Arad's Sword

Chapter 625 Alchemy Conference

Chapter 625 Alchemy Conference
Under the impetus of Midi, a new plan that may even overturn the existing alchemy situation in the heavens has been quietly launched.

Of course, due to the short time and the need for strict confidentiality, even in the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild, let alone ordinary feather craftsmen, even most of the supervisors don't know anything about it.

Only the highest level of the workshops related to the "Vampire Bomb" knew of the existence of this plan.

Of course, after finalizing with the director of the third workshop, Midi also notified Diadona by the way.

After all, this angel is not only the peak alchemy master, but also the general manager of the Qingfeng City Branch of the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild.

The small matter of proposing a new product may not alarm Diadona. However, if the proposed new product will cause the Silver Moon Guild to compete with Tiangang from the front, it must be prepared by Diadona. .

Only by achieving this level can the influence of the "blood-sucking bullet" be maximized.

At the beginning, after hearing Midi's explanation, Diadona was also taken aback.

And after trying the "blood-sucking bomb" personally, Diadona was not surprised, but completely admired.

Being able to produce a top-quality "Holy Silver Bullet" is already shocking, but now, if this "Vampire Bullet" that is further enlightened on the basis of the top-level "Holy Silver Bullet" is launched, I am afraid that it can only be launched with a subversive method. to describe.

Now, seeing Midi's package plan, Diadona felt only rejoicing.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly at the beginning, greeted the grandmaster personally, and offered enough generous conditions to keep him in the Silver Moon Guild.

Otherwise, how could it have brought such a big impact so quickly?
Of course, Midi didn't make the "blood-sucking bomb" simply because Tiangang was not pleasing to the eye.

The fundamental purpose of Midi, of course, is to obtain more resources better, faster and faster, so as to facilitate her own leveling up.

So, this time, Midi naturally wanted to bargain further with Diadona.

In the end, the two sides set the split at [-]-[-].

In other words, as long as one of these "blood-sucking bombs" is sold, the Silvermoon Guild and Midi will each get half of the proceeds!

The cost of making blood-sucking bullets will still be provided by the Silver Moon Guild!
It can be said that under such conditions, Midi's speed of obtaining resources will undoubtedly increase greatly, until it reaches an astonishing level.

However, the premise of everything is that the release of the "Vampire Bomb" must be a huge success.

Soon, the week was extremely busy.

It's finally time for the half-yearly Alchemy Conference of the Celestial Legion.

At this alchemy conference, the top celestial defenders of the Qingfeng Group will review the shops in the city that provide various alchemy products.

The major alchemy stores must display their existing and newly developed products. On this basis, the celestial defenders will assign orders for the next six months to those they think are the most satisfactory.

To put it simply, this is the biggest battlefield of the alchemy shop.

What awaited Midi and the others was a battle without gunpowder but extremely fierce.

Riding in a luxurious carriage pulled by a Pegasus, Midi and the Silver Moon Guild, with a large number of technicians and demonstration alchemy products sealed in a magic sealing box, came to the northern area of ​​Qingfeng City in a mighty way. stationed.

Although it can be regarded as a part of the city, the garrison of the defenders is completely an independent area, with an extremely large area, reaching about one-third of the entire city.

When Midi and his party arrived, a large number of members of the alchemy shop had already arrived in the area dedicated to the alchemy conference.

Among them are the owners of most of the small shops, and there are even many independent shops outside Qingfeng City.

They basically do small business, or they can only provide a single product, in order to try to leave a good impression on the Celestial Legion, so they came here before the official start of the conference, trying to be able to Make some connections.

In addition, Midi also noticed that most of the managers of these small alchemy shops are Yuren, and rarely see angels.

In comparison, the Silver Moon Alchemy Guild was one of the large alchemy shops that arrived earlier.

"Welcome to the Alchemy Conference, Master Diadona, I am looking forward to the products of the Silver Moon Guild this time."

After the Pegasus convoy stopped, a tall angel in armor walked over immediately.

"Long time no see, Lord Lamia, believe me, this time, the Silver Moon Guild will definitely surprise you."

Diadona stepped forward and hugged the soldier vigorously, then showed a confident smile.

Compared with those small shops that had to come here several days in advance and received all kinds of cold reception, the treatment of a behemoth like the Silver Moon Guild is naturally very different.

In fact, it can even be said that there is an inextricable connection between the senior management of the Silver Moon Guild and the senior management of the Celestial Legion.

Of course, this kind of connection is not a panacea. After all, not every senior executive of the legion will be inclined to the Silvermoon Guild family like Lamia.

To achieve this position, they naturally have many choices, for example, Silver Moon Guild's deadly rival, Tiangang Association.

"It seems that Tiangang hasn't arrived yet?"

Diadona glanced around and asked cautiously.

However, Lamia just shook his head, and then lowered his voice and said: "It's not like you don't know the arrogance of those people, besides, I have heard some gossip from the army. A new weapon will be on display, so you better be careful."

"What? A new weapon?"

Diadona's brows also frowned slightly.

And at this moment, from the sky, there was a sound of wings vibrating.

The next moment, a Pegasus convoy even larger than the Silver Moon Guild, fell from the sky like falling meteors.

The people from Tiangang Alchemy Association finally arrived here.

Just like Lamia came out to meet Diadona, the Tiansteel Association naturally had special personnel from the legion to guide them.

However, after exchanging a few pleasantries with the greeters, the person in charge of Tiangang walked over with great strides and walked towards the place where Midi and the others were.

"Master Diadona, I didn't expect you to come so early. Could it be that you are afraid that you won't be able to get the order, and you will not be able to make ends meet for the next six months?"

The head of the Tiangang Alchemy Association stationed in Qingfeng City, the tall angel named Kingsley, said to Diadona in a mocking tone.

"Hmph, you guys are the ones who only know how to play tricks all day long!"

Diadona snorted coldly, but didn't refute too much, and there was a feeling of guilt in his tone.

Although the two are both angels, and they are both in charge of a large alchemy store, Diadona is only a peak alchemist after all.

However, Kingsley broke through the limit three months ago and was promoted to be a true alchemy master!

In this heaven where status and order are extremely important, the difference between a master and a grand master is enough to make Diadona unable to hold his head up in front of Kingsley.

What's more, hearing that the Tiangang Association will release a new weapon this time makes Diadona's heart full of fear.

Although the "blood-sucking bullet" provided by Midi can be described as shocking, in the final analysis, it was just Midi's temporary idea after joining Silver Moon.

In particular, the special caliber firearms matched with the "blood-sucking bullets" are temporary products. The only purpose is to launch the "blood-sucking bullets", and there are no other bright spots.

The combination of these factors made the person in charge of the Silver Moon Guild feel a little uncertain.

Seeing Diadona's guilty conscience, Kingsley sneered and didn't say much, instead he turned around and walked in front of Midi.

"Are you the man with the golden wings, Midi?"

Kingsley asked in a condescending tone.

"What can I do for you?"

Midi raised her eyebrows and asked calmly.

"I've heard about you, including the 24 holy silver bullets. As a master alchemist, it must feel terrible to be inferior to a master alchemist? Especially with a It's really difficult for you to work with a large group of stupid feathermen."

Kingsley glanced at Diadona pointedly, then swept his sharp eyes over the feathered supervisors and deputy directors in the Silver Moon Guild, and laughed contemptuously.

This laughter made all the members of the Silver Moon Guild feel extremely uncomfortable. However, in this heaven full of order, no matter how angry those feathered people are, or they are already in important technical positions, they still dare not treat a real The angels are in trouble.

On the contrary, it was Midi who laughed, interrupted Kingsley's words, and said, "So, Master Kingsley is going to invite me to Tiangang?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. Tiangang only needs 'angels'. Although you are a man with golden wings and have reached the level of a master alchemist, it is impossible to change this rule." King Sili shook Shaking his head, he continued, "However, when the day comes, Midi, you become a real angel, then I really want to invite you sincerely."

"So that's it. In other words, I'm not qualified now?"

The corner of Midi's mouth curved into a sarcastic smile.

"It's good that you understand. After all, heaven is a place full of order, and order means that everyone should understand their identity and status! Of course, I have to admit, Mr. Midi, your alchemy talent is quite outstanding, so, I would like to remind you here, don't get too close to such ignorant guys as Yinyue, otherwise, it won't do you any good."

Kingsley said boldly, and there was even a slight hint of an order that could not be refused in the tone of his voice.

However, Midi didn't take Kingsley's words seriously at all.

"Thank you for your advice. It seems that I will not go to Tiangang anymore."

Midi replied lightly.

"Why? Could it be that Midi thinks that you will never be an angel in this life?"

Kingsley frowned slightly, and asked in a cold voice.

"No, as a Gold Wing, I will not only become an angel, but also continue to rise to become an archangel, four-winged angel, seraph, and even the legendary twelve-winged angel. However, since Tiangang The association is a place that values ​​status so much. Doesn’t it mean that everyone, including the president of the association, will have to bow their heads and kneel down to me? I feel quite uncomfortable, so I think it’s better not to go. .”

Midi said, showing a sunny smile that made it impossible to pick.

(End of this chapter)

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