Arad's Sword

Chapter 829 Hope

Chapter 829 Hope
Under the mighty power of the "True Law of All Changes", whether it is the forbidden magic circle or even the magic itself, all of them have lost their effect. Professionals can only rely on their own physical strength to fight against the powerful demons.

In just one night, the Falcon Group and the Seventh Army of the Heavenly Realm retreated nearly a thousand miles.

Before the fusion of the Three Realms, it is almost impossible for this kind of thing to happen, because both of them can be regarded as invincible iron lions.

But now, until they face a real "supreme powerhouse", people don't know how fragile and insignificant their own power is.

"If this goes on like this, in less than a week, the capital of Dross will fall directly, followed by Faroe Bay, and finally, Belle Mare... We are now exchanging space for time, but soon, we will There's not even room left."

The eighth apostle Rotes sighed deeply.

Although what is here is just a projection of his avatar, even if it is destroyed, it will not cause harm to the main body, but when all the human kingdoms are captured, where will he go hiding in the frozen ocean?
Not to mention how to protect so many Sea Clan, even if he runs alone, where can he go?

The world is so big, but for the "Supreme Powerful", there are not many shelters.

And the so-called "invincible in the ocean" is just a description after all, even if the strength has been greatly increased, today's Rotes is not sure of fighting Herder head-on, let alone Herder, There is also a first apostle.

"As the strongest person in our camp, please, senior Luo Tesi, don't just sigh like this casually, okay? Even if you have to sigh, please hide in the cold sea alone and sigh."

A crisp and pleasant but very indifferent voice sounded.

It was the "Saint of Ice" Alice.

Even in the face of the real "supreme powerhouse", this ice beauty was still as sharp and merciless as ever, and Luo Tesi could only smile wryly after hearing this.

However, he also admitted that this ruthless way of speaking can make people feel more relaxed at this time.

As for Fina, she repeatedly deduced on the sidelines, even though she knew that most of the plans would be completely wiped out as long as Herder waved her hand, she still didn't have any intention of giving up.

"Do you think that guy will really come back?"

Suddenly, another voice sounded.

The speaker was Dorothy, a disciple of the Star Saint.

This uninvited guest came to the Seventh Legion about a year ago. Due to the bleak situation in the heavens, the "Awakened Emperor" could not exert his power at all. Therefore, she felt that she might as well come to the human world and attack the demons from the side .

On the other hand, I also want to know some clues about Midi, the savior.

However, Dorothy didn't get any news.

There is no news from Midi.

Now, seeing that the last line of defense of human beings is about to fall, but this "Saint of Flame" is still deducing the defense strategy step by step as before, Dorothy finally couldn't help it.

Is Midi dead or alive, and will she come back?
She finally couldn't help but ask the question directly.

This is also a question that everyone present, from dark elves to celestial beings to human beings, wants to know.

For a moment, the entire space was silent.

However, only for a moment.

"Of course he'll be back."

Fina answered very directly, without any hesitation or wavering.

"Why do you say that? In the past three years, even if you are bound by fate, you can't detect Midi's life or death!"

Dorothy asked persistently.

It's not that she was terrified at the last moment, but because she was also very concerned about Midi's life and death in essence.

Even if he died at the hands of "Tear Eyes" Herder in the ensuing battle, at least, what he wanted to know would be clarified, right?

That's why she kept asking questions at this time of the war.

But for this question, Fina just showed a calm smile and an extremely simple answer.

"Because he is the Midi Asrex I love, so I believe he will come back."

"Same as above."

Aside, Alice also added lightly.

The next morning.

Finally, after a full three years of delay, "Tear Eyes" Herder has completed her deployment on the continent of Arad. Now, as long as she launches an attack, she can completely push the human army into a desperate situation.

As long as there is an order, the army of the demons will attack from six directions, and attack five strategic locations at the same time: Delos Empire, Faroe Bay, Kingdom of Belle Mare, Sky City, and Sky Cloud Sea.

At that time, even Fina Hamilton will become incapacitated.

And before the sun sets, the Delos Empire, Sky City, and Sky Cloud Sea will completely fall into the hands of Herder, and the only ones that humans can retreat to are the Faroe Bay and the Kingdom of Belle Mare. .

As for these two places, "Tear Eyes" Herder's "True Law of Myriad Changes" can be fully covered as long as it is spread out.

It can be said that before sunset, this decisive battle will determine the outcome.

"Unexpectedly, at this time, those two 'incarnations of the heavens' can still be so calm. Are they worthy of being women who have bonded with the chosen one?" From the clouds overlooking the fortified camp set up by Fina "Tear Eyes" Herder showed a confident smile, and said, "However, it is precisely because of this level that it is worth being captured. You can hold me for three years, Fina, Alice, You two can already be proud!"

This time the six lands attacked at the same time, the second apostle himself took the main battlefield as a matter of course, confronting Fina, the commander of the human coalition forces.

However, in the eyes of this proud apostle, Fina's level is nothing more than an ant in front of her. The reason why she came here was not to "compete" with the other party, but to directly capture the two of them.

In this way, even if Midi breaks through the realm of the "Supreme Powerful", she will be restrained because the two women fall into Herder's hands.

Obviously, for this second apostle, although the battle in front of him has not yet begun, the outcome is already doomed.

Therefore, she naturally had to take a long-term view and seek to defeat her last serious worry, which was Midea Threx, at the least cost.

Of course, the premise of this plan is that Midi is still alive.

Once Midi's death is confirmed, the natural value of Fina and Alice will be greatly reduced.

"If Midi is dead, the only use of these two hostages is probably the 'incarnation of the heavens'? At that time, it seems that many human alchemy experiments can be done, and maybe they can be refined into tokens, It may also allow me to directly control the heavens."

Such a vicious thought involuntarily popped up in Herder's mind.

As a result, a cold and joyful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, an extremely ruthless order spit out from Herder's mouth.

"The whole army, attack!"

Accompanied by this order, the legion under the command of the second apostle immediately launched a general attack on six different battlefields hundreds of thousands of miles apart.

After three years of fighting, the human coalition forces on these six battlefields are already at the end of their strength. Now that Herder is attacking vigorously, their defenses will collapse immediately, and they can't even resist.

And although the main battlefield backed by the Kingdom of Bel Mare where Fina was located, although the situation was better, she had to face the second apostle, the extremely terrifying "supreme powerhouse" himself.

I saw that at the same time as the Demon Legion launched an attack, the "tear-eyed" Herder above the clouds also launched the "True Magic of Myriad Changes" at the same time. Immediately, countless magics of different shapes bombarded thousands of kilometers away. To the camp of the human alliance.

Not only that, countless gray-white mist permeated from the void, permeating the defense line of the human coalition forces, which could not be resisted at all.

The various prohibition circles laid down by Alice were not activated at all in front of the gray mist, and they immediately failed on the spot.

Not only that, even the legal professions in the entire human coalition can no longer cast any spells!

On the contrary, the demon army seems to have gained some kind of increase. Originally, it could only cast magic at a distance of one or two kilometers, but now it can cast magic at a distance of three to four kilometers, and its power has increased by at least [-]%.

With a raised hand, Herder completely changed the situation of the battle.

However, after fighting for three full years, this one-sided situation was also expected by Fina, and her countermeasure was to directly attack Herder.

If you just immerse yourself in fighting on the battlefield like this, and let the second apostle drop one after another attack like punishment from the clouds, collapse is inevitable. Only Herder himself's attention will be diverted. The situation on the ground battlefield, Only then can it be reversed.

In an instant, a red ray of light, a blue icy ray of light, coupled with the projection of Rotes, three rays of light directly shot up into the sky, broke through the clouds, and came in front of "tear-eyed" Herder.

However, even though it was a one-on-three, Herder was not in a hurry.

"It's just in time, and it saves me going down to find you."

Saying this, monstrous mana suddenly surged from the second apostle's body, and the coercion within a radius of ten thousand miles suddenly became extremely intense.

In three years, Herder never really used her power, but this time, after all the layouts had been completed, she finally became serious.

Two big hands formed entirely of mana slapped from left and right directions, and they were about to grab Fina and Alice into their palms.

Although these two hands seem to move slowly, in fact, the area of ​​thousands of kilometers between the two hands has been completely banned from magic, and even the various rules of heaven and earth in the human world have been excluded!

Even if Fina and Alice are "heavenly incarnations" and can mobilize part of the "heavenly rules", they have almost no resistance at this moment.

"The overall situation is set."

There was a hint of complacency in Herder's eyes.

But the next moment, her movements stopped abruptly.

Because she suddenly felt that from under her feet, in the deepest part of the Demon Realm, a place deeper than the endless abyss, suddenly there was a tyrannical force that even the "Supreme Powerful" felt terrible and trembled!

In the deepest part of the endless abyss, in the center of the Magic Palace, there suddenly appeared a white-golden sword light that soared into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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