Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 114 Underneath the beautiful appearance is an extremely ugly heart [1, please recommend and

Chapter 114 Beneath the beautiful appearance is an extremely ugly heart [23, please recommend and reward]

The waiter didn't dare to neglect, and hurried over to call the manager.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a black suit walked over quickly.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoman, he immediately showed a complimenting look on his face: "Miss Jiang, what's your order?"

Jiang Xiaoman glanced at him proudly and said: "Manager Zhu, I want to sit at that table, you drive them away!"

Zhu Yulin raised his head and glanced at Ye Yun and the others in front of him, with a look of embarrassment on his face:
"Miss Jiang, isn't this bad? There are only customers who enter the door, we can't just drive people away!"

He saw that Ye Yun and Murong Ranran had extraordinary temperaments.

Especially Ranran's body, one looks like everyone's daughter, and she is not an ordinary big family.

Zhu Yulin has been in Zhonghai for more than ten years, and he has already developed the ability to recognize people and looks. According to his guess, Ranran's family background is definitely not much worse than Jiang Xiaoman.

Besides, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Zhonghai, one day he might meet someone who is the same status as a relative of the emperor, Zhu Yulin dare not offend at will.

Seeing Zhu Yulin hesitate, Jiang Xiaoman couldn't help snorting coldly:
"Manager Zhu, don't I, Jiang Xiaoman's words, have no effect at all?"

Zhu Yulin lowered his head and smiled, "Don't dare! It's just, Miss Jiang, I can't just drive away guests for no reason!"

Jiang Xiaoman folded her hands on her chest, her brows were wrinkled, and she looked angry:

"Then how dare you not listen to me? Let me tell you, the stinky girl sitting there offended my brother."

"You should know my brother's temper. If he gets angry, can you bear it?"

Zhu Yulin's face trembled, Jiang Shaowen was the future hope of the Jiang family, and was deeply loved by the head of the Jiang family.

Moreover, Jiang Shaowen is related to many senior officials in Zhonghai, and he has even been recognized as a godson by several people.

These high-ranking officials are all big figures with hands and eyes in China!

Zhu Yulin knew in his heart that if he really offended Jiang Shaowen, he might not be able to get along in Zhong Hai in the future!

And it's not a big deal if he can't get along, and maybe his life is in danger, after all, in the eyes of those people, his life is no different from that of an ant.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yulin could only grit his teeth, stepped forward and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry everyone, because of special circumstances, please leave this table!"

However, they raised their heads in surprise: "What's the special situation?"

Suddenly, Ranran saw Jiang Xiaoman standing in the distance with a sneer on her face, and she immediately understood what happened.

So Liu Mei frowned and said: "Your store, just because of an ignorant girl, are you driving customers away?"

Liu Peiling and the others also saw Jiang Xiaoman, and they all showed unhappy expressions:

"It turns out that she is playing tricks! This stinky girl, seeing that her brother can't catch up with Ranran, is doing bad things everywhere. She is really blind for nothing!"

Amanda, who is straightforward and eats well, is angry at being chased away.

So he stood up, looked straight at Jiang Xiaoman, and scolded: "What an uneducated person!"

After being scolded by her, Jiang Xiaoman immediately stepped forward angrily like a firecracker, and slapped the table: "Nigger, how dare you scold me?"

Amanda slapped Jiang Xiaoman hard in the face, almost knocking Jiang Xiaoman to the ground.

Amanda stared at Jiang Xiaoman with extremely angry eyes: "Not only are you uneducated, but you are also vulgar, low-level!"

The whole world knows that nigger is a very insulting word for black people.

Jiang Xiaoman scolded Amanda like this in public, which made her extremely angry.

"You, you dare to hit me?" Jiang Xiaoman covered the left side of his face, trembling with anger.

Turning around, she gritted her teeth and looked at Zhu Yulin: "Let them go! All of them go! Otherwise, I promise you will disappear from Zhonghai before tonight!"

She thought about it, first drove Ranran and the others away from the restaurant, and then went back to file a complaint, asking Jiang Shaowen to find a way to teach Amanda a lesson, and let out this bad breath.

Zhu Yulin was so frightened that his face turned blue, and he quickly said to Ranran: "You guys leave quickly! If you don't leave, I will call the security guard!"

"shut up!"

As soon as Zhu Yulin finished speaking, a man's voice came from the door.

He sounded like a foreign man, his Mandarin was not up to standard, and it was a bit of a mouthful.

I saw a tall white man walking over quickly, grabbed Zhu Yulin by the collar, and angrily said:
"Bastard, what the hell are you doing?"

He is very handsome and has a strong body. With a flick of his hand, he threw Zhu Yulin one meter away.

After Zhu Yulin stood up, he didn't even dare to say a word, and his face was full of horror.

"Kevin, what are you doing?"

Jiang Xiaoman looked at the white man Kevin in surprise.

This Kevin is the owner of this yogurt restaurant and one of her suitors.

Since the first time he came here to eat and was seen by Kevin, he was like a pug, following her when he found a chance, trying his best to get her to be his girlfriend.

However, Jiang Xiaoman thinks very highly of himself, and he doesn't care about the small owner of this restaurant, and has always looked down on him.

Seeing Kevin appear, she was very happy at first, thinking that he would help her.

She didn't expect Kevin to teach Zhu Yulin a lesson, which made her a little confused.

Kevin frowned, looked at Jiang Xiaoman in disgust, and then walked up to Ye Yun, the expression on his face instantly became extremely bright, and he said happily:

"Sir, I didn't expect you to eat in my restaurant. I'm so happy!"

"You..." Jiang Xiaoman was almost speechless in surprise.

Kevin was so respectful to that man, what happened?
Ye Yun looked at Kevin lightly: "We know each other?"

"You don't know me, but I know you. Please allow me to explain this later." After Kevin finished speaking, he turned and looked at Jiang Xiaoman coldly: "Get out now!"

"You...what did you say?" Jiang Xiaoman was about to go crazy. Kevin's performance today was like a different person. Before, he was obsequious to himself and had a flattering look on his face.

Why do you dare to yell at yourself now?
Dare to let yourself go? !
"Kevin, you're crazy! Do you know that I'm from the Jiang family, and I can get you out of Zhong Hai with just one word!"

"No! You will never be able to enter Huaxia!"

Jiang Xiaoman roared hoarsely.

"The Jiang family?" Kevin smiled disdainfully.

"I am the Baron of the British Empire, the nephew of Queen Elizabeth, do you think I will be afraid of your Jiang family?"

"Before, I liked you and thought you were beautiful, so I was willing to follow you humbly and pursue you!"

"But today, I finally saw that under your beautiful appearance is an ugly heart!"

"Ugly enough to make me sick!"

"Get out!" He waved his hand, "Security, throw this woman out!"

Then turned around, stared at Zhu Yulin coldly and said, "Get lost too!"

"By the way, because you offended the guests, you have already violated the restaurant's management regulations. This month's salary and half-year bonus will all be deducted!"

Zhu Yulin's face was ashen. He had heard that his boss seemed to be a member of the British royal family. He thought it was a fake, but seeing Kevin's performance today, he realized that he was hiding something.

Facing such an existence, he could only swallow his anger and leave in despair.

After tidying up the two of them, Kevin had a bright smile on his face again, looking at Ye Yun like a person in the desert seeing an oasis:

"Sir, may I have the honor to taste the foie gras you made yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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