Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 101 Prayer [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 101 Prayer [13, please recommend and reward]

"Wow, what a beautiful cabinet!"

After Ye Yun took Yaya home from school, Yaya couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming when she saw the cabinet in the yard.

"Papa, do you want to make a cabinet and sell it for money? Mama said that our family is not short of money!"

While looking at the cabinet, Yaya asked Ye Yun suspiciously.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled. If this cabinet was sold, the money in the entire world would not be enough to buy one of its legs.

He picked up Yaya and said, "Papa made this for you, specially for awarding certificates."

"In the future, the baby will receive many, many awards, and Papa must keep them all well, and they will never be broken!"

Yaya nodded: "Oh, it turned out to be Jiang Zi."

At this time, Murong Yan also came back from get off work, and she couldn't help showing a surprised expression when she saw the colorful and childlike cabinets in the yard.

"Ye Yun, you made this cabinet?" she asked.

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Murong Yan looked at the cabinet carefully, and said with a smile: "It's so delicate, you don't plan to sell it for money, do you?"

Ye Yun was speechless, it really was a mother-daughter relationship, and they thought of going together!
Yaya shook her head: "No, this is the cabinet that Papa made for me, and I will put a lot of awards in the future."

Murong Yan was even more surprised: "So it's like this! Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to be not only a good cook, but also a good carpenter!"

Her eyes rolled, and there was a look of happiness inside: "I didn't expect you to be so caring. I don't even know what words to use to describe you."

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "I just do what I think I should do. As for being good to you, I don't think it's enough."

Murong Yan's eyes turned red, every time this guy speaks, people are very moved!
Yaya jumped from Ye Yun's arms to the ground, looked at the two with big eyes blinking, and said:

"Papa, Mama, I want to draw our family on this cabinet, is that okay?"

Ye Yun nodded: "Of course! Papa will get you colored pens now!"

Then, Yaya was very serious and carefully drew three people on the cabinet, holding hands.

"Okay! We want to be as beautiful as this cabinet forever!" Yaya said firmly.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan squatted beside her at the same time, kissed her on the cheek, and smiled at the same time:

"Baby, I will!"


Sioux City. .

In the West District, in a large courtyard covering an area of ​​over a thousand acres.

At this time, Wang Wenyang was walking back and forth in the living room with his hands behind his back, with an anxious expression on his face.

It has been more than an hour since he asked Pastor Jiang to go to Jincheng to deal with Ye Yun, and there is no reply at all!

So he was very anxious.

You know, for ordinary people, it takes about three hours to drive from high speed to Jincheng.

But for Jiang Chuandao, a half-step Transformation Realm master, he could get there in half an hour at most.

With Jiang's preaching ability, if he acts decisively, the problem can be solved soon.

But now, Wang Wenyang could no longer contact him, which meant that Jiang Chuandao was probably in an accident.

"Could it be that Ye Yun is really so powerful that even Chuan Jiang is no match for him?" Wang Wenyang frowned.

Then he shook his head violently: "It shouldn't be! It shouldn't be! That Ye Yun, it is said that he is not very old, is a waste from a down-and-out family before Jincheng. How could such a person be Jiang's opponent?"

Wang Wenyang himself mainly makes a living by doing business in Sucheng, and knows little about the affairs of the martial arts world.

Even Wang Anhui, the head of the Wang family, one of the four major families in Sioux City, didn't know much about Xiao Xuanzong's dinner, let alone him, an entrepreneur who was dedicated to making money to support his family.

This time, if he hadn't heard that Wang Anhui invited some hooligans and killers to deal with Ye Yun, he would not have been tempted to find someone like Jiang Chuandao.

It's just that there are thousands of calculations, he didn't expect that Jiang Chuandao, who is called Jiang Shenxian, might fall into Ye Yun's hands!
This made him anxious and terrified!
"Master, Master Ou is here!"

Just when Wang Wenyang was burning with anxiety, the butler walked in with a person.

This person looked no less than 60 years old, with a very thin body and dark skin, just like a worker who has been exposed to the wind and sun all day on the construction site.

However, when he saw his eyes, even Wang Wenyang, who had lived most of his life, couldn't help but tremble.

Those were a pair of hell-like eyes. In the deep eye sockets, on the surface of the pitch-black eyeballs, there were traces of black mist rolling.

When staring into his eyes, Wang Wenyang only felt as if he saw an evil spirit, which made him feel goose bumps all over his body.

"Master Ou, hurry up!"

Wang Wenyang quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Ou Jiu, looking terrified.

Oujiu walked up to him with bleak eyes, and glanced at him proudly: "Whomever you want me to deal with, I'll kill him now!"

Wang Wenyang's heart trembled, Ou Jiu was indeed worthy of being a famous ghost teacher in Jiangbei Province, and he was full of murderous intent when he opened his mouth.

He quickly said: "The person I want to kill is the Murong family of Jincheng, named Ye Yun! Master Ou please kill him!"

"If there is an accident, you can kill his whole family together!"

"I, Wang Wenyang, are willing to give out 1 million and help the master collect a hundred corpses, ensuring that they will not die for more than 24 hours!"

Ou Jiu nodded in satisfaction: "Okay! Within half a day, you must have heard of his death!"

After speaking, he walked out the door. Every time he took a step, Wang Wenyang saw a black wind following his feet.

"Master Ou is worthy of being one of the three major dark masters in Jiangbei Province. The coldness in his body is really beyond the tolerance of ordinary people!"

Wang Wenyang's heart was trembling all the time.

Only now did he understand that there are many existences in this world, which are more terrifying than pistols and cannons.

"You don't need to bother so much, just die here."

Just as Ou Jiu went out, a golden light fell, and Xiao Huang looked at them with an evil smile.

The black smoke in Oujiu's eyes instantly thickened, and she asked in a deep voice, "You are Ye Yun?"

Xiao Huang shook his head: "No! You little shrimps, how can you be worthy of my boss to do it yourself!"

"You are presumptuous!" Wang Wenyang scolded angrily, "Do you know that the one in front of you is Master Ou, one of the representatives of our dark mages in Jiangbei Province?"

"Master Ou has the ability to understand ghosts. Even King Yama wants to befriend him. If you want to take the lead for Ye Yun, you are just looking for death!"

"King Yan Luo and him worship?" Xiao Huang smiled playfully.

Suddenly asked: "Only the three of you know about killing my boss?"

Wang Wenyang said disdainfully, "So what?"

Xiao Huang chuckled: "If yes, I will take the three of you for a ride!"

With a wave of his hand, the cries of countless ghosts sounded.

The three of Wang Wenyang and the others could only see the darkness around them, and the biting chill kept rushing into their skin.

Then they saw blood red in the sky, and countless blood skeletons opened their mouths and howled in the air.

There are ten identical buildings underneath, and black smoke floats into the sky from these buildings.

"Tenth Hall of Yama! So this is the mansion of Tenth Hall of Yama!"

"Slaughtering ghosts and gods in front of the Yan Luo Temple, chasing souls and arrogantly arrogant to the sky! It's really terrifying!"

Ou Jiu, who was extremely calm just now, couldn't help trembling when he saw this scene, his teeth chattered coldly.

Xiao Huang gave a disdainful smile, and led them to the middle palace of the ten Yama halls, and then shouted:
"King Yama, come out!"

A big man wearing an ancient robe with a ferocious face immediately appeared in front of the four of them.

Standing beside him was a bull-headed and horse-faced man, full of terrifying evil spirits.

When King Yan Luo saw Xiao Huang, he immediately trembled all over, bowed respectfully and said, "So it's Lord Dragon Emperor!"

Xiao Huang pointed at Ou Jiu: "Has this person ever made friends with you?"

King Yan Luo shook his head: "No! As the king of the underworld, how can I make friends with such ants?"

Xiao Huang nodded and smiled, "They offended my boss, do you know what to do?"

King Yan Luo thought of that terrifying killing god, his body almost collapsed, he nodded quickly and said, "This subordinate knows!"

He waved his hand: "Come on! Bind these three bastards to me, peel their skin and cramps, and fry them a billion times! Imprisoned in the endless hell for eternity!"

 Thank you Duan Zige for the 988 reward, thank the wind blowing through the lonely youth city for the 588 reward, thank you book friend 158******22 for the 100 reward, thank you, Suzaku did not expect to reward so much, I was a little excited in the morning!
(End of this chapter)

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