Arad's Sword

Chapter 86 Breakthrough

Chapter 86 Breakthrough
Suppression in the center, encirclement on both sides, an extremely orthodox tactic, but Midi never expected that that person would do it with just a sniper rifle.

It would be nice if Fina and Alice were here.

Even though he knew that he couldn't choose the opponent and the environment in battle, this emotion was meaningless, Midi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.No, they don't even need to be together, as long as either of them is present, even if it is facing an enemy of the "Hand of Nightmare" level, Midi is still more than [-]% sure.

If Fina was by her side, the bullet queen's firepower would definitely not be comparable to that of a sniper rifle and armor-piercing bullets. Midi didn't need to charge at all, and just waited for the red-haired girl to level the opposite highland.

And if Alice was present, raising his hand would be a thick fog, enough to turn any place into his own home field.And the mist is everywhere, maybe you can find some traces of the royal court's inheritance.

However, there are no ifs in this world. Four unknown adventurers are following Midi now, and obtaining the inheritance of the royal court is also a task that Midi must complete alone.

Fina and Alice gave Midi absolute trust.

How to do?
Midi glanced at the companion who was gradually approaching behind her, but she was still undecided.

"Go ahead and kill that sniper." Odell said suddenly.

"Mr. John, leave this to us. Even if we can't confront directly, we can fight guerrilla warfare. That's what adventurers really do." Irene also said aside.

"I won't hold back." Norton interrupted suddenly.

"I came here to help, not to hold back, and I don't want to be taken care of." Kelvin, the head of the mountain wolf mercenary group, finally spoke his mind.

Have you found it all?Midi smiled wryly, it seems that her acting skills are not good enough.

Midi does have a way to break through the sniper blockade, but once that method is used, it will become the same as when he snatched the teleportation array before. Midi will directly break away from the team and become a lone army.But right now, it was tantamount to abandoning the other four people and leaving them surrounded by blood blades.

So Midi is hesitating and looking for a better way.

But now he knows that this is the best way.

And from the eyes of Odell and others, what he saw was not bravado or grief, but a kind of calmness to face the battle calmly.

In the previous life, Chen Xing must have faced countless difficulties when he obtained the inheritance of the royal court.

Once entering an adventure, no matter who you are, you should have the consciousness of dying.

As for myself, there is no need to act as a protector, as long as I work hard to do my best.

Thinking of this, Midi finally nodded.

"I'm going to kill that guy, and I'll leave this place to you," he said.

In the next moment, along with the voice, Midi's figure has disappeared, leaving only a vague afterimage in place.

Devil May Cry skill Ghost Shadow Flash is advanced, Ghost Shadow Flash.

The ultimate intent in Midi's whole body was flowing rapidly. This power, which was a hundred times purer than magic power, provided him with an inexhaustible motivation to use the ghost flash, a skill that only existed in theory.At the same time, he let go of all his thoughts, once he sensed the killing intent from the sniper, it would immediately flash.

Not only that, but the Heitian sword in his hand also released streaks of sword light again and again, constantly rushing towards the high ground.

Interference, induction, dodge, the Holy Trinity.

The gun arrives before the intention, which is originally a high-level level of sniping, but facing Midi, it will directly reveal the intention. In many cases, the opponent even has no time to aim, and Midi flashes directly to the other side with a ghostly flash. side.

After missing several shots in a row, the sniper on the opposite side misfired.

But Midi's expression was even more dignified.

Although it gained the upper hand for a while, the real crisis still exists.Midi knew very well that the only reason the sniper would do this was to wait for the real and only chance to kill.

You must know that although Midi relied on ghost shadows to keep advancing, as the distance shortened, he would have less and less time to react.The gun arrives before the target, and the shorter the distance, the shorter the gap between the two, until it is so short that a Midi cannot distinguish it.

And at that time, the opponent will definitely shoot.

However, even knowing this, Midi's speed did not slow down at all. He moved forward without hesitation, as if he didn't know what it meant to retreat or dodge.The high ground was approaching, and the surrounding obstacles and a few charred and dead towering trees were all left behind by Midi, and the thin figure on the high ground became clear at a glance.

The whole body of the sniper was wrapped in a thick cloak, only two black pointed ears showed his identity as a dark elf.

He was holding a large black gun with metallic luster in his hand. The muffler on the muzzle had already been removed. He obviously didn't care about the exposure of the position, but began to pursue the most powerful one-hit kill.

The moment Midi finally saw the enemy who had caused him a lot of suffering, the sharp vision and strong killing intent revealed from the dark elf's hood also locked on Midi at the same time.

This time, there was no longer any time to react, and the muzzle of the big gun burst out with fiery streams of fire.The bullets arrived before the gunfire had time to arrive.

This is an inevitable fatal blow.

But Midi didn't avoid it at all.

The silver flames in his eyes instantly condensed into a sharp and slender line, and the crazily flowing extreme intention instantly converged to Midi's right arm at this moment, and passed along the shoulder, forearm, wrist, palm, and fingertips to the hilt of the sword. .Then, enter the body of the sword and condense on the edge of the sword.

In an instant, the Heitian sword in Midi's hand turned into an afterimage, and directly stabbed out with an incomparably fierce sword at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye!
The speed of the sword's edge was so fast that a barrier-like air wall appeared in the originally transparent air. The wall was instantly broken through and turned into a piece of white debris, which fell apart strangely without making any sound. It was as if even the voice had been left behind the sword.

From this sword that surpassed the speed of sound, an invisible energy gushed out.

It cut open the surrounding air, turning the place it passed into a vacuum, and even the fine dust was destroyed by this terrifying force, shattered into powder invisible to the naked eye, and then burned and burned due to high heat, turning into nothingness.The armor-piercing projectile fired at Midi was instantly shattered and turned into dust!

After shattering the bullet, the invisible but qualitative ultimate intent like a rainbow pierced the dark elf's heart without even the slightest bit of stagnation.

When the sword arrived and felt, at this moment Midi was full of killing intent, like a god of death walking out of hell.

What he was waiting for was this moment, seemingly entering a dangerous situation that could not be avoided, but in fact he wanted to unleash the strongest blow.

Mason suddenly turned pale with fright. He had never been so close to death. At this moment, the dark elf could even feel the taste of rust rising from the depths of his tongue, which was a feeling of shattered vitality.

Death was about to come, the dark elf gritted his teeth, and a light suddenly burst into his eyes.

Suddenly, the jewelry on his chest suddenly burst, and then something spewed out.

The next moment, a huge body like a mountain stood in front of Mason, forcefully swallowing Midi's extremely sharp intent.

Nothing can stop Extreme Intent, this is the sharpest thing on the Arad Continent, even if it is really a mountain, Extreme Intent can penetrate through it, and then continue to pierce the target's heart.

However, what was summoned by Mason was something bigger than a mountain. It was a high-level fire meteor element.

Its body is condensed from black hard meteorite, and hot magma that can even melt steel flows all over its body, like a giant standing upright.

This high-level fire meteor element is of course not Mason's familiar, it is something that Mason's behind-the-scenes forces spent a lot of effort to finally imprison. It can be called a top-quality amulet for body protection.And with the passage of time, one day, the spirituality of this high-level element will be erased, and it will become a battle puppet that truly obeys orders.

Being forced to play the hole card, Mason only felt that his heart was bleeding, but if he lost his life, he would have no chance to regret it.So he resolutely released the fire element that he couldn't control even without hesitation, and blocked Midi's killing blow.

The bolide element has a lot of magic power in its body, and its body is also extremely hard. After Midi's extreme intention penetrated in, it was immediately eroded and worn away. After it came out, the speed has dropped greatly.

Even so, Mason was still a little unable to dodge, and the big gun in his hand was still hit and disintegrated instantly.

The blow he was determined to win failed to hit, but Midi's expression remained extremely calm.

Since this dark elf is an enemy at the "Hand of Nightmare" level, then naturally there must be an ultimate life-saving means, and Midi is also prepared for this.Moreover, he soon discovered that the opponent seemed unable to control the huge fireball element at all, because the element did not attack itself after receiving extreme intention, but punched its summoner hard first.

The situation suddenly became complicated.

In the extremely tense battle of the strong, a big injured man was suddenly inserted.

The belly of the fire meteor element was pierced by Midi's ultimate intention, exposing the inner core, and the magma flowed like blood, making it violently and crazily waving its arms and attacking around, immediately setting off countless gravels and mud everywhere. Slag and soaring flames.

But obviously, neither side took this big guy with a low IQ seriously.

Midi was still staring at the sniper closely. He alternately used ghost flash and ghost step, while dodging the fire meteor element's attack, while pressing forward step by step.

At the same time, Mason was also staring at the boy with the sword.He had already given up the big gun and pulled out the two automatic pistols on his waist. In an instant, the overwhelming barrage covered a large area, covering the fire meteor element and Midi in it.

Not only that, but he also moved cautiously and quickly, circling Bolide as a pillar, always hiding himself behind Bolide's tall torso, preventing Midi from approaching.

The roaming gunman's scattering and eagle step skills were brought into full play by Mason.

The roaring flame giant, the silver ballistic piercing through the air, the sparks splashed by the collision of metal and sword, the dark elf gnashing his teeth, and the calm and cold boy.

In an instant, the extremely chaotic battlefield gave people a sense of tension that was extremely quiet.

But only for a moment.

The next moment, the ground suddenly appeared like a lake with stones thrown into it, and there were countless ripples full of magical brilliance. The ripples continued to expand, and in an instant, all of Midi, Mason, and the crazy fireball elements were wrapped in it. When the light dispersed, everything disappeared.

"It was teleported!"

Midi reacted immediately.

Then, he found that under his feet was a bottomless black abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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