Arad's Sword

Chapter 82 Encountering Mountain Wolf

Chapter 82 Encountering Mountain Wolf
The dolls of the Principality have a certain combat power, but they can only be used for training. In the final analysis, they are too poorly adaptable to the environment, and their durability is too weak.

But the puppets of the Elven Kingdom have no such weakness. They can adapt to various terrains and have strong battery life.The most valuable part is the core hub that imitates the casting method of a real magician, and can even draw magic power directly from the air instead of relying on artificial charging.

Midi can imagine how great advantages it would bring if such a puppet army was really created and put on the battlefield unexpectedly.

No fear, no fear of swords, precise execution of orders, thousands of miles a day, no need for supplies, this is undoubtedly the most ideal unit for a commander.

However, Midi is also very clear that such a valuable thing is far from being a "inheritance". The level of the treasures obtained at the time is about the same.

The real treasure is still in the court of the elves, and we must not relax now!
Thinking of this, Midi suddenly had a sharp light in his eyes.

"If there are high-level equipment that can be replaced, replace them immediately. Herbs and skill books can be carried, as well as related documents, but those that are heavy will be discarded." Midi said bluntly.

These words were like a basin of cold water, poured on the heads of the excited people who were planning to search for it.

As an undisputed strongman, Midi's authority is naturally not easily challenged, and it has also been proved in fact that he has never made a mistake.But with so many treasures in front of them, everyone was really reluctant to part with them, so they all turned their eager eyes to the only heavyweight who could talk to Midi.

"So many valuable things are lost like this, isn't it too wasteful?" Odell opened his mouth out of public opinion, looking at Midi with a embarrassed expression.

She also carried a small but heavy piece of cold steel in her hand. The firearms made of this material have almost no cooling time and can be fired without interruption, as long as there are enough bullets.For a roaming gunslinger, this is dream material.

However, facing the pleading eyes of the beautiful half-elf, Midi shook his head and changed the topic: "Jiefeng, Wildfire, have you heard of these two automatic pistols?"

"Jiefeng? It seems to be the pistol that appeared 200 years ago that can slow down a large area. Wildfire can accelerate the bullets fired and bring about an explosion effect." Norton blurted out from the side.

"It is said that these two pistols are now in the kingdom of elves." Midi coaxed, "The other mercenary regiments have already entered the kingdom before us. Time is the most important thing. Although ice steel is good, But when you find a master mechanic to make a gun, it will be the year of the monkey? Even if you make a pistol without cooling, if the opponent uses Jiefeng and Wildfire, what are your chances of winning?"

Odell's face changed instantly. Of course she knew how many roaming gunmen existed in the other first-class mercenary regiments.

Strength is a relative thing. Although the ice steel pistol is good, it is nothing in front of magic pistols like Jiefeng and Wildfire.

"Similarly, compared to the puppet manufacturing technology in this magic tower, Wang Tingzhong must have a more complete inheritance, including finding the corresponding ore veins, mining, and then smelting, as well as design and combination ideas." Midi continued. .

This time, those craftsmen who couldn't put their hands down on the materials suddenly fell into thoughtful expressions.

"Give up all the things that can't immediately increase the combat power, and then speed up the exploration." Midi said again, this time, no one objected anymore.

Without the burden of various heavy materials and large loot, the joint team made rapid progress in the next few days.

With Odile's command and Midi's support, there will be basically no accidents in the battle.As for the environment and monsters in the elf kingdom, the team members have become more and more familiar with it, and the speed of exploration is constantly increasing.

Of course, Midi wasn't complacent about it, because he knew very well that the other first-class mercenary groups must have been familiar with this area long ago.If you want to catch up with the competitors who entered the elf kingdom first, you must be perfect in every detail.

Fortunately, Midi has the advantage of being reborn. Although she did not receive the inheritance of the Elf King's Court in her previous life, it was because she had been raided long ago.As for the elf kingdom itself, he is quite familiar with it.

With Norton and other master craftsmen around, it is incomparably convenient whether it is cracking various forbidden magic circles, or using various props that ordinary adventurers have never seen before for investigation.

With these two conditions, Midi can choose the best route to the satellite city with the teleportation array.

"It's the city ahead."

Five days later, Midi said in a firm tone.

Through the binoculars, he had already seen the scene in the city. A huge palace stood in the center of the city, surrounded by twelve obelisks, which looked like the moon surrounded by stars.

Although half of the palace collapsed and the obelisks almost collapsed in the catastrophe of the sky fire, even so, one can still feel the magnificence in that grace.Not only that, but the layout of this satellite city is exactly the same as that of the building complex where the teleportation array that Midi passed through in the previous life.

There is no doubt that the teleportation array is in this building called "Moonlight Palace".

Consuming two emerald leaves again, the joint team passed the corridor with ease, and then quickly went straight to the center of the satellite city in a tight marching formation.

However, at this moment, a violent explosion sound suddenly came from the Moonlight Palace, hitting everyone's eardrums like rolling thunder, and the ground shook like an earthquake.Then, a black mushroom cloud rose from the hall.

"Someone is fighting!" Odell and Midi glanced at each other, without saying anything, the whole team immediately speeded up!
The two teams soon appeared in front of Midi.

The first team is at a disadvantage and is barely defending. The equipment of the members is different, full of the characteristics of adventurers.The other team is at an advantage and is advancing ruthlessly, but the equipment appears to be uniform, like an army that advances and retreats with evidence.

This dominant team is the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

"That's the Mountain Wolf Mercenary Corps, they were so suppressed that they couldn't lift their heads!" Odell's tone was full of surprise.

You know, the mountain wolf mercenary regiment is the best at tactics and formation among the major mercenary regiments.It is more like an army, with the position of a military adviser, and the head of its mercenary regiment, the sorcerer who is constantly waving the command flag in the battle at the moment, is very familiar with large-scale battles.

But it was such a first-class mercenary group that was actually suppressed.Audrey couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

But Midi's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression suddenly became extremely dignified.

Of course, he wasn't worried about the Mountain Wolf Mercenary Group, nor would he be afraid of the strength of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

The reason for his solemn expression was because he suddenly discovered that the Blood Blade Mercenary Group was trying to blow up the entire Moonlight Palace!
The loud explosion just now was obviously not aimed at the mountain wolf mercenary group, but an attack on the palace.Under this attack, the building that was hit by the meteorite and half collapsed was already crumbling at this moment.But at this moment, the blood blade obviously has no intention of stopping at all. While suppressing the mountain wolf mercenary group, they also split up several teams to carry black powder into the Moonlight Palace non-stop, apparently to carry out secondary blasting .

There is no doubt that their purpose is to destroy the teleportation array.

"Attack." Without thinking too much, Midi immediately issued an order.

And with this sound, he has turned into a gray shadow, rushing towards the blood blade mercenary group like a sharp arrow off the string.

The Blood Blade Mercenary Group also noticed Midi's movements immediately.

The commander obviously has excellent judgment. When he saw someone who dared to charge alone, and then looked at the morning star mercenary group that suddenly appeared, he immediately judged that the unattractive young man in front of him was the one-man challenger in the rumors. Dreadful enemies under the base.

So he sent a whole reserve team of one hundred people to deal with Midi—he didn't expect to be able to defeat this terrifying strong man, but just to delay time.

This centurion mainly focuses on containment, with paladins wearing heavy armor and huge tower shields in front, and roaming gunners who are good at burst shooting, as well as ammunition experts with various grenades and jamming devices. There are also Devil May Cry, who is good at ghost arrays, and an exorcist who is good at anti-magic, and it looks like a team specially prepared to entangle masters.

Midi's eyes were full of silver flames, and several ghost formations were set up in an instant, but the effect was not satisfactory.

Those paladins had already used their charging skills to occupy a favorable position in the first place, lying on the main road between Midi and the Moonlight Temple, and could not bypass it.Even if the ice formation is used to slow down their movements, it is meaningless, and the ice with a lethal effect has almost no effect on the powerful defensive paladins.

As for the attacking dark flame array, when it rose, it was offset by the icy formation laid down by the opponent's Devil May Cry. Before the flames had time to exert their power, they were extinguished by a large amount of ice.

As for the shadow formation and plague formation, they were dispelled by the exorcist, and there were almost no flaws in the entire defense.

On the contrary, those ammunition experts hiding behind the paladin's tower shield threw out all kinds of grenades, from flash bombs to magnetic bombs to freezing bombs, etc. The scatter of full firepower even made Midi's speed slow for an instant.

Of course, it is not a problem to win. For this kind of tortoise-like opponent, it is completely possible to nibble away a little bit by roaming.

But Midi didn't have that time.

Seeing groups of people frantically carrying explosives into the palace, Midi finally decided to use her true strength.

I saw the silver flames in his eyes converge into a very thin beam of light, the next moment, Midi's wrist shook, and a very sharp energy gushed out from the Heitian sword in his hand.

Extreme swordsmanship!
 It's Monday, um, please recommend and collect!


(End of this chapter)

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