Arad's Sword

Chapter 67 Precursor of Unrest

Chapter 67 Precursor of Unrest

"I've calculated that with the current resources and strength, we can keep the forest." Midi couldn't help retorting.

"Of course you can stay, everyone knows this, but the price you have to pay is too high." Fina replied mercilessly, "I wouldn't say that for the happiness of the majority of the people, Alice has to sacrifice this It’s empty talk, but even if it’s just for the future of the three of us and the important people around us, it’s definitely the best policy to abandon this forest.”

"I can work harder..." Midi insisted, and then glanced at Alice not far away.

I just don’t want you to work harder, so I decided to give up!
Fina couldn't help but roared angrily but pitifully in her heart.

We must never let Midi stand in front alone, but advance and retreat together with him, overcome difficulties and face challenges together.

This is a tacit understanding and determination reached in private by the distressed girls after witnessing the tragic situation of Wiseman's battle against Midi.

In order to carry out this decision, Fina made the decision not to return to the Hamilton family, and stayed in Qiugu City with Midi to share various post-war tasks, and at the same time frightened all the young people.And similarly, in order to implement this decision, what Alice has to do now is to abandon this forest.

Only by doing so, Midi doesn't have to work so hard to protect such a long front and such a vast territory, but can calm down and improve his strength most effectively.

Therefore, Fina stopped Midi at this moment.

As if responding to Fina's actions, Alice, who had always shown nostalgia and nostalgia, suddenly had determination and determination in her eyes.

The black-haired girl raised her head, stopped pacing, but took a step forward, striding to the center of the white crow circle that she personally set up, and then chanted a long and obscure incantation.

Accompanied by that pleasant voice, the entire tree pavilion began to tremble, and then, like ashes, it disintegrated into countless particles and passed away with the wind.

Without leaving any traces, without leaving any memories, Alice, who seems calm but impulsive and fierce, will do this once she makes up her mind.

"Let's go." After everything was over, Alice came over and said lightly.

Behind the black-haired girl, there was nothing left, only an open space, as if there had never been anything there.

"Hmm." The eyes of Fina and Alice met. The pair often quarreled and even singled out. They seemed to be at odds with each other just like their hair-colored enemies, but at this moment, their eyes were full of tacit understanding.

Then, the red-haired girl nodded, patted Midi, who was still in a daze, and strode out side by side with the black-haired girl.

Even the owner of the forest has resolutely abandoned everything, no matter how conservative the elves are, there will be no voice of opposition.What's more, the fire in Gran's Forest and the mutated monsters really frightened these elves who don't care about the world. Compared with the nostalgia for their hometown, in the final analysis, life is more important.

Also, along the way, these members of the elf tribe who were not warriors cooperated extremely well.In addition to the many preparations before, although they were attacked by hundreds or even thousands of mutated monster groups during the migration process, there were no unexpected battles after all.

After several days, the elves arrived at the elf area in the territory of Asrex without any danger and started their new life.

At the same time, in the castle of the Asrex family, an envoy had been waiting for a long time.

After a brief exchange of greetings, the messenger presented Midi with a luxuriously crafted gold-plated invitation.

This invitation came from Earl Kafka. The Kafka family is also the queen's faction, and its territory happens to be adjacent to the ever-growing Asrex family.

The content of the invitation is also very simple.

We sincerely invite Midi and others to attend the grand ball that the Kafka family will hold soon.

When seeing this invitation card, Alice's eyes just stayed on the gold-plated surface for a while, probably trying to figure out the workmanship, and then her eyes immediately revealed the word "boring".

The Witch of the Mist is not an aristocrat, so naturally she doesn't understand what it means to send such an invitation at such a time.

But whether it is Fina, who has been exposed to various power transactions since childhood, or Midi, who is also from a noble family and has the memory of rebirth, they are very clear about the meaning of this invitation.

This is the request of the "Alliance".

If anyone really held a grand ball in such a time of panic and turmoil everywhere, it would not be far from being rolled down from the title.Although the nobles of the Principality of Belle Mare have been in peace for a long time and lack tenacity, they are definitely not fools. On the contrary, they are all human beings who have crawled out of the vortex of court struggles.

Like this invitation card, it can also be regarded as a kind of beating around the bush.

There are many ways to form an alliance. The most sincere one is naturally to make a secret door-to-door visit in person and announce it after everything is finalized.

But what about Count Kafka?Obviously playing tricks.

Once Midi went to the ball, there is no doubt that Earl Kafka will release all kinds of rumors, thus creating a gesture that the Asrex family has joined forces with the Kafka family.At that time, if Midi refuses the alliance during the real talks, the family's reputation will be affected as a result.

And if the alliance is formed according to Earl Kafka's wishes, I am afraid that the security of Kafka's territory will be a headache for Asrex's army.

After all, although everyone is Queen's Faction now, this is a political faction. Unless the leader, the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke, is personally mobilized, the relationship between noble lords is still very loose. That is simply a fantasy.

Nobles are creatures of interest, and so is Midi, but Midi's interests are not purely for herself, but for the people around her.

Count Kafka is obviously not on this list.

But this invitation brought Midi and Fina a strange sense of tension.As real fighters who survived on the iron-blooded battlefield, at this moment, they smelled something different.

It has only been two weeks since the Grand Forest fire, have these nobles already started to make alliances in different ways?It is not without disadvantages to let the army of the Asrex family enter the territory of the Kafka family. The worst result is that Count Kafka gradually becomes Midi's puppet.But in the face of this risk, Count Kafka still chose an alliance, and he still used the method of deception, which shows that he is quite anxious at the moment.

And behind this anxiety and unscrupulous means, the territorial security of the Kafka family must have deteriorated to a certain extent.

So, what about the other aristocratic domains?

Perhaps it is still in a more stable state.But Midi, who has the memory of the previous life, knows very well that the impact of the Grand Forest fire will intensify as the fire is extinguished. In addition, adventurers who are difficult to manage and dislike nobles are springing up like mushrooms Come out, the final result can be imagined.

What would the Duchy of Belle Mare look like if all the territories became as precarious as the Kafka family?
Midi, who has the memory of the previous life, already knew the answer——

civil war.

And once the civil war begins, the Asrex family will not have any choice but to be tied to the chariot sent by the Queen.

Even if the Scarlet Flame Legion is completely wiped out, even if an earldom is annexed, Midi doesn't have any self-inflated emotions.In front of these wealthy families with profound backgrounds, the strength of the Asrex family is still far behind. When the Iron-Blooded Duke really needs to use Midi as a knife, Midi has no way to contend with it qualifications.

What's more, when the entire Principality of Belle Mare turns into a rapidly rotating meat grinder, those who are still standing still will be the first to be crushed into pieces.

However, thinking that the Delos Empire was spying on it, Midi couldn't help feeling anxious.

In the previous life, when the principality fell, Midi was just a homeless dog who fled. The only people he faced were the ordinary imperial soldiers who came to slaughter the Asrex family.

But in this life, he has already had a confrontation with the powerful of the empire.

The terrifying power of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton, and the explosion of the three female ghost swords at the end made him deeply appreciate the power of the Delos Empire.

But now, not to mention fighting against the empire, how to preserve its strength in the civil war is a big problem for Midi.

How to do?
Midi asked herself, but got no answer.

This kind of situation that he knew what would happen but was powerless to change made his brows furrowed deeply.

But at this moment, a slender finger flicked heavily on his forehead.

"Fina!" Midi rubbed her forehead and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Are you worried about the civil war, and the Delos Empire behind the scenes?" Fina asked bluntly.

Although it is not as good as Midi in terms of specific tactics, when it comes to strategic vision, the vision of the Queen of Magic Bullets is definitely first-class.The premonition of turmoil revealed by this invitation, coupled with the appearance of the Imperial Alchemist Guild in the previous noble war, and Midi's frowning at this moment, the ice-snow-smart Fina immediately deduced everything.

"I really can't hide anything from you." Midi nodded in admiration.

There are so many things you are hiding from me!
Fina retorted angrily in her heart.

However, now is not the time to get to the bottom of Midi, what is more important is the current turmoil and the future fate of the Principality.This is what Midi is worried about, and the reason why the girl stays in Qiugu City is to help him so that he doesn't have to work so hard.

So, at this moment, looking at the black-haired boy with worried eyes, Fina spoke.

"Let's build our own army." The Queen of Magic Bullets, the head of the Falcon Group in the previous life, said quietly at this moment, "Neither Hamilton's, nor Asrex's, nor nobles The ones of the parliament are not sent by the queen, but belong to our own legion."

"Own... legion?" Midi's mind went blank for a moment, as if returning to a certain moment in the previous life.

"Yes, my own legion. I have already thought of the name, it is called the Falcon Regiment. If you want to say why, because I am yearning for the free life of the Kestrel."

Announcing this in a confident and haughty tone, Fina's eyes were filled with a courage unmatched by girls, and a cuteness unique to girls.

For a moment, Midi was fascinated by such eyes again.

 Well, the big god will start tomorrow. During the period from 26th to 28th, 2 updates will be made every day, and 3 updates will be done as much as possible. On Monday, 27th, I will use the influence of the great god to push the list, and I would like to invite readers to support me, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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