Arad's Sword

Chapter 77 Rebuilding Order

Chapter 77 Rebuilding Order
Midi glanced at the well-defined crowd. The experience of the adventurers who came out of the falcon group in the previous life basically understood what was going on—although the specific identity was not clear, all in all, it alarmed many people anyway. look.

This was also within his expectations, not an accident, nor a major event.

Walking in front of Odell with a calm expression, Midi casually threw the two captives on her shoulders on the ground like sacks.

Two muffled sounds of "Pu Pu" hit everyone's ears like a heavy hammer, which sounded extraordinarily loud and piercing.

This is the fearsome cadre of the blood blade regiment, a first-class ghost swordsman.Now the ghosts and gods are cut off like this, and then they are thrown back and forth, just like two pheasants caught by a trainee hunter, carrying them upside down and shaking them all the way home, directly into the boiling water to lose their hair, just waiting to be ripped open The belly is going to be put into the oil pan to make side dishes.

This situation made the minds of the five major mercenary regiments shrank their heads involuntarily, and couldn't help but feel a chill rising from behind.

"Irene and the others didn't get hurt much, did they?" Midi asked.

"Well, everything is fine, the raid went smoothly! Don't worry, no one in the morning star group was injured!" Odell nodded seriously, but a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

Sure enough, this person was different from those so-called first-class mercenary groups.

He didn't ask about the outcome, and he didn't care about the result of the battle. The first thing the young man in front of him said when he came back was to ask about the life and death of the members of the Morning Star regiment.Obviously extremely powerful, and obviously merciless to the enemy, but why, inadvertently, so gentle?

Audrey couldn't help thinking this way in her heart.

"What about other aspects?" Midi continued to ask.

After regaining consciousness, Odell quickly cleared her throat, said with confidence and orderly: "It went well. All the captives were rescued, a total of 67 people. Twelve emerald leaves, two adventure journals, marked Four atlases have been collected. Among the other general trophies, there are about [-] gold coins, more than [-] pieces of various weapons, more than [-] samples of relic treasures, and more than [-] samples of elf treasures. Would you like to have a look at the list? ?”

"No need..." Midi was stunned.

Although it was a pair of more than 100 people, Midi didn't fight for a long time. After killing about 40 people, Blood Blade's pursuit force collapsed on its own.It took some time to hunt down the two cadres afterwards, but after all, it didn't take long.

In such a short period of time, Odell not only raided the Blood Blade Base, cleaned up the battlefield beautifully, appeased the captives, and received guests from other mercenary groups, but also accurately counted several most critical things. Loot data.

Such capable management ability is indeed beyond Midi's expectation.

It seems that the rise of the Morning Star Mercenary Group in the previous life was not determined by a factor of obtaining the inheritance of the Elven Royal Court. Perhaps even if she did not obtain this inheritance, Odell would eventually be able to lead her team into the first-class ranks Bar?
At the same time, the leaders of the five major mercenary regiments, who were eavesdropping unscrupulously on the side, also looked at each other in blank dismay.

When did that Odile, who was always independent, become so obedient?This kind of tone, this kind of expression, this kind of cooperation, is this still the "sparkling double gun" who never pretends to men?

This is simply the kind of careful, considerate and virtuous personal maid who has an inexplicable and ambiguous relationship with the master beside a certain nobleman!

How long has this master of unknown background been with the Morning Star mercenary group? Has it reached this level?

Several people in charge looked at Midi, and suddenly changed their tastes, with three points of admiration for the master of love, six points of unspeakable resonance among men, and one point of jealousy and hatred.

Midi didn't notice this kind of non-hostile, non-malicious, non-killing gaze, while secretly feeling sorry for Ofina's ability in her heart, and at the same time, she made no secret of her admiration: "Miss Odell's statistics are so clear, it will be of great help to the next generation." adventures, will help a lot.”

"If you hadn't eliminated Blood Blade's garrison, even if I knew how to count, I would have nothing to count!" Odell replied with a smile.

It is a joyful thing for anyone to get the approval of the strong.

What's more, he is still the strong one he cares about.

"However, these things are not the only ones in the Bloodblade base. There must be a darkroom where some special items are kept. In addition, since there will be a meeting sooner or later in the future, we must find a way to find out information about the Bloodblade itself." Midi said. , turned his gaze to the two unconscious captives on the ground, "The ghosts and gods of these two ghost swordsmen have been abolished by me, let's start with them."

For the blood blade, Odell has always hated it deeply, and it is even more impossible to show mercy.

Since Midi expressed her attitude, she naturally called one of the best torture experts in the Morning Star Mercenary Group without saying a word, and asked him to drag two prisoners who were like sacks into the cell, and then locked them. the door.

It wasn't until after all this was dealt with that Midi finally turned around and looked at the leaders of the five major mercenary regiments who were waiting aside.

The blood blade base has basically changed hands at this moment, and it will be renamed Morning Star Base from now on.

Midi is the host, while the five mercenary groups are the guests.

It is undoubtedly a kind of neglect for the host to go about his own business and leave the guest alone.

And it was deliberate negligence.

It's just that the leaders of the five major mercenary regiments were obviously very patient. Not only did they not have any dissatisfaction, they didn't even complain at all. They just waited quietly without disturbing until Midi and Odile finished. After exhausting all the arrangements at hand, this finally came forward.

This is a signal, an attitude, showing recognition of Midi's power.

Obviously, the extremely knowledgeable attitude of the five major mercenary regiments made Midi very satisfied. At least, he didn't have to waste time in Tucker Town anymore.

"Everyone, please forgive me for the late introduction." Midi looked at the five people and said in a calm voice, "I am John, John of the Falcon Group."

A very common introduction, however, made everyone in charge feel something unusual.

A lone adventurer, even with high combat power, must show some different attitudes when facing the five major mercenary regiments.

This attitude may be tough, it may be confident, it may be arrogant, it may be cautious, or vigilant, or even polite.After all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, no matter who it is, it will feel unaccustomed and nervous to face a powerful party.

But this unattractive young man in front of him seems to be very used to this kind of one-to-many conversation.

Whether it's the plain and natural tone of voice, the calm eyes, or the relaxed but impeccable posture, they all give people a sense of abundance.

This is the kind of leeway that the superiors have when facing the subordinates.

The faces of the leaders of the five major mercenary regiments suddenly became serious involuntarily, and their original casual posture gradually retracted and became straight, as if they were being inspected by the head of the mercenary regiment.

"You may not have heard of the name Falcon Group. After all, this is a newly formed team. I believe that in future adventures, we will be familiar with each other, so I won't be too wordy here. The key is now," Midi Weiwei With a smile, the topic suddenly changed, "Now that the Blood Blade Mercenary Group was defeated by the joint attack of the Falcon Group and the Morning Star, I think the most important thing is to re-establish the order in Tucker Town. What do you think?"

The people in charge looked at each other, their eyes filled with uncontrollable surprise.

Why did you start negotiating directly?

The original intention of them coming here was to take a look with their own eyes to see what kind of character this strong man who blasted the blood blade gate with one shot was.This is a test, but also a measure, and even more an appraisal.

But now, it seems that the other person just introduced himself, then took the initiative lightly and delicately, and then began to dominate the topic.

Why does this young man seem like someone in power at this moment?

Can't see through!

Silence pervaded for a moment, but after a while, the two-swordsman with a gloomy face spoke first.

"Mr. John, can you be more specific about the so-called reconstruction of order?" The Two Swordsman asked.

The mountain wolf mercenary group he belongs to is famous for its strategy, and it has the most dealings with nobles among all mercenary groups. Here, the sooner you speak and ask more questions, the more likely you will find the initiative.

So, he asked.

As soon as the words of the two swordsmen fell, Midi replied concisely but clearly without hesitation: "Of course it is to rebuild the order of the adventurers, each relying on their own abilities and competing with each other, but avoiding fighting and robbing."

Although the basis of this life is based on the identity of a noble family, but in the previous life, Midi, as a subjugated nobleman, spent most of his life as an adventurer. It couldn't be clearer.

In the final analysis, the so-called risk is to find the treasure before others and get it in your hands, but if you snatch the treasure from others, it is not a risk, but a murder.

At this moment, the reason why Midi proposes to rebuild such an order of "competition" rather than "struggle" is naturally not to act as a savior or a moral guard.

Midi's purpose is to further restrict and attack the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

Moreover, the five major mercenary regiments had to be pulled together to fight the blood blade.

Those who can become the cadres of the five major mercenary regiments are naturally smart people, and they immediately understood the meaning of these seemingly simple words.

The deputy head of the iron-blooded mercenary group touched his proud beard, looked at the young man in front of him firmly, and said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I personally look at the unruly bastards of the blood blade. It’s also very unpleasant, but you want my brothers to participate in this naked power struggle, and I don’t agree with it.”

"Besides, since we've come to this point, Mr. John, you should know who is behind the Blood Blade Mercenary Group, right?" The Two Swordsmen also added coldly.

An objection, a question, the scene suddenly turned cold.

 There is only one chapter today, let me take it easy first, and then I will make up for last week's additions. It is safe to recommend 300 this week, and I will add updates.It will be explained when the update is added, and the normal 10:30 am update is currently restored.


(End of this chapter)

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