Chapter 114

In fact, Nangong Yi just grabbed her just subconsciously, but after leaving her behind, he suddenly didn't know what to say to her.

After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Tomorrow night, there will be a military song performance, so don't be late."


Su Lili looked up at him with an inexplicable expression on her face, and said after a while: "Do you think I'm the kind of person who is not punctual?"

"I'm kindly reminding you, you are the platoon leader, you should set an example and know, don't be late." Nangong Yi glanced at the words in a leisurely tone.

Finally, without waiting for Su Lili to refute, he took the lead with his long legs, turned around and strode away.
the next night.

The military song performance was held in the auditorium of the military training base.

As the small platoon leader, Su Lili and several people in the class are responsible for part-time logistics work behind the stage.

The performances of the various classes in front are going on one by one. Through the background wall of the stage, you can vaguely see that there are many students in the front with a little emotional expression.

The end of tonight's performance means that the ten days of military training will come to an end here.

And the next day, after the school bus picked us up, we might never have the chance to meet the instructors at the base again.

At the beginning, when everyone came, there were constant complaints about the instructors, and they felt that the instructors were harsh and strict. However, when the military training was about to end, many people began to lament the upcoming separation.

The military songs are all high-spirited and passionate songs, but tonight everyone sang a trace of sadness in it.

Probably because the training effect in Yinwu Pavilion was good, Su Lili didn't have so many complicated emotions when faced with such a parting scene.

And she already knows now that Instructor Zhang is also one of the hermits in the pavilion, so even after leaving here, there is still a chance to meet in the pavilion in the future.

While thinking, suddenly there was a noisy voice in front of the stage.

Su Lili was startled, hurriedly followed behind the two classmates, looked towards the front of the stage: "What's the matter?"

"It seems that the microphone is broken and I can't hear the sound." One of the students in the next class said.

Su Lili was in charge of the microphone tonight, and after hearing that it was broken, she hurried forward: "I'll go and have a look."

At the background equipment, Su Lili checked and found that the microphone was loose.

After picking it up, the singing from the front desk came loudly again.

Su Lili breathed a sigh of relief, and when she turned around to go back, a figure suddenly blocked her way.

"Su Lili, I heard that you went out to meet Nangong Yi again last night."

It's Bai Yu.

She stood in front of Su Lili, with an undisguised jealousy and displeasure on her face: "Why are you so shameless, secretly dating Nangong Yi behind the restaurant's back?"

Su Lili was taken aback, what happened between her and Nangong Yi at the back of the restaurant last night was seen?

Who?Why is it so boring, and it still reaches Bai Yu's ears?
"I don't need to report to you who I'm meeting with, right?" Su Lili raised her eyebrows and glanced at her, then walked away.

However, Bai Yu didn't want to let her go.

When she walked around, she quickly stood in front of her again: "Nangong Yi is my sister's boyfriend, do you think you need to report to me when you meet him?"

Su Lili was speechless, raised the corners of her lips and sneered: "Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way."

(End of this chapter)

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