Arad's Sword

Chapter 96 The Eagle's Nest

Chapter 96 The Eagle's Nest
Five days later, a magnificent city finally came into view.

This is where the castle of the Asrex family is located.

But now, it has a new and catchy name——

eagle's nest.

This is the location of the headquarters of the Falcon Regiment, which was decided after discussions between Midi, Fina, and Alice.

Although the infinite magic power of the ancient city of Qiu is really attractive after the formation of the magic veins is completed, it is by no means something that can be publicly shown off. On the contrary, it is a trump card that must be hidden.Qiugu City is still as quiet and sparsely populated as before, and even the people who know its true meaning are only the high-level core of the family.

The actual administrative centers of the two counties are still family castles on the surface.

The core on the bright side, the shield in fact, is an ideal place for the Falcon Group, which is somewhat experimental and at the same time extremely eye-catching.

However, even though he was mentally prepared, Midi was still taken aback when he saw the "Eagle's Nest"—the level of prosperity here has far exceeded his expectations!

The Earl's Castle, which has been standing in the inner city for hundreds of years, is as strict and cold as ever. However, the lower city outside the moat has doubled in size. Not only that, the surrounding land has also begun to be loosened and excavated, and the vertical and horizontal axes are paved. There are a lot of stones, and it is obvious that they will expand further.

There are newly opened shops everywhere, weapon craftsmen, armor craftsmen, alchemists, enchanters, puppeteers, etc. have gathered here, and even formed a complete commercial street.Next to it are various hotels and taverns, as well as a large number of food stores, gathering food from all over the Principality of Belle Mare.

At first glance, Midi seems to feel that the prosperity here is almost no less than that of Hutton Mar, the capital of the Duchy of Belle Mare.

Not only that, there is even one thing that is more than Hutton Marr.

That is the adventurer.

Compared with ordinary cities, at this moment, most of the people on the streets of the "Eagle's Nest" city in front of me are not ordinary citizens, but adventurers, not only adventurers, but also high-level adventurers over level 30, Quantity occupies a considerable part.

Some of them are fully armed, some are proud, some are traveling, and some are in a hurry, but one thing is the same, the eyes of these adventurers are full of passion.

Looking at the bustling scene in front of him, Midi couldn't help feeling emotional.

In the previous life, Midi and Fina were trying to survive in adversity, so they worked hard to establish a group of falcons as their own destination.But in this life, it was for the purpose of building a high ground, occupying the commanding heights, and building a shield to protect the homeland, so the idea of ​​the Falcon Group was proposed to break the current turbulent but deadlocked situation in Bel Mare.

Although the composition of the Falcon Group will still be dominated by adventurers, however, the environment, timing, strength, and goals they want to achieve are completely different from the previous life.Therefore, its true form must also have a huge difference.

In this life, what kind of "Falcon Group" will the heroic Queen of Magic Bullet establish?

Even Midi couldn't help but speculate in her heart.

At this moment, a large team of more than 20 people arrived at the Eagle's Nest from the other side.

The adventurers in this team are all above level 35. Not only that, but the most conspicuous thing is the carts behind them. On each cart made of fine steel, there is a The corpse of a monster coiled up like a hill.

These monsters are all adult Gu killing insects!

"Someone actually hunted and killed Gu worms?" Kelvin pushed his glasses, with surprise and confusion on his expression.

You know, for adventurers, this kind of monster is the most annoying.The average level of adult Gu killing insects is above level 40. The mutation after the Grand Forest fire has pushed their strength to level 45, a peak that ordinary people look up to. Even seasoned adventurers will not be able to deal with them. Be careful and it is easy to die.

Not only that, but their strong vitality and the nerve plexuses distributed throughout the body make them almost impossible to kill with one blow. Even if their heads are smashed, these bugs will still struggle for a long time, and even fall into a frenzy state, more difficult to kill.

And what disgusts adventurers the most is that even if you spend a lot of effort and money to kill the Gu-killing worms, you won't get any good spoils in the end.With the current alchemy and decomposition methods, there are almost no usable parts on the bug, except for a few teeth.

However, there are many substitutes for materials of the same level, and no one would kill such a monster just for those teeth, the price/performance ratio is too low.

But now, there is actually a group of adventurers carrying out a planned hunt, and judging from their expressions, they seem to be quite satisfied with this time's record.

Kelvin couldn't figure it out.

"I recognize the leader, Iron Shield Hulk of the Baiyan Mercenary Group!" Odell said beside him.

"In that case, let's go and have a look." Midi said with a smile, and was the first to walk over.

The Nightsaber cavalry had already left ten miles away. This is Midi's core strength, and it is usually not displayed in front of everyone. Moreover, it is too wasteful to use it as a guard for a general like Krasti who can be alone. up.So, they didn't follow all the time.

Now only Morningstar and Mountain Wolf entered the Eagle's Nest, together with Norton and other craftsmen, and Midi was still the unremarkable boy. Among the many adventurers, although such a team was relatively large, it did not cause much trouble. Notice.

Soon, they arrived in front of those adventurers.

"Isn't this Morningstar's 'Double Sparks'! You are also here to join the Falcon Group?" Iron Shield Hulk greeted first.

"Almost." Odell said vaguely. After all, the whole story from the time she met Midi to the present is too long, and she is really too lazy to explain.

"Are you hunting Gu worms?" Kelvin couldn't wait to speak from the side.

Iron Shield Hulk looked the magician up and down, then patted his head, and said with a smile: "The mountain wolf is here too! My dear, this is a strong alliance between you, on the one hand is a resourceful magician, and on the other is Beautiful half-elf lady, do you want to use this combination to impress that young master Asrex?"

"Basically, we've joined forces anyway." Kelvin replied more vaguely, and then changed the subject without relaxing, "Tell me what's going on with these Gu-killing worms."

Iron Shield Hulk stepped forward, patted Kelvin's thin shoulder heavily, and grinned: "It's useless, man, here, in the Eagle's Nest, there is only one way to enter the Falcon Group, and that is to try to Accumulate contribution points! Didn’t you ask what happened to killing Gu worms? They are really worthless and can’t extract good materials, but the Falcon Group has set a high contribution point task for this kind of monster, so we Just kill! Here, everything is based on contribution points as the top priority!"

Hulk said, proudly shaking the inconspicuous black necklace on his chest, as if there was some treasure hidden in this necklace.

Contribution points?
Odell and Kelvin looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

Midi, who was on the side, showed a bright smile at this moment.

Yeah, contribute points.

He didn't expect that in his usual chats, he just talked about some of his views and feelings about the mercenary group in his previous life, which would be carefully recorded by Fina, and finally used in the establishment of the Falcon Group.

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Now that I think about it, contribution points are indeed the most suitable model for the Falcon Group.

The biggest difference between the Falcon Regiment and the general regiment is that it is an armed group composed entirely of adventurers.This was true in the previous life, and it is also true in this life.

What do adventurers desire most?
Become stronger!

This is the most essential purpose of adventurers, so they will use all their savings to exchange for a good sword, a skill book or code that suits them, so they will take risks in various ruins and ruins full of organs, Therefore, they will continue to challenge those powerful and terrifying monsters.

Everything is for getting stronger, keep getting stronger!
Keep getting stronger until you become the strongest!
But how difficult is it to become stronger?Not only is it difficult, but there are often various sad accidents.

For example, I worked so hard to kill many monsters and open a treasure chest, but in the end, people took away the things decades ago.For example, I was collecting rare herbs, but a Gu killing insect came. After all the hard work and fighting, I found that the herbs had been crushed. But it was not suitable for me at all, and I put it on the black market to sell it, but in the end I encountered profiteers and so on...

There are too many bitterness and ups and downs in the adventure, just like a blind man touching an elephant, or a blind man lighting a lamp, these civilians who have no privileges and only armed forces can only grope and move forward slowly, suffering all the way.

However, it still cannot become stronger.

But with the contribution points, and the existence of the "Falcon Group" that publishes the contribution standards, plus the guarantee of the Asrex family backed by the two counties, it is equivalent to lighting up a lamp for these adventurers. bright light.

Midi can fully imagine that Fina must have released a lot of tasks, such as "30 goblin ears for 1 contribution point", "one Gu worm for 100 contribution points", "turn in rare materials for Equivalent Contribution Points" and so on.

At the same time, she will definitely publish a list that will make all adventurers feel excited, such as "1000 contribution points for a dragon-slaying knife", "10000 contribution points for a shadow pill", "100000 contribution points for a Wuying Sword" and the like.

In this way, adventurers can target their targets. They no longer need to run around based on hearsay, and they only need to complete the relevant content according to the instructions of the task, and they can get guaranteed contribution points. There are additional gains in the process of performing tasks.

Then, these adventurers can use contribution points to exchange for their favorite equipment, skills or magic, so as to continuously become stronger.

The existence of contribution points is a kind of guarantee and guidance, and Midi believes that if Alice participates, some extremely rare items can be produced, which will make the exchange list more attractive.

And when so many adventurers gathered here for contribution points, the establishment of the Falcon Group was a matter of course.

 I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival!Happy Valentine's Day!Happy death group burning people!Everyone voted very well, I also prepared a little gift, yes, I can finally add more today!The second update is at 19:30 in the evening!Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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