Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 138 This look is invincible! [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 138 This look is invincible! [13, please recommend and reward]


"So scary! Is this still a human method?!"

Li Tingyu, Han Jinlong and others all took a sharp breath, feeling their hearts trembling.

Compared with Xiao Xuanzong's dinner, Ye Yun's attack this time made them even more frightened.

That time, Ye Yun pierced through Huang Kui, Xiao Xuanzong's first disciple, on Yunwu Mountain with one palm, shocking the audience.

But no matter how you say it, it's just the fighting skills of people in martial arts.

But now, with a wave of his hand, he can wipe out all the poison powder Gu worms and the disciples of the Flower Poison Sect.

Even Jiang Wangtian, the deputy head of Jiangcheng's sub-helm, a master of half-step transformation, was killed by one of his moves.

Not to mention resistance, there is not even room to take a breath!
This is really terrible!

Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong were born geniuses in the world of martial arts.

They all stepped into the Transformation Realm around the age of 40, and became the Grand Transformation Realm Masters of the Megatron side, leading their families to dominate the side.

However, they didn't even have the ability to ask themselves, like Ye Yun, they killed Jiang Wangtian and others in a flash.

Now the two of them witnessed Ye Yun's attack from the sidelines. They couldn't hide their shock!
"It's said that four years ago, he was just a bully, living off an old housekeeper. How did he become so terrifying in just four years?"

"What the hell has he been through?"

"Or, everything four years ago was just his disguise?!"

Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong shook their heads secretly.

They suddenly felt that they knew nothing about Ye Yun!
When the hall was quiet, suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the sky.

Blue light bloomed in the yard, which was the light from the huge lightning in the sky.

Both Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong shrank their pupils, and exclaimed, "This is... a catastrophe? Is anyone going to cross the catastrophe?"

Li Tingyu frowned, and muttered: "Could it be Master Miao?"

He heard from Jiang Wangtian just now that Miao Jiufeng, the master of Huadu Sect's Jiangcheng sub-helm, is in retreat.

Right now, only he has the possibility to attract the catastrophe.

Han Jinlong's eyes trembled: "If he can attract a catastrophe, doesn't it mean that he has already stepped into the innate world with one foot?"

"Hiss! How did he improve so fast?"

Speaking of this, Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong gasped again.

If Miao Jiufeng survived the catastrophe and became an innate master, then he would be invincible in the entire Jiangcheng.

From then on, the Han and Li families will live on Miao Jiufeng's breath!

As for Ye Yun...

Both Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong felt that he might not really be Miao Jiufeng's opponent.

Even if Miao Jiufeng does not overcome the catastrophe tonight, judging from his ability to attract the catastrophe, he is already invincible!

Invincible under heaven!
In other words, Miao Jiufeng has stood at the pinnacle of the entire China since tonight.

Because China has been decades, there has not been a master of the innate level.

If Ye Yun wanted to defeat him, he had to reach the innate realm.

But how is this possible?

A trash four years ago, no matter how great the opportunity is, it is impossible to be promoted to talent in just four years, right?

After thinking about it this way, Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong secretly concluded that if Ye Yun didn't leave, it would be a very bad night.

"Mr. Ye, Hall Master Miao's cultivation has risen to a terrifying level, I think you should go first!"

Li Tingyu spoke first.

Before the situation became clear, he wanted to persuade Ye Yun a few words.

First, it can win Ye Yun's favor.

Secondly, he also praised Miao Jiufeng in a disguised form.

Neither side should offend, and it can be regarded as leaving a good way for himself.

Han Jinlong glanced at Li Tingyu, and after thinking about it, he understood his intention, so he also said:

"That's right, Mr. Ye. Hall Master Miao is already invincible if he can attract a catastrophe."

"When he successfully survives the catastrophe, there will be only a handful of people in China who can hold him down. It's better for you to avoid his edge now."

Ye Yun glanced at them indifferently: "Since I said to come and destroy the family, how could I leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunder outside stopped abruptly.

Then, a powerful burst of true energy rushed in from outside the door.

A figure in a navy blue robe quickly flashed in.

He is a middle-aged man in his 30s, with fair skin, a slender figure, and looks refined.

But the light in his eyes was extremely sharp, and the aura around him was thick and huge, making people feel like a raging tide.

Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong's eyes trembled again, and they lost their voices: "Hall Master Miao!"

Miao Jiufeng glanced at the two of them proudly, and then set his eyes on Ye Yun, with a murderous intent in his eyes:
"Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to come to my Flower Poison Sect to destroy the sect!"

Miao Jiufeng also attended Xiao Xuanzong's dinner.

At that time, he witnessed Ye Yun's ferocity and terror with his own eyes, and he still had lingering fears in his heart.

So after I came back, I have been retreating, working hard, and desperately improving my cultivation.

Finally broke through the late transformation stage tonight and successfully peeked at the innate realm.

But after attracting the catastrophe, he felt that it was still not safe, and wanted to wait a few more days to overcome the catastrophe.

After all, in such things as crossing the catastrophe, if you succeed, you will look down on the world, and if you fail, you may lose your bones, so he must treat it with caution.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the customs, he saw blood everywhere in the Flower Poison Sect, and heard Ye Yun's words that he wanted to destroy the sect.

This filled his heart with extreme hatred, and he secretly decided a long time ago that he must kill Ye Yun tonight to avenge the disciples of the Flower Poison Sect!

Ye Yun smiled coldly: "Yes, you are the only one left!"

Red flames flashed in Miao Jiufeng's eyes, and the zhenqi around her body became stronger rapidly, and the temperature of the entire hall instantly rose by more than 20 degrees.

He said angrily: "Tonight's result is doomed, that is, you must die!"

"But I want to know, why do you want to kill our Flower Poison Sect?"

Ye Yun sneered and said: "It's very simple, you old woman of the Huadu Sect hurt my daughter's friend. If I kill her, you will avenge her, so I will kill her."

Miao Jiufeng's pupils shrank: "You mean, Vice Hall Master He was killed by you?"

The Vice-Hall Master He he was talking about was He Xiulan, and Jiang Wangtian, one on the left and the other on the right, assisted Miao Jiufeng in managing the entire sub-helm.

Ye Yun nodded: "Yes."

Miao Jiufeng was so angry that he was about to burst into tears: "Vice Hall Master He is the aunt of the leader. If you kill her, I can't keep you!"

He raised his head and let out an angry roar, the qi in his body surged like a tsunami.

"My Flower Poison Sect is the highest god religion in southern Xinjiang. Anyone who insults my god religion will have to die!"

"Tonight, I will chop you into pieces and pay for her life!"

He roared and raised his right hand high.

"Poison Cloud Hand!"


A hurricane came out from the palm of his hand, tore through the roof, and fell from the sky, aiming directly at Ye Yun.

"This... is this going to destroy the entire Jiangcheng?!"

Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when they saw Miao Jiufeng slap such an astonishing palm.

The two looked at Ye Yun at the same time, and saw him standing there calmly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Miao Jiufeng is inherently invincible. The power of this blow is comparable to a small nuclear bomb. Why is he not afraid at all?"

"Is he stronger than Miao Jiufeng?"

"It's impossible! Even if he is an innate master, he can't stand still like this, just take this palm forcefully!"

The two were puzzled by Ye Yun.

Next, the two saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

Ye Yun sneered slightly, and raised his eyelids at Miao Jiufeng.


Miao Jiufeng exploded and died without a hair left!



This scene scared the two of them to their knees.

One look can kill a quasi-innate level master.

This look is invincible!

 A new day begins, and I wish you all~~~ Thanks for the reward from _Memorヾ楿吶[VIP]~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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