Arad's Sword

Chapter 65 The Arrival of Heavenly Fire

Chapter 65 The Arrival of Heavenly Fire
The spring of 985 in the Arad calendar.

Autumn ancient city, hilly villa.

A silvery white radiance fell from the sky.

Dark red flames surged from the abyss.

An icy giant sword hovered in mid-air, the blade was extremely cold, and countless ice chips poured down from it, like a silver chain.The sword of ghosts and gods is formed by the mysterious ghosts and gods residing in Midi's left arm and manifested in Midi's heart.Once, it was the sharpest and most powerful scenery in this soul world.

However, at this moment, a stream of air as sharp as a knife is constantly circulating in this world. The speed is not fast, but it reveals an incomparably majestic momentum, like a wandering giant dragon, and its power is even stronger than the sword of ghosts and gods!

This airflow is extreme intention.

This extreme intention is sometimes soothing like a warm current, and sometimes like a cold wind. Under Midi's control, it circulates continuously, nourishing every minute part of his body, thus making his body stronger and his strength more refined in a subtle way. Pure, makes the reaction more rapid, makes the nerve more tenacious.

And there is no doubt that once this ultimate intention gushes out, it will become a weapon more terrifying than the sharpest lightsaber, destroying everything in front of it.

Being able to attack and defend can bring great help to growth, this is the ultimate intention.

Suddenly, Midi, who was sitting cross-legged, took a deep breath.

At this moment, the magic power cruising around in the air entered his lungs according to the rhythm of his breathing, and then returned to the outside from his mouth and nose.But the magic power contained in the air gradually slowed down during this process, settled down, was absorbed by Midi, and finally turned into a part of Jiyi.

With the continuous influx of magic power, the ultimate intention in Midi's body is being added at a slow but unstoppable speed, and his body is also undergoing certain changes because of this.

This change is deeply hidden under the skin, between the muscles, and in the blood, and no one can see any traces except him with the naked eye.

In the end, these hidden and dormant forces will eventually undergo a qualitative change.

"Level 33!" Midi opened her eyes, let out a long breath, and then stood up.

Midi observed silently, and there was indeed no trace of magic and ghost energy left in her body. After going through the tempering that broke through the limit, they seemed to have eliminated impurities, leaving only the purest source.

But the extreme intention has grown stronger. The extreme intention is like flowing mercury. As it rotates and walks in Midi's body, he clearly feels that an unstoppable force is almost about to burst out of his body, releasing the turbulent force to his heart's content. torrential torrent.

This is the level 33 brought by Jiyi.

Midi, who has the memory of the previous life, is of course very clear that this is far beyond the power of an ordinary adventurer at level 33. If you want to compare it, it is probably equivalent to a normal adventurer at level 40.This is not counting the power of Jiyi itself, but simply comparing physical fitness.

What a powerful force!
In the previous life, Midi at this moment was framed by Fenrir of the Seth family, and was still in the shadow of failing the academy trial, and was ordered by his father to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors at home.And Fina, who was injured by protecting Midi, has just recovered from rest, and is preparing to use the family's own magic veins to change jobs under the secret arrangement of the Hamilton family.

One is at the bottom of self-inflicted, and the other has been dragged down and failed to reach the peak it should have.

But this life is different.

Whether it's me or Fina, they have reached an unprecedented height, leaving their peers far behind!

Not only that, the speed and quality of this upgrade can even be said to be once in a century, perfect.

Moreover, even Alice joined the team in advance to improve their strength together, and the bond between the three is also growing day by day.

Midi couldn't be more satisfied. If she was dissatisfied with the current situation, then she was already too greedy, and even the sky couldn't tolerate it, right?
But satisfaction does not mean burnout. At this moment, Midi is also sober as never before.

He clearly knew that if he wanted to protect Fina and Alice, as well as this great river and mountain he had just conquered, he also needed to put in efforts far beyond his previous life.

This is pressure, but it is motivation.

Because it is Midi's greatest wish to protect the leisurely daily scenery under the winter sun.

But now, in the spring of 985 in the Arad calendar, Midi knew that the first thing he had to face was a catastrophe that triggered countless chain reactions——

The Great Fire of Grand Forest.

The fire itself was nothing. After all, it happened outside the principality. Even if all the elf tribes were wiped out, the nobles of Bel Mare could still continue to spend their days and nights.However, something that came with the fire changed the entire continent.

Those goblins who were just huddled in the grass, after the fire broke out, their level increased by more than 10 levels, and even had the power to attack the convoy.Even if you are hit by an arrow, you will no longer retreat, but will rush forward like a mad dog.Other monsters have been greatly strengthened, whether it is level, resilience, attack power or defense power, there has been a significant increase.

In addition, various undead creatures also began to appear in the wild.Not only are they very powerful and difficult to kill, but what is even more terrifying is that they will pollute the surrounding land, turning the verdant forest into a withered dead place, and turning the prosperous town into a silent empty city, thus killing the undead. There are more and more creatures.

Of course, it's not just monsters that will become stronger.

Humans are also getting stronger.

More and more adventurers emerged after the Grand Forest fire, and due to the frequent occurrence of battles, the level of the adventurers was also rising at an unimaginable speed in peaceful times.

It's just that, no matter whether the monsters are getting stronger or the humans are getting stronger, the control power of the noble lords of the principality is constantly declining.

Midi still remembers very clearly the situation of the principality after the fire ignited in the previous life.

The strength of the monsters made it difficult for the caravans to move and the circulation of funds and goods, which greatly slowed down the economic development of the principality and exacerbated the tendency of the lords to do their own thing.The emergence of adventurers also made public security very poor. These adventurers who were not under the control of the nobles and were much stronger than ordinary soldiers would often change their appearances and play the role of robbers and bandits.

As a result, under the attack of monsters and uncontrolled new forces, the Principality of Belmar, which had become decadent in the peaceful age, was like a castle in the wind and rain, crumbling.

Obviously, such a principality needs a strong ruler to integrate, so that the rebellious adventurers can be subdued, and the unscrupulous monsters can be suppressed.

For such a point of view, Midi also agrees very much.

But the question is, who will be that ruler?
So, in order to get the answer to this question, in the previous life, the queen faction and the parliamentarian faction finally launched a civil war.

If the civil war really ends up winning and losing, and the victor dominates the principality, forms a large army, sorts out the system, protects the people, and is strong to the outside world, it may also be a good ending.However, in 986 of the Arad calendar, when the two sides were fighting in full swing, the disadvantaged Seth family unexpectedly attracted the army of the Delos Empire.

Then, nothing more.

The Principality of Belmar fell directly, and the nobles and nobles were massacred. Midi and Fina embarked on the road to escape...

In this life, can I change the fate of the Principality of Belle Mare?
Can it stop the golden banner of the Delos Empire, embroidered with two crossed lightsabers, from being planted on the clock tower of Hutton Mar?

Midi asked herself, but got no answer.

After all, even if one can predict the future, the power of one person is still too weak in the face of a war between countries.Many times, you know that something will happen, but you are powerless to stop it, and you can only passively accept it.

But Midi still wants to try.

To this end, he made countless preparations.

From the end of the war with the Seth family to the present, for three full months, he has non-stop integrated elf warriors and family soldiers, and recruited soldiers from the vast territory, and finally created an army of 1 people. And fully equipped.

He marked out a large forest on the territory, creating a brand new habitat for the five elf tribes under Alice's command, and at the same time, for the elves and other races that may escape from Gran's Forest in the future, he left in advance enough land.

He built a large number of fortifications at the junction of the territory and Gran's Forest, and set up beacon towers on the main roads and commanding heights of the territory. Combined with the magic vein array laid down by Alice, the entire territory became impregnable.

In the end, he seized every minute and every second, using the infinite magic power in the villa in Qiugu City, to unremittingly temper and strengthen the ultimate intention in his body.Finally, in just three months, he jumped up to four levels in a row. Not only did he cross the threshold of level 30 in one go, but he also made a qualitative leap in his physical fitness.

Although the current Midi is only level 33, it is comparable to a level 40 adventurer. This does not include the power of Jiyi, but simply compares strength, agility and reaction speed.

No matter when and where, strength is always the most trustworthy.

This is Midi's unwavering belief.

Just as Midi felt the brand-new feeling brought by the upgrade, the light footsteps echoed in the corridor like a melody.

The red-haired girl brimming with vigor and vitality, and the black-haired girl standing proudly like a snow lotus on a snow-capped mountain walked into the training ground side by side.

The three now live together in the villa, sharing infinite magic power.However, neither Fina nor Alice are the clingy type, and everyone has their own affairs to be busy during the day, so they basically won't bother Midi during training.

But now that the two appeared at the same time, Midi suddenly felt a certain premonition.

"What happened?" he asked straight to the point.

And just as Midi expected, that sentence finally came.

"Scouts report urgently, Grand Forest is on fire." Fina replied, with a hint of dignity in her usually confident and proud voice, "The fire area is very large, and it is said that the flames cannot be extinguished. The Hamilton family has also confirmed that , the connection between the principality and the elf kingdom has been broken."

"The breath of the forest has also changed. The monsters are stirring, and the power of the magic veins has been crazily absorbed, which is a bit abnormal." Alice added on the side, her tone colder than usual.

The Grand Forest fire is finally here!
Midi raised her eyebrows.

When the fire that had affected the continent of Arad for 20 years and opened the prelude to the turbulent era really burned, Midi found that his mood was extraordinarily calm.

Because what should be done has been done, and it has been done to the best of its ability.

Because of his own strength, he has already improved, and even obtained the "extreme will" that has never been seen in a thousand years.

Because they are by my side.

What should come always comes.

Now that it's here, let's face it from the front!
 A new chapter begins!God's push on Sunday!

(End of this chapter)

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