Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 167 Don't Let Your Wife Worry!

Chapter 167 Don't Let Your Wife Worry!

"Yanyan, I don't want you to leave."

"Ruoyun, I'm also reluctant to leave you."

"Woo, I will miss you."

"Me too."

"You'd better go, or you won't be able to catch the flight."

"Then I'm leaving, darling, don't cry!"

The two girls hugged each other for a long time in front of Manchester Airport.

In the end, they all had red eye circles and reluctantly parted.

Jincheng, International Airport.

"Oh, the air in my hometown is still good!"

An Xinwei stood at the gate of the airport hall, breathed in that familiar smell, and was immediately filled with emotion.

People in the world say that foreign countries are good, and they all think that the moon in foreign countries is round.

However, when you go abroad, you will know that the motherland is better!
"I'll never work abroad again! Damn, that's not how people live!"

An Xinwei clenched his fist and shouted.

Turning around, he looked at Ye Yun with a smile:

"Brother, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, my life would be hopeless."

On the plane, he found out that it was Ye Yun who helped him improve his cultivation and became a master insider.

Just like the martial arts dramas shown on TV, a master saw that someone was being bullied, and with a simple finger, he made that person possess martial arts and turned around from then on.

This made him surprised and excited, thinking that if it wasn't for Ye Yun, how could he suddenly become stronger, even defeating Kevin?

As everyone knows, it was he who sincerely protected Ye Yun's family that gave him such a great opportunity.

Although Ye Yun, in order to reduce the influence, only raised his cultivation base to the level of a master of inner strength.

But, for this soft guy who has been bullied by others, it is enough!
Since then, few people in this world can bully him.

Moreover, he is now backed by the Supreme God of Death who is the strongest in the universe, and his life trajectory will be completely different from now on!
Ye Yun patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, let's go to Xianhe Town now."

Murong Yan stepped forward and said, "Ye Yun, I also want to visit mother's hometown."

Ye Yun nodded and smiled at her: "Okay."

Although Murong Yan hadn't agreed to her marriage proposal, she called her mother very nicely.

Ye Yun thought to himself, if mother had a spirit in heaven, she would be so happy from ear to ear when she heard this girl call her mom!
Half an hour later, the three of them took Yaya to Xianhe Town, which is located in the easternmost part of Jincheng, in the Yanjiang Development Zone.

This town is the birthplace of An Fanghua, and it is a relatively remote and backward place in Jincheng.

If it hadn't caught up with the large-scale development in the past few years, opened the subway next to it, and built several roads leading to the urban area, the house price might be worse than the northernmost cities in Jiangbei Province.

Ye Yun and the others then went directly to Dahang Village, which is located in the east of Xianhe Town and on the banks of the Yangtze River.

The west end of the village is the yard where An Fanghua's natal family and Ye Yun's grandparents lived.

Since grandparents passed away long ago, An Fanghua's brothers also started their own families and lived in other places. The yard has been left unattended, and it looks very dilapidated.

Standing in front of the yard, Ye Yun was full of thoughts for a moment.

He remembered that when he came here for the first time, he was five years old. At that time, his grandparents looked very young, and several uncles often came to the yard.

But their children, except for An Xinwei, all looked at him like a monster, and laughed at him as a piece of trash that no one liked, who didn't deserve to have anything to do with An's family.

He remembered that when he came here for the second time, when he was seven years old, his mother brought many gifts to his grandparents, and also brought many good things to his uncles.

However, they accepted everything, but treated her very badly, as if she was sorry for An's family.

Several cousins, who have already started primary school, bullied him even more.

Several times, they wrote on his face with a brush, saying that he was a waste, garbage, and a soft guy who was despised by others.

He still remembers coming here when he was nine and 11 years old.

At that time, grandpa and grandma were all old, but all of them, their attitude towards themselves and mother became more and more indifferent, even worse!

He didn't understand at that time why this happened.

Now, I still can't figure it out.

When faced with this somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar courtyard, what he recalled in his mind were all those scenes from many years ago.


A feeling of repression and resentment was released in his heart again.

"Why? Why on earth? My mother treats you so well, why is she always unpopular?"

"Could it be that our Ye family annoys you so much?"

"In the end, why?!"

Ye Yun's eyes trembled.

"Ye Yun, what's wrong with you?"

Feeling that Ye Yun was a little different, Murong Yan asked with concern.

"It's nothing."

Ye Yun shook his head lightly and smiled, no matter what, he couldn't make his wife worry.

An Xinwei pulled Ye Yun: "Come in with me, I hid your mother's notebook in a very hidden place."

He took Ye Yun to the kitchen.

This is an old-fashioned Chinese kitchen. The stove is made of bricks, and a square chimney leads to the roof.

When cooking, people sit in front of the stove and add firewood to the fire pit to make a big fire.

Although the food cooked by this kind of stove is very fragrant and tastes particularly delicious, but due to poor smoke exhaust, the smoke is too heavy and choking, so it is basically eliminated now.

An Xinwei crouched under the stove, stretched out his hand to pick through the soot inside for a while, took out a black plastic bag and said:

"I hide the notebook in the ashes under the stove, so that it will not be found by others."

"I was thinking, if you come back one day, I will give you the things, but I didn't expect to meet you!"

Ye Yun eagerly took the plastic bag in his hand, and when he opened it, there was indeed a brown notebook inside.

When he opened the first page, his pupils shrank instantly.

It has my mother's name written on it.

Moreover, it was indeed written by An Fanghua himself!

Ye Yun could recognize her handwriting at a glance, just like An Xinwei!
Because, An Fanghua is a primary school teacher, and her handwriting is neat and neat, which is very different from others.

Once you watch it, you won't forget it!
"It's really my mother's diary!"

In Ye Yun's eyes, there seemed to be a glint of water flickering.

He looked down the first page.

"March 2006, 3. This is the first time I wrote a diary. Originally, some things can be diluted with time. Writing it down will only make myself more difficult to let go. But this is life, this is life, and I can't I can only sigh."

Ye Yun thought to himself, since he was eight years old this year, it seemed that something unusual happened to his mother.

I want to say it, but I have no way to say it, so I can only use obscure words and write it in my diary.

Then look down, the second page.

"May 2006, 5. After more than a month, I wrote these words again. I hope God will help us, help the Ye family, stay away from this dispute, and let Xiaoyun live in peace. .”

Still can't see anything, Ye Yun feels that this notebook of his mother is related to a big event.

She seemed a little afraid to speak out directly.

Then turn to the third page, until the No.20 page, the content written by An Fanghua is very cryptic, expressing some kind of emotion all the time, but not expressing it clearly.

By the time the No.20 page is reached, the time has come to 2103.

"On February 2013, 2. I was very sad. The hospital said that Decheng was ill. It was a very serious illness. With the current medical technology, there was no way to cure it. I decided to go abroad with him. It doesn't matter."

In 2013, Ye Yun was 15 years old. He clearly remembered that his father Ye Decheng suddenly got a very strange disease.

But before that, in 2012, the Ye family underwent a sudden change, and for some unknown reason, the family property was depleted overnight.

Ye Decheng didn't say anything, An Fanghua didn't say anything, and Zhou Guokang didn't say anything.

It's like no one knows what's going on!
Seeing this, Ye Yun was a little excited.

He felt that he was getting closer to the secret that had been hidden all this time!
Turning to the next page, his pupils shrank sharply.

The one surnamed Chen was finally mentioned by his mother!
"August 2013, 8. If you are willing to let go, you will be fulfilled. If you don't let go, you will be obsessed. After so many years, why don't you want to let go? Why do you want to develop everything in a bad way?"

"I will never forgive what this man surnamed Chen has done to my family!"

The diary ended here, but Ye Yun's heart could not be calm for a long time.

Even, like a huge wave, it just happened.

(End of this chapter)

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