Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 175 One finger, decide the world!

Chapter 175 One finger, decide the universe!
"It's over! It's over now!"

"At least there were dead branches just now, but now there are only sawdust left. It's completely finished!"

An Yongqiang and others wanted to cry but had no tears, as if mourning a concubine.

Originally thought that Zhou Zhihai saved all the seedlings with a trick of the gods.

Who would have thought that in less than a minute, all the seedlings would disappear.

In the current situation, I am afraid that the presence of real gods will not help!
"Master Zhou, what went wrong? Why are the good seedlings gone?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Zhou Zhihai frowned, walked to the shed, looked carefully from inside to outside, shook his head and said:
"Impossible, this diversion array is established, how could it easily collapse?"

"If there is no external force, even if it is placed here for 100 years, it will not be broken!"

As soon as he said this, An Yongqiang and others immediately looked at Ye Yun.

It was Ye Yun who said just now that Zhou Zhihai's formation is not good, and all the seedlings will die.

Is it...

An Yongqiang got up, swallowed his saliva, and asked, "Xiao Yun, is this matter related to you?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "No."

An Yongqiang frowned slightly, and asked: "Then why, you said that the seedlings will die, but they really died?"

Ye Yun said lightly: "His formation is not good, of course he can't save these seedlings."

"Humph! Arrogance!"

Zhou Zhihai stepped forward, looking at Ye Yun with a rather aggressive look:

"Tell me, what's wrong with my water diversion array?"

Ye Yun looked at him contemptuously and said:

"The seedlings here are dead, and it has nothing to do with the water vapor. You forcefully set up a formation and use the power of the five elements to revive these dead seedlings. This is nothing more than putting the cart before the horse and putting the cart before the horse!"

"Originally, these seedlings were only withered on the surface, and there was still a glimmer of life inside, but you forcibly exhausted all their remaining vitality, and in the end the result could only be death."

"In addition, you didn't understand from the beginning why these seedlings died."

"Ridiculous! According to you, it's all my fault, Zhou Zhihai?"

The muscles on Zhou Zhihai's face trembled, and the anger was already evident.

He turned around and said coldly: "Since you didn't do it, I don't need to listen to your nonsense!"

He took out a bronze compass from his pocket, stepped into the shed, and said loudly:
"No matter what monster you are, if you break my formation, you must pay the price!"

He bit off his right index finger and clicked on the compass.

In an instant, the blue light was overwhelming, and a huge beam of light rapidly expanded around him.

In just a few seconds, it covered an area of ​​a thousand acres.

"Heaven and earth gather spirits, break it for me!"

He roared.


The whole earth shook violently.

A black light broke through the ground and went straight to the sky.

In an instant, everyone felt a chill in their bodies, and their hairs stood on end.

I see.

The dust rose violently, and a huge black shadow soared into the sky.

Like a giant beast that devours the sky, it has a strong stench that makes people sick.

Seeing this, An Yongqiang, Chang Baishi and others all trembled and screamed: "God, what kind of monster is that!"

Seeing the giant beast unfold its body in mid-air, everyone could see its true appearance clearly.

Its body is more than ten meters long, its front body is pitch black, and there are fiery red gills on its huge head.

The limbs are thick and the claws are like knives, and the momentum is very amazing.

Chang Baishi was so frightened that he staggered and sat on the ground, shouting loudly:

"Overlord salamander! This is a prehistoric overlord salamander!"


When he shouted, all the people present gasped.

Overlord Salamander!

The legendary monster is infinitely powerful, extremely ferocious and brutal!

The former overlord of the earth existed earlier and more terrifying than Tyrannosaurus rex!

In the legend of the Chinese people for thousands of years, it exists like a demon.

No one expected that this legendary monster actually existed and had been dormant along the Yangtze River.

"Tyrannosaurus salamander appeared more than dinosaurs, at least 2 million years ago, no wonder it is so big, so scary, because it has long been mature!"

Chang Baishi also has a lot of research on geophysics, and he told the actual age of this monster in one breath.

"My God, aren't we dead then?"

"No wonder the elders often say that the soil along the Yangtze River cannot be moved. If it is moved deeply, disaster will come out!"

In front of a monster that has lived for more than 2 million years, human beings are too small.

Many people are already trembling in their hearts.

Because of them, I have already felt the fear of suffocation.

Under everyone's awe-inspiring gaze, Zhou Zhihai put away the compass and sneered:
"What a monster, it turned out that you broke my formation!"

"Since you appear, stay alive!"

Zhou Zhihai shook his right hand and shouted:
"Sword come!"

There was a crisp sound in the air.

A golden light flashed out.

A four-foot long golden sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

just see.

Zhou Zhihai is like climbing a ladder, step by step towards the midair.

In front of everyone, he is like a banished immortal, riding the wind.

"Today, I will use the Qiankun Meridian Sword to send you back to the west."

"Death to me!"

Zhou Zhihai let out a loud roar, and the Qiankun Meridian Sword in his hand turned into a golden rainbow, striking at the salamander's forehead.

Seeing this, Ernst Young and the others below all exclaimed in surprise:
"Master Zhou is really a god! This sword, I am afraid it can cut off the water of the Yangtze River!"

The scene in front of me is not inferior to Hollywood blockbusters.

Even, let them not care about those dead seedlings.


The golden light exploded.

Everyone was surprised to see that Zhou Zhihai's powerful blow did not hurt the salamander at all.

Instead, the newt was enraged.

It roared, twisted its body, and ruthlessly swept its huge tail at Zhou Zhihai's body.

Zhou Zhihai fell heavily to the ground, wow!Spit out a mouth full of blood.

"Oops! Master Zhou made a move, this monster was completely enraged!"

Before everyone had time to check Zhou Zhihai's injuries, they saw the salamander rushing towards the crowd aggressively, baring its teeth and claws.

"Everyone, run away! This monster is going crazy and going to kill someone!"

An Yongqiang was so frightened that he was about to burst into tears, and after yelling, he turned around and ran wildly.

With him taking the lead, Chang Baishi, Xue Lei, Wei Shumeng and all the villagers rushed out behind them desperately.

Everyone knows that if you slow down by a second at this time, your life may be lost.

"Mom, let's go too!"

Chu Wenyan pulled An Huiyun, ready to rush out from the side.

Suddenly, she saw that Ye Yun, Murongyan and Yaya were not moving at all, so she hurriedly said:

"Big cousin, why don't you run away? Everyone has run away, and that monster is going to stare at you!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly at her: "I promised your sister-in-law just now that I will destroy this monster."

"You? Kill monsters?"

Chu Wenyan covered his mouth and let out an exclamation.

She witnessed with her own eyes just now that Ye Yun's words made Lu Zhiqiang kneel down.

However, what he was facing at this time was a monster that had lived for more than 2 million years, which was not comparable to Lu Zhiqiang at all!

"Big cousin, don't be brave, this monster is not Lu Zhiqiang, you better go first! Let the army destroy it later!"

Chu Wenyan thought for a while, let An Huiyun go first, and ran to Ye Yun, preparing to pull him and Murong Yan away.


Just then, a huge salamander approached.

It opened its bloody mouth wide, and the black light around its body flourished, and a terrifying breath of death locked Ye Yun and the others firmly.

Hearing its roar, An Yongqiang and others who had already run far away turned their heads, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

"Why don't Ye Yun leave? That monster is about to pounce on them!"

An Yongqiang gritted his teeth anxiously.

In any case, he now hopes that Ye Yun is safe.

Because of that, at least they can settle down and have something to rely on.

An Haojie was different. Seeing that the salamander was about to pounce on Ye Yun and the others, he felt a little fortunate in his heart.

"Ye Yun, I didn't expect you to be so big. If you want to die, go die!"

"If you're dead, I won't be as inferior and miserable as I am now!"

In his eyes, a strange light kept flashing.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone who was either puzzled, fearful, or shocked.

Ye Yun made a move!
He raised his right hand and flicked his index finger lightly.

It just landed on the salamander's forehead.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight shock in the space.

The huge salamander turned into the size of a palm in an instant, fell to the ground, and died!
(End of this chapter)

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