chapter 630

"Xia Chengfeng?"

When Nangong Yiying heard the name, his brows furrowed even deeper.

"Well, he should agree to help, right?"

As soon as Su Lili finished speaking, he suddenly took the list in his hand: "Why do you need to bother him with such a small matter, I'll just help you find it."

"You want to help me find it?"

Su Lili was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had heard wrongly, he was such a lazy person, he usually asked Xia Chengfeng to do all the information checking, but now he wanted to help her look up the information of alumni.

"What?" A disdainful expression appeared on the boy's face, "Are you doubting your boyfriend's strength?"

I don't know why, but after being stared at by him, Su Lili suddenly became less confident.

It seems that, after hearing Xia Chengfeng say that Nangong Yi has an IQ of 200, could it be possible that he could really come up with a solution?
"No, I never doubted your ability."

Not only flattering, but also solving the problem, why not do it?
"Then I will leave it to you. Please check it for me as soon as possible. It is best to have the phone number, address and work unit."

"Yeah." The young man smiled slightly, "I will definitely do what my wife ordered you to do properly."


Su Lili rolled her eyes: "Who is your wife?"

Nangong Yi stuffed the list into his back pocket, raised his hand, and scratched her nose with his fingertips, with a meaningful smile: "Who else is there besides you?"


Su Lili pursed her lips, smiled triumphantly, and strode forward: "Let's go, let's eat."

Behind her, the boy quickly followed her footsteps.

"No matter how hooligan you are, you are still my wife, you are my wife, you were my wife in the past, you are now, you will be in the future, and you will be my wife forever."

The two walked out of the teaching building laughing and playing.

As soon as he arrived at the playground, he saw Xia Chengfeng and Hua Yechen walking towards him.

Hua Yechen quickly raised a hand to greet the two of them: "Boss, Su Xiaomei, what a coincidence, you are here too."

In the past few days, Hua Yechen has been absent from class frequently, and finally seeing him, Su Lili hurriedly said: "Huahua, you have been arranged in our group for the school celebration activities, and you will be in charge of alumni invitations. The list is sent to you, and I will tell you first, so as not to see your figure when I can."

"Ah, you still want to arrange work for me?"

Hua Yechen raised his eyebrows, with a look of anticipation on his face: "Miss Su, can't you also do my part?"


Before Su Lili could speak, Nangong Yi rejected him first: "Do your own thing, if you can't do it, you can ask someone else to do it for you, don't bother my wife."


Hua Yechen suddenly regretted why he had to greet these two people, not to mention the work, but also to eat their dog food.

Just now, I should have pretended that I didn't see anyone and just walked over!
Hua Yechen felt aggrieved: "Boss, if you continue like this, you will lose me."

"Then it's better to lose it as soon as possible."

After Nangong Yi finished speaking, he ignored his existence, and his eyes wandered to Xia Chengfeng's face: "What about you, what have you been up to lately, and I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xia Chengfeng curled his lips in disdain, and sneered: "I'm at school every day, it's because you're only focusing on dating recently, so you can't see other people in your eyes."


Nangong Yi thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

(End of this chapter)

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