of the quality of alchemy products.

Even if Midi is a master alchemist, it is impossible.

After all, if it is said to seize the market, it is definitely not a confrontation between individual alchemists, but a confrontation between Yinyue and Tiangang.

There is no doubt that the product Tiangang provided a week later must be the crystallization of collective wisdom, jointly developed by a large number of experienced angel alchemists.

Among them, there are also several famous alchemy masters who sit in Tiangang.

How could it be possible for Midi alone to win?

Therefore, the Yuren deputy director reminded Midi in the most tactful way.

Of course, he actually quite supports Midi's approach, because Tiangang's alchemy shop that discriminates against Yuren and Wuyu is of course quite uncomfortable for such a Yuren deputy director.

However, in his opinion, even if Tiangang is to be defeated in this respect, it will take half a year.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the deputy director's words, Midi showed a confident smile instead.

"That's right, the timing is just right. If the alchemy conference is not held until one or two months later, I will think it's too late. Don't you think that a week is just right for those self-righteous angels in Tiangang?" Guys, is this a big surprise?"

As Midi spoke, there was a flash of radiance in her pitch-black eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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