Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 158 I Don't Like You Crying, I Only Like Seeing You Smiling!

Chapter 158 I Don't Like You Crying, I Only Like Seeing You Smiling!

"Oh~ my God! Senna is talking about Long live Huaxia?! Is he crazy?!"

"I couldn't believe my own ears! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a prank!"

"Oh my god! Senna actually knelt down to the Huaxia people! This is simply unbelievable!"

When the British audience came back to their senses, the exclamation in the arena could almost shatter the entire stadium.

At the same time, George, the general manager of WWE, was kneeling in his office, watching the broadcast on TV with his head folded.

That look was even more shocking than seeing a dinosaur appear.

"We must not let this picture continue to spread, otherwise, the entire WWE wrestling league will suffer disaster!"

Shock is nothing but shock, his professionalism is still very strong, and he quickly thought of the serious consequences of this incident.

"Secretary! Secretary! Get out of here!"

He got up, dialed the phone number in the secretary's room, and roared like crazy.

A few seconds later, a long-legged female secretary with blond hair and enchanting came running in.

"Hurry up and contact the mayor of Manchester, as well as the media directors of the BBC and ABC, and ask them to do everything possible to cut off the transmission path of the intercontinental parade tonight."

"No media, website, or individual in the UK or the US can spread tonight's video!"

"Tell them we are willing to pay any price! Remember, any price!"

He is really going crazy. The WWE Wrestling Union has been established for more than 60 years, and has never encountered such a shocking and difficult event.

If it is not handled properly, it will bring disaster to this increasingly popular show in the world!

on the ring.

Senna put his hands on the ground and panted heavily, not daring to look up at Ye Yun.

Finally, after 1 minute, the indescribably strong pressure disappeared.

He looked up and saw that Ye Yun had already left the ring.


Senna let out a long breath, and fell heavily on the ground, as if his whole body fell apart.

For him, the minute just now was longer than a lifetime.

Even more difficult!

Ye Yun walked to the stands, and all the British people around him dispersed.

Those hooligans who were going to beat him didn't know where they were hiding at this time.

As for the clamoring black man just now, he has long since disappeared without a trace.

However, he couldn't escape Ye Yun's control at all!

Just as he was smoking marijuana and driving a convertible sports car all the way, suddenly a huge force threw him and the car into the air.

A few seconds later, the car disintegrated, and he was also bloody.


"Ye Yun, you are such an irresistible man!"

On the way to Wei's house, Wei Ruoyun suddenly turned his head and glanced at Ye Yun in the rearview mirror.

This man, from the first sight, gave people an extremely amazing feeling.

In the end, he first frightened away the biggest Chinese boss in the city lightly, and then forced the invincible Senna to kneel down and apologize.

These kinds of experiences are both stimulating and inspiring, making this girl who lives abroad involuntarily attracted to Ye Yun.

Realizing that her words were a bit ambiguous, she coughed lightly and said with a smile:

"I mean, you're too tough!"

"I heard from Yan Yan that you are a master of martial arts, so will you fly to the sky and escape from the ground like on TV, moving mountains and filling seas?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly: "When I was weak, I would do those things often."


Wei Ruoyun was speechless for a while.

"When you were weak, you could move mountains and fill seas? What about you now, can you swallow the sun alive?"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I have eaten more than 1 stars like the sun."

"No... no way!"

Wei Ruoyun trembled with fright at his words.

Eating so many suns, is that what humans do?
I'm afraid even the gods can't do it!

Murong Yan covered her mouth and smiled, "Ruoyun, don't listen to Ye Yun's nonsense."

"He's a guy who doesn't boast, and when he does boast, he says some irrelevant things."

Ye Yun immediately nodded and smiled: "Yes, yes, my wife is right, I was just joking just now."

Wei Ruoyun rolled his eyes speechlessly, these two couples are really hiding dog food in every word!

While the three were joking, the car had arrived at Wei's house, a manor located in the northern suburbs of Manchester.

After getting off the car, Wei Ruoyun and Murong Yan held hands and walked ahead with Yaya.

Ye Yun followed leisurely, admiring the scenery of the manor all the way.

Entering the lobby, a woman in her fifties came over and said with a smile, "Ruoyun, are you bringing your friends home today?"

Wei Ruoyun nodded: "Yes, Aunt Mei, pour some water for them."

Aunt Mei nodded: "Excellent!"

After pouring water for Ye Yun and the others, Aunt Mei took a deep look at Wei Ruoyun: "Ruoyun, your father is waiting for you in the room."

"Dad waiting for me?"

Wei Ruoyun showed a surprised expression, and suddenly became anxious: "It can't be..."

Before she finished speaking, she hurried up the stairs.

Then, upstairs came her distraught cry.

Murong Yan put down the water glass, and asked in surprise, "Aunt Mei, what's wrong with Ruoyun?"


Aunt Mei sighed heavily, and then said: "Ruoyun's mother, I'm afraid she won't survive tonight."

"What? Aunt Xiulan, she..."

Murong Yan stood up in surprise.

Wei Ruoyun's mother, Wu Xiulan, in Murong Yan's memory, was a very cheerful and healthy woman, how could she die suddenly after not seeing her for a few years?

She said to Ye Yun: "I'll go up and have a look."

Ye Yun also got up: "Let me go too."

He saw that Murong Yan was so nervous, which meant that she had some friendship with Wei Ruoyun's mother.

Since I came here, I should meet the elders with her.

Murong Yan smiled knowingly: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Ye Yun hugged Yaya and walked upstairs with her.

In the room, besides Wei Ruoyun, there was another middle-aged man.

He was wearing a baggy gray T-shirt and an apron, making him look like a babysitter.

In addition to these two people, there was a blond man in a white coat who looked like a doctor, looking at the patient on the bed and shaking his head.

I saw a middle-aged woman lying on the bed, she was pretty and pretty, somewhat similar to Wei Ruoyun.

"Uncle Wei, what happened to Aunt Xiulan?"

Murong Yan asked the middle-aged man.

He is Wei Ruoyun's father, Wei Zhicheng.

Seeing Murong Yan, he was not surprised. Wei Ruoyun had already told him that Murong Yan and the others were coming.

I saw that his expression was full of infinite sadness, and he sighed heavily:

"Yanyan, your Auntie Xiulan has been in a vegetable state for more than three years, and today she is finally leaving us!"

Murong Yan was surprised: "How did she become a vegetable? Wasn't it good?"

With tears in his eyes, Wei Zhicheng said, "It's all my fault! Three years ago, because I was busy with business, I asked her to inspect the construction site for me."

"Who knows, once a scaffolding above her head fell off suddenly and hit her body. Since then, she has been in a vegetable state."

"For more than three years, I have been trying my best to take care of her and treat her, hoping that she will recover soon, but I never expected..."

Before he finished speaking, he was already in tears.

Hearing that Wu Xiulan had become a vegetable more than three years ago, Murong Yan also had red eyes and shed tears.

At that time, she went to Wei Ruoyun's house and ate a few meals cooked by Wu Xiulan, and praised her for her craftsmanship.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, in just three years, things have changed.

This Aunt Xiulan who had always been kind to her was about to pass away.

Seeing her so sad, Ye Yun couldn't bear it, took out a tissue to wipe away the tears from her eyes, and said softly:

"Honey, if you want her to come back to life, I can save her."

Murong Yan's eyes trembled, she held Ye Yun's arm tightly: "Can you really save her?"

Ye Yun smiled softly: "Yes, I want you to laugh, not cry."

Wei Ruoyun looked at Ye Yun in surprise: "What you said is true? Can you really save my mother?"

Wei Zhicheng also raised his head in astonishment, and stared at Ye Yun in surprise.

For more than three years, they searched all over the world for famous doctors, but they couldn't cure Wu Xiulan well.

Not to mention the cure, even if she regains a little consciousness, it won't work!
Now, Ye Yun said so casually that he could save Wu Xiulan, this was more unbelievable than a dream for them.

Ye Yun only smiled slightly, took out the small green bottle from his pocket, and then came to Wu Xiulan.

Seeing that Ye Yun was about to pour the medicine in the bottle into Wu Xiulan's mouth, the blond doctor hurriedly stepped forward to stop him:

"The patient is dying, you can't torture him anymore!"

Wei Ruoyun quickly pulled the blond doctor away: "Let him try!"

For some reason, she felt certain in her heart that Ye Yun could save her mother.


Ye Yun dripped the green potion, and the whole room was immediately filled with an incomparably fragrant smell, like thousands of flowers blooming in spring, and a hundred herbs contending.

Murong Yan's delicate body trembled: "This the same as the taste of saving my father!"

At this time, she suddenly rang, when Ye Yun rescued Murong Hui in Murong Villa that day, the air was filled with this smell.

Then, a magical scene appeared!

Seeing a flash of green light, Wu Xiulan, who was on the verge of death, turned rosy and slowly opened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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