Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 143 Is it human or strange!

Chapter 143 Is it human or strange!
Next, in the middle of the night, Lin Bei led Lei Xuhao and others, invincible all the way, and successively recovered the Xu family in Qingyang, as well as the Qian family and Wu family in Beihe City next door, a total of eleven big and small families.

In the process, Lin Bei relied on his formidable and unparalleled strength to kill those who disobeyed with a flick of his fingers, killing two masters of transformation and five half-step masters of transformation in one breath, without taking a breath.

Therefore, all the families in Qingyang City and Beihe City were completely convinced by his strength.

After just midnight, he had the strength to wrestle with the Murong family in Jincheng, the Jin family in Sucheng, the Shui family in Linyun, and the Luo family in Jiangcheng.

Even, in terms of the family power under him alone, it can already suppress these four super big families.

It was dawn, and Lin Bei hadn't rested yet. Instead, he was sitting in the main hall of the former Qian family's big courtyard in Hebei City, looking proudly at a group of people kneeling on the ground.

They are the patriarchs of these big families recovered by him. At this moment, in front of him, they are full of awe and fear just like a courtier facing the emperor.

"Unexpectedly, things are simpler than I imagined."

Lin Bei's eyes were full of disdain, and he looked down at everyone below, "You lowly mortals, no matter how high your cultivation is, so what? My Starry Sky Demon Emperor has only recovered half of his strength, but he can completely blow you away with a snap of his fingers. kill!"

Lei Xuhao and the others didn't dare to talk to him when they heard his insolent words.

In their view, Lin Bei did have the capital to be proud of. His strength was so strong that even the Grandmaster of Transformation Realm was like an ant in front of him.

He has the right to look down on everyone!
Lin Bei got up, put his hands behind his back and said, "As far as I know, Qingyang and Beihe are the two most important cities in the north of Jiangbei Province. Further south, there are Jiangcheng and Jincheng."

"Tell me, should we take Jiangcheng to the south first, or go back and take all the remaining small cities in the north?"

He has been in charge of the demon clan for [-] years, and he behaves like an ancient Chinese emperor, willing to listen to the suggestions of his subjects.

Even in his opinion, these mortals in front of him are as humble as ants!
Lei Xuhao said: "Master, the few small cities in the north don't have any big influence, so don't worry about it at all."

"In the south, there are a few hard bones that are hard to chew. Today, the largest families in Jiangbei Province are the Jin family in Sucheng, the Shui family in Linyun, the Murong family in Jincheng, and the Luo family in Jiangcheng. "

"Among the four major families, the Luo family is the most popular now. Although they have just gained a foothold in Jiangcheng, they are backed by two established families in Jiangcheng. Their strength is by no means trivial!"

"Besides, Jiangcheng is the closest to Beihe. I think the king is the first to capture the thief. If you want to take down the entire Jiangbei Province and find your enemy, it's best to start with Jiangcheng!"

Lin Bei glanced at everyone coldly and asked, "Is everything he said true?"

"it is true!"

The Patriarchs didn't dare to neglect, and immediately nodded their heads to answer.

Lin Bei thought for a while, and a sharp black light bloomed in his eyes: "Okay! Then start with the Luo family first, and go all the way south to take down the entire Jiangbei Province!"

"I don't believe it. When I unify Jiangbei, that person can still escape from my palm!"

He can't wait, now that his strength has recovered half, he is confident that he can destroy any planet, let alone a mere human on earth!


Luo family in Jiangcheng.

The courtyard is located in the very center of the main urban area of ​​Jiangcheng. It covers an area of ​​over [-] mu and is surrounded by water on three sides.

At this time, the sun had just risen.

Luo Xuewei was wearing a snow-white tunic dress and a ponytail, sitting on a chair like a goddess.

Sitting in front of her were Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong, both of whom had anxious expressions on their faces.

"Patriarch, just got the news that Demon Emperor Lin Bei has brought a large group of masters to Jiangcheng."

Li Tingyu spoke first, "This devil emperor is the one who injured my son that night. I thought he was killed by Mr. Ye, but unexpectedly he was resurrected, and his strength is unprecedented!"

Han Jinlong nodded and said: "Yes! I got the news that he killed two Transformation Realm Grandmasters with a snap of his fingers. His strength is probably not inferior to Mr. Ye's!"

Luo Xuewei was only less than 20 years old, but at this time, facing a strong enemy like Lin Bei, she smiled calmly and said calmly:

"Our Luo family has just been established, and we have encountered such a formidable enemy. No matter what, we have to overcome this hurdle!"

"Yes! But now we are at a disadvantage, and we don't have much chance of winning compared to Lin Bei!" Li Tingyu looked sad.

"Since you know that you are not an opponent, then obediently kneel down and surrender!"

Suddenly a cold voice came in, the air in the whole hall shook, Luo Xuewei and Li Tingyu's eyes trembled.

There was a flash of black light, and a handsome man with a slender figure and fair skin stood proudly.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to have a ghostly aura.

Afterwards, forty or fifty people broke open the door and rushed in. Luo Xuewei and the others took a rough look and found that the cultivation of these people was no lower than half-step transformation.

"It came so fast!"

Li Tingyu and Han Jinlong stood up at the same time, looking at Lin Bei warily.

Luo Xuewei remained motionless, staring at Lin Bei quietly.

Lin Bei looked straight at Luo Xuewei, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I never thought that a human woman could be so beautiful! This beauty is not inferior to my concubine!"

There was a trace of greed in his eyes and he said: "Little girl, I originally wanted to kill you to gain power, but now, I have changed my mind."

"Now, I give you two choices. The first one is to obey me immediately and be my woman. I will take you to the top of this planet."

"The second one is to disobey me, which one do you choose?"

Luo Xuewei stood up and looked at Lin Bei with a hint of sarcasm: "Who do you think you are?"

Lin Bei narrowed his eyes: "Who am I? Hehe!"

With a wave of his hand, an indescribably huge infuriating energy immediately covered the entire hall.

Luo Xuewei, Li Tingyu, Han Jinlong and the others only felt their bodies tense, and countless powerful air currents seemed to penetrate every pore of them, enter their bodies, and tear them apart.

That feeling is completely like the fear of death!


Luo Xuewei's delicate body trembled, and she felt that cold sweat was already breaking out on her forehead.

Seeing this, Lin Bei was extremely proud. With a wave of his hand, he released the restraints on Luo Xuewei and the others, and laughed wildly: "Don't be nervous, this is a warning for you!"

"I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll come back at this time tomorrow. If you still don't agree, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After he finished speaking, he left quickly with a group of subordinates.

Han Jinlong looked outside in horror: "He just left?"

Li Tingyu frowned and said: "He has taken a fancy to the beauty of the Patriarch and is playing a game of trying to get him. This person has already figured out our strength just now, so he is so confident!"

Han Jinlong asked anxiously: "Then what should we do now, should we call for rescue?"

Li Tingyu thought for a while and said: "According to my estimation, it is too late to call for rescue from other places. Jincheng is the closest to here, so I can talk to Mr. Ye."

Luo Xuewei shook her head and said, "This Lin Bei's strength is unfathomable. If you rashly involve Ye Yun, I'm afraid it will put him in danger."

Li Tingyu shook his head and smiled. He could see that Luo Xuewei was concerned about Ye Yun, so he was thinking about his safety. He didn't consider that after Lin Bei took Jiangcheng, he would definitely attack Jincheng.

He then said: "Patriarch, Jiangcheng and Jincheng are close together. If this Lin Bei wins Jiangcheng, he will definitely attack Jincheng. Sooner or later, we will unite!"

"And it seems that he is going after Mr. Ye! It's just that he doesn't know that Mr. Ye is the one who killed him once!"

Luo Xuewei also realized that she hadn't considered comprehensively just now, so she nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll talk to him first."

At this time, Ye Yun was painting watercolors with Yaya in the living room.

On the table, there is a piece of rice paper with a printed doll on it.

Ye Yun wants to help Yaya paint this doll into colors.

Halfway through the painting, Yaya suddenly frowned, raised the watercolor pen and put it in front of Ye Yun: "Papa, the red pen can't be drawn! Without red, this painting cannot be completed!"

Ye Yun got up and smiled, "I'll look for it. Is there any pen like this?"

After searching around, he found that there was no one at home, so he had no choice but to say, "Honey, you wait here for a while, and Papa will go to the stationery store to buy it for you."

Yaya nodded: "Okay, hurry up then!"

Ye Yun nodded with a smile, went to the garage and drove the Audi A7 out.

The sound of brakes.

Just after he drove out of two intersections, a Honda sedan suddenly rushed out from the intersection next to him, blocking his way.

A tall, burly man with a shaved head and smelling of alcohol came down from the Honda car, and said angrily, "Boy, are you blind? You almost hit my car!"

Ye Yun frowned, this guy was driving while drunk, how dare he be so arrogant to him.

"Go away in your car," he said coldly.

"Hehe, are you so crazy! Do you know that I am a famous Dao brother in Jincheng, if you dare to mess with me, I will let you go around without food!"

The big man rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Ye Yun arrogantly.

Ye Yun casually slapped him two or three meters away.

Then, he walked to the front of the Honda car, stretched out his index finger and flicked it.


With a loud noise, the Honda car flew up and landed in the river more than ten meters away.

Ye Yun then turned around and got into the car, he didn't want to delay Yaya's affairs because of these rubbish things.

The big man named Brother Dao then struggled to get up from the ground. Looking at the Honda car gradually sinking in the river, he was so frightened that he was shaking all over, and he was more than half sober from the wine.

"Damn! He shot the car flying with one finger, is he a human or a monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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