Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 156 I am your God!

Chapter 156 I am your God!

For the next few games, Wei Ruoyun kept asking Ye Yun for his opinion.

The three male classmates around her also bet according to Ye Yun's guess, and after a few games, they all won.

A total of more than 3 pounds were earned!

The three of them looked at Ye Yun with adoring eyes, respecting him like a god in their hearts.

And Wei Ruoyun praised Ye Yun even more.

Looking at that posture, if it wasn't for the fact that he was Murong Yan's husband, she would probably be too strong on him.

In this joyous atmosphere, this time the WWE Intercontinental Tour, the last and most eye-catching one in Manchester began!

WWE's most popular wrestling star, known as the invincible Cena, Jones Cena appeared!
As soon as he appeared, the whole arena erupted into huge cheers.

Countless people shouted and waved to him enthusiastically, as if seeing God in their hearts!

The boys around Wei Ruoyun also looked at him enthusiastically.

"Invincible Cena! He's so powerful! He is the most handsome and powerful wrestling star in my heart, no one can beat him!"

"It is said that his body is as hard as iron, his shots are as fast as lightning, and his skills are weird and changeable. Today, I can finally see his demeanor with my own eyes!"

"I also learned that since he was a child, he has practiced foreign kung fu similar to ours in Huaxia. He is so strong with copper skin and iron bones! Someone once speculated that if measured by our Huaxia's martial arts realm, he is at least a master of horizontal training Level master!"

When this boy uttered the four words Master Henglian, everyone else was deeply shocked.

Master Henglian is a more terrifying existence than Henglian King Kong.

If the body of Henglian King Kong is made of copper skin and iron bones, then the master of Henglian is the armored version of Henglian King Kong.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a perverted existence that cannot be pierced by guns and cannot be killed by shelling!
According to statistics from the World Martial Arts Federation, there are about 50 billion people on the earth, and there are only a thousand masters who can train their bodies to the level of masters in cross-training.

This ratio is only a little higher than that of the Huajing Grandmaster!

"Hey, it turns out that he is a master of horizontal training, no wonder no one in the entire wrestling league can beat him!"

After knowing Senna's true strength, everyone was sincerely convinced.

When Cena stepped onto the ring, the host's next words were like lighting a powder keg, which caused a sensation in the entire arena.

"Due to the requirements of the event sponsor, the opponent of Invincible Senna tonight will be a martial arts master from China. He is..."

"The master of Canglong Martial Arts in Manchester, Canglong Xu!"

The host's voice fell, and the audience exploded.

"My God, is this Huaxia person dying? How dare he challenge the invincible Senna!"

"I see! Tonight's main sponsor is an electrical appliance brand from Huaxia, no wonder they let Huaxia people appear!"

"I know this Canglong Xu. He said that he is a foreign kung fu master, and his body is as hard as iron. No wonder he is so confident and dares to challenge the invincible Senna."

"Come on, I only know that Chinese people's martial arts are full of fists and legs. You can see that his thin arms and legs are not in the same order as Invincible Senna. He dared to take the stage, but the result was a disgraceful failure!"

Many British viewers shook their heads and sneered.

The name of Invincible Senna is not just for fun, it was spelled out from bloody battles many times!

Although Xu Canglong is the owner of the martial arts gym, in the eyes of Wei Guoren, there are only a few people in China who really have kung fu, such as the American kung fu superstar Li Chuanlong.

The others are either flamboyant, or they are so-called charlatans who talk big and fool people everywhere.

This is their consistent impression of Huaxia over the years, especially seeing Xu Canglong, who is known as the master of foreign kung fu, with a skinny body, which is incomparable to Senna, who is full of tendons.

This huge disparity in body size made these people look down on Xu Canglong even more.

Murong Yan naturally also heard the comments of these British people, so she turned her head and asked Ye Yun:
"This time, who do you think will win?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "Of course the one named Senna wins."


Murong Yan covered her mouth in surprise, "That's weird, this Xu Canglong is the master of the martial arts gym, why go up and challenge such a powerful enemy?"

Wei Ruoyun thought for a while and said, "I can tell a little bit about this."

"My father once said that there is a Huaxia martial arts gym in this city. The owner's surname is Xu, and he has excellent kung fu. I guess he is talking about Xu Canglong."

"Originally, this Xu Canglong ran a martial arts gym, and his life was quite affluent. But later, it seems that his relatives in China fell ill. In order to raise medical expenses, his life plummeted."

"My father once helped him, but he wanted face and was unwilling to accept help from others. Later, he went to the city's underground arena to fight black boxing. I think this time, he should come here for the high appearance fee. "

Murong Yan nodded and said: "So that's the case, it seems that this person is quite affectionate."

While talking, Xu Canglong and Senna have already started fighting in the arena.

It has to be said that Xu Canglong still has real skills.

He shot very quickly and sharply. After the first shot, Senna felt a little afraid.

However, Senna, who is a master of horizontal training, started a crazy attack after a short trial.

He picked up Xu Canglong at an unimaginable speed by hugging and throwing him around the waist, and smashed it heavily on the ground.

The arena shook.

Then, Senna resorted to his special skill, Reaper's Hammer!

Clasping his hands together, he punched Xu Canglong's chest fiercely.

Bang bang bang!
A muffled sound resounded in the arena.

Although WWE matches have a great show nature, in fact, everyone in the ring is really doing it.

There are very few cases of killing, but there are definitely many serious injuries!

Even if Senna pays more attention, when he punches down, the strength is still extremely heavy.

At the beginning, Xu Canglong still wanted to stand up and get up.

But Senna weighed more than 230 kilograms, and such a huge monster was pressed on him, and he was not given any chance at all.

After only a few seconds, Xu Canglong began to lose the strength to resist, allowing Senna to punch his chest.

"Hahaha, Senna did a great job! These ignorant Chinese people should be taught a lesson!"

"Senna is invincible! You are my God! Fuck him to death, don't show mercy!"

The British audience in the stadium taunted mercilessly and roared excitedly.

Senna on the ring, heard the shouts of countless people, proudly raised his right arm.

Riding on Xu Canglong's neck like a horse, shouting along with the audience:
"That's right! I just want to kill Huaxia Pig!"

"These humble, weak, overconfident yellow people, let me teach them a lesson!"

"I am your God! The master of WWE, Jones Cena!"



Driven by him, countless people began to shout his name, and the voice resounded through the heavens and the earth.

~There is one more update, write this climax in one breath

 Thank you for the 75 meters and the 200 rewards who passed by~~~
(End of this chapter)

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