Arad's Sword

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The original blue sky was gray, and the air was filled with the scorching breath after the Grand Forest fire. The corners of the alleys were covered with piles of ashes blown by the south wind, as if telling people The horror and ruthlessness of that fire.

This is Tucker Town, a remote and sparsely populated town on the territory of the Kafka family.

It is the closest town to Gran's Forest.

It is also the closest human town to the elf kingdom.

Even Midi chose this town as his foothold at first, but it was a pity that before entering the town, he encountered the chase, and then encountered the Morning Star mercenary group.

But at this moment, when he actually entered the town, Midi felt the tense atmosphere of competition between adventurers.

According to Midi's initial speculation, this place should have been an extremely lively scene——

Adventurers from all over the world came to the town in groups, every tavern and inn was full, all kinds of gossip about Grand Forest and the Elven Kingdom were flying all over the sky, and all kinds of rare equipment and props obtained from the adventure, It should also start to set up stalls for trading, and markets and various craftsmen will also flock here.

But now, although adventurers are indeed extremely enthusiastic about exploring Gran's Forest, this small town is still depressed.

Because of the existence of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

Under the plunder and attack of the blood blade, only the big mercenary regiments are really capable of entering this town.And even if it is a large mercenary group, it also needs to be united in order to reach a safe and deterrent number of people.

Among them, the northeast corner belongs to the joint base of Cyclops and Mountain Wolf Mercenary Group. Two large mercenary groups of 300 people are combined, 50 people are sent to guard the base, and the remaining [-] people go into the forest to explore.

The southwest corner belonged to the Jagged Mercenary Group, the Hurricane Mercenary Group and the Black Sword Mercenary Group. They also went out to defend their bases, but they went out to take risks separately, obviously a looser alliance.

On the west side is the base of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

Midi strolled on the bleak street, his hair was disheveled like a chicken coop by the cold wind.He walked silently, passed by the dull-looking adventurers and the sad-looking townspeople of Tucker Town one by one, turned a few street corners, and finally came to the base of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

It is not so much a base as a complex of buildings.

Blood Blade spent a lot of money to rent all the houses in this area to form a whole, built a tall wall around it, and erected a tower inside.

Although adventurers are forbidden to use large weapons such as winch crossbows and bed crossbows, they still have a large number of heavy machine guns.These machine guns were placed on top of the towers, and the black muzzles were aimed at vital points everywhere, making the entire building complex look like a terrifying monster that opened its mouth wide and was about to devour someone.

But such momentum had no effect on Midi, he was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but just stood quietly on the side of the street corner, looking at the base while waiting.

A crow landed on Midi's shoulder at some point.

Robin whispered beside Midi's ear in a hoarse voice: "Boss, I've counted them all. There are sixty to seventy people inside, 75 at most."

"Sure enough." Midi nodded.

Just as he speculated, the 30 people who chased and killed Irene yesterday were indeed the defenders of this base. When they were all killed, there were only 70 people left in this base, and the defense power was naturally reduced. bottomed out.

But Midi still didn't move.

The crow flapped its wings again and circled over Tucker Town.

After a few more minutes, Robin finally returned to Midi's shoulder, with a hint of joy in his tone: "Boss, they are here, and they will be here soon!"

Accompanied by the crow's words, soon, a convoy that seemed to be returning with a full load slowly entered Midi's field of vision and headed for the base of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

This is Blood Blade's supply convoy, with a total of 50 people.The main force of Blood Blade who explores in the forest will transport all kinds of treasures obtained from the expedition back, and then transport all kinds of equipment, potions, food, magic scrolls, automatic dolls and other materials to the front line of exploration, and the team members , will also take a rotation break.

It was this convoy that Meddy was waiting for.

There is no difference between 70 people and 120 people, but there is still a little difference between 450 people and 500 people.Now spend a little effort to kill a few more, and it will be easier to face the main force of the blood blade in the future.

What's more, there are a lot of treasures in the convoy, and there are ripe fruits to pick, so why not do it?
As the convoy approached, the iron-bar-reinforced gate of the Bloodblade base slowly opened at this moment, and dozens of adventurers from the two teams poured out of the base to welcome the arriving companions.

With the help of the wide field of vision of the sentinel on the tower, the Blood Blade Mercenary Group had already spotted Midi.It's just that, what can a young boy with an unremarkable appearance do?According to their estimates, Midi should be the scout of another large mercenary group. Now that the atmosphere in Tucker Town is tense, it is normal for other mercenary groups to have such actions, and there is no need to make a fuss at all.

Of course, if the scout doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, then he should be taught a good lesson, but now, seeing this guy dressed as a swordsman standing so far away, it's probably just a casual look, so that he can communicate with his superiors.

But soon, the adventurers of the blood blade discovered that they were wrong, and it was a big mistake.

Just when the convoy and the remaining troops joined and their minds relaxed, Midi moved.

The unremarkable boy drew out his pitch-black long sword, pointing forward, pointing at the enemy's location.

He softly recited the obscure and profound mantra. Accompanied by the ups and downs of the recitation, the magic power flowing in the air suddenly stagnated, as if being dragged by some kind of huge force, and whirled It rushed towards Midi's body, forming a huge magic vortex.

A very thin ultra-intelligence entered the palm along Midi's arm, poured into the hilt along the palm, then entered the body of the sword along the hilt, and finally condensed into a point on the edge of the sword.

All of a sudden, all the magic power poured into this point instantly, and a magic vacuum formed around Midi.

The next moment, the Heitian Sword made a slight buzzing sound, and the edge of the sword suddenly brightened.

With a flick of Midi's wrist, the long sword drew a trace in the air, and the shining bright spot was shot out like an arrow from the string. Many adventurers in front of the gate!
The farther forward, the faster the speed of the light spot, with a faint whistling sound.Not only that, but its size has also become bigger and bigger, from a meteor-like light spot at the beginning, it turned into a huge fireball, dragging a blood-red tail flame behind it, like a furious flame dragon rushing out of the seal !

Asura skill, Explosive Flame Wave Sword.

"Extreme Intent" enhanced version.

Now that he is more and more proficient in the use of Jiyi, Midi has already mastered the skills of Asura. In fact, it can be said that he has the ability to use the entire Ghost Swordsman system.

Ghost Swordsmen are divided into four branches, Soul Sword, Devil May Cry, Asura, and Berserker.

The soul of the sword restrains ghosts and gods, and by strengthening itself, it fights the enemy with high-strength swordsmanship.

Devil May Cry releases ghosts and gods, and through the combination of ghost energy and magic power of ghosts and gods, it controls killing with a large-scale ghost array.

Due to the perfect fusion between Midi and ghosts and gods, no matter whether it is suppressed or released, it can be retracted freely.Therefore, Midi has always had the dual characteristics of Sword Soul and Devil May Cry at the same time.

As for Asura and Berserker, one wants to blind their eyes in exchange for wave perception, and the other wants to give up their ego in exchange for ghosts and gods to go berserk. Naturally, Midi cannot grasp the characteristics of these two branch systems.

But now after comprehending the ultimate intention, everything is different.

Now in Midi's body, all the powers are combined into one, regardless of each other, there is no ghost energy, no magic power, all the powers are integrated into "extreme intention".

Since Jiyi is an integration of various forces, it can naturally simulate any single characteristic, and its effect and quality are far superior to the object it simulates!
Therefore, Midi can master the wave sword technique without paying the price of eyes.Without the cost of losing yourself, you can instantly strengthen your own strength.

After mastering the four branches of Ghost Swordsman, Midi's choices become extremely flexible, and she can use skills, combinations that can be matched, and tactics that can be used are countless.

At this moment, since Asura's characteristics are most suitable for combat in the current environment, then of course the wave sword is used to start the shot!

Of course, if you directly attack with extreme sword energy, it is undoubtedly the strongest.

However, Jiyi is Midi's hole card, a trump card.Normally, Midi would never use it lightly. Only when she really needs to face a strong enemy, Midi will reveal this card and show her unreserved strongest combat power.

As for now, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?

An Explosive Flame Wave Sword launched by Extreme Intent is enough to open the situation.

And just as Midi predicted, those members of the blood blade group who were originally arrogant and domineering in Tucker Town, when they saw this big fireball hitting them directly in the face, they were in a mess.

Before they could disperse, the explosive ball had already arrived.

A deafening roar sounded, spreading throughout the town, and even the ground seemed to be trembling slightly.

The gate of the blood blade base was reinforced with iron bars, and those carefully built seemingly solid walls were completely a joke in front of this blasting ball, even more vulnerable than thin paper. Be it horses, convoys, or buildings, they were all swallowed up by the violent explosion.

In a blink of an eye, at least nearly ten people were killed by this blow, or were thrown tens of meters away by the shock wave from the explosion, vomited blood, and were seriously injured and unconscious.The main entrance of the base has also been completely destroyed, and several nearby houses have been engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

At this moment, what kind of iron-shelled tortoise frightens the adventurers? This is simply an ugly man with his front teeth knocked out, which looks extremely ridiculous.

There was no sneak attack, and there was no need for trickery. Midi directly adopted the most domineering method as the opening.

 As usual, today is also three chapters
(End of this chapter)

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