Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 177 Chu Wenyan Was Shocked by His Big Cousin

Chapter 177 Chu Wenyan Was Shocked by His Big Cousin
Afterwards, Murongyan and Yaya took Chu Wenyan around the entire Murong Villa.

For this familiar little cousin, Murong Yan also liked it from the bottom of her heart.

Especially after Murong Ranran went to school, Murong Villa seemed much deserted.

Chu Wenyan's personality is very similar to Ranran's, less charming and sexy than Ranran, but more youthful and lively.

This made her and Yaya become good friends very quickly, and they felt like seeing each other late.

It's been an hour and a half since I walked around.

Yaya clutched her stomach and said, "Mama, I'm so hungry!"

It's all because of Lu Zhiqiang's insistence on pretending to be aggressive, so that he didn't get much food from the table.

Later, what happened to the Overlord Salamander, the little girl only ate half a pot of cashew nuts in one afternoon.

Murong Yan nodded and smiled, "Mama understands, let's go back now and let Papa cook, okay?"

"it is good!"

Yaya clapped her hands happily.

Chu Wenyan asked in surprise: "Sister, can big cousin cook?"

Murong Yan nodded and smiled, "Of course, he cooks delicious food! Even the owners of those restaurant chains want to poach him to be their chef!"

Chu Wenyan covered his mouth in surprise: "No way? When did big cousin become so talented?"

In her impression, Ye Yun was not only weak but also lazy when he was a child.

Even though the Ye family is very down and down, he still has the temper of a young master, and always treats himself as the young master of the Ye family.

It is precisely because of this that he is particularly vulnerable to being bullied and ridiculed by others.

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for a few years, and now the eldest cousin is not only a master of martial arts, but also a good cook!

"Sister, do you know what the eldest cousin has been doing these past few years?"

Chu Wenyan was very curious.

Murong Yan shook her head: "I don't know either. I first guessed that he was going to be a chef, and then I guessed that he was going to be a magician, a carpenter..."

"In the end, the only thing I can be sure of is that he is a very good martial artist."



Martial artist?
Chu Wenyan looked confused, was his big cousin possessed by a superman?

The two chatted and laughed, and they had come to the front yard room.

Before entering the door, I could smell the aroma coming from inside.

That smell, really, this smell should only exist in the sky, it is rare to smell it in the world!
Murong Yan, Chu Wenyan and Yaya couldn't help swallowing.

"My God, it's not the big cousin who did it?"

Chu Wenyan hurried in.

I saw my handsome cousin, wearing sandals and an apron, cooking in the kitchen.

That serious expression, like a scholar studying academics, is simply meticulous!
"It's really a big cousin!"

Chu Wenyan covered his mouth with both hands, the shock in his eyes was absolutely no worse than seeing the Overlord Salamander.

She could never have imagined that the big cousin who was quite a peerless master would take it indifferently in the face of huge monsters.

At this time, he suddenly transformed into a housewife.

"My God! Cousin, you are really super talented, amazing!"

"You have changed from a martial arts master to a housewife all of a sudden, and the pace has become so fast that people can't keep up!"

Chu Wenyan lay on the edge of the door, looking at Ye Yun with surprise.

Ye Yun turned his head and said with a chuckle: "Tell your sister that dinner is ready, I guess they will be hungry, don't delay."

"I really got you!"

Chu Wenyan turned around with a smile, and went to find Murong Yan.

"Wow! It's so fragrant!"

When the food was served, it once again aroused admiration.

It was the first time for Chu Wenyan to eat Ye Yun's food, and his eyes were full of impulsive flames.

"Big cousin, I'm not a lady, so I'm impolite!"

She picked up a piece of breast meat from the wild nine-headed bird, stuffed it into her mouth, and immediately her eyes lit up:

"Wow! Delicious chicken breast! It's amazing!"

She swallowed the whole piece of meat in one go, and was suddenly taken aback when she picked up the vegetables again.

"Wait! My hand..."

She found that her fingers became more slender and white.

Although her fingers were also very slender and beautiful before, they are definitely not so beautiful!

"Also, my arms, my waist, my face! My God!"

She felt that her whole body had undergone tremendous changes.

"God! I seem to have become more beautiful!"

Chu Wenyan ran to the mirror and looked at himself carefully.

I found that the skin is more refined and fairer than before, the face is more three-dimensional, and the figure is firmer.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Chu Wenyan felt like he was dreaming.

Murong Yan giggled and said:
"The meal your cousin cooks is his special beauty package, which can not only protect the skin, but also shape the body."


Chu Wenyan was speechless, "Big cousin, I've already been diagnosed. You are not a human, but a monster!"

She sat down with a smile and stared at Ye Yun:

"Big cousin, let's open a beauty salon. I'll be your assistant, okay?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "I don't do anything, just cook for your sister."

Chu Wenyan smiled and said, "Then I'll just say it straight, can I come here often for dinner?"

Ye Yun smiled and said, "Ask your sister."

Murong Yan smiled at him tenderly, nodded and said: "Wen Yan, you can come anytime."

Chu Wenyan was speechless again: "Big cousin, are you so afraid of guilt? I need my sister to agree."

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "You don't understand."


Chu Wenyan was speechless for the third time, "Okay, I don't care about you, I'd better eat!"

Then the three girls ate up all the plates.

After dinner, Ye Yun was washing and washing in the kitchen, while the three girls were singing karaoke with microphones in front of the TV.

Yaya saw Murongyan and Chu Wenyan holding hands, singing happily, and suddenly thought of her papa, who was still alone in the kitchen.

Immediately feel papa is so pitiful!
So he rushed to the kitchen and pulled Ye Yun: "Papa, let's sing together!"

Ye Yun quickly wiped his hands clean, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

He and Yaya walked to the living room, Yaya clapped her hands and said, "Papa is going to sing too!"

Both Murong Yan and Chu Wenyan stopped, and looked at Ye Yun in surprise:

"Ye Yun, big cousin, what songs can you sing?"

Yaya stepped forward bouncingly: "I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

She pointed to the TV and said, "Just sing this!"


Murong Yan and Chu Wenyan smiled awkwardly at the same time, what was playing on the TV was Tan Mingxing's "Learning to Meow".

If Ye Yun were to sing this song, the painting style...

But Ye Yun smiled indifferently and said: "Okay, Baba can sing whatever the baby asks me to sing."

He stepped forward and picked up the microphone and sang directly:
"Let's learn how to meow and let's meow and act coquettishly in front of you..."

Chu Wenyan stared blankly.

She didn't expect that her big cousin was not only a chef, magician, carpenter, martial artist, but also a...

Soul singer!

 Well, it's over, good night everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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