Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 180 All villains are paper tigers!

Chapter 180 All villains are paper tigers!

"So it is."

Murong Yan patted her chest lightly, finally showing a relieved expression on her face.

"Shut up!"

Chu Wenyan also heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu with some reproach:
"It's nothing, why scare people, I thought this lightning is very powerful!"

Then he gave Ye Yun a thumbs up with a smile: "The big cousin is still very good, he knows everything!"

Yaya nodded heavily: "Aunt Yan is right, it's not a good habit to scare people indiscriminately!"

The words of the three women directly made Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu sweat profusely and were extremely embarrassed.

He's not kidding, okay!

This Nine Profound Sky Thunder is indeed an ultimate move as terrifying as nuclear weapons!

If you want to blame, blame the man standing in front of you for being too perverted!
At this moment, when the two looked at Ye Yun, they no longer had the contempt and disdain they had before.

Instead, deep shock and fear!
You must know that both of them are innate late stage cultivation bases, and their longevity has been more than 260 years.

The inner alchemy has also been firmly formed, and it is only a piece of paper away from the golden alchemy.

Given time, in less than 500 years, both of them have the hope of breaking through their innate abilities, becoming great monks of Jindan, and being promoted to true immortals.

Such a terrifying cultivation base is no joke.

Not to mention that Chen Yuhan's Jiuxuan Tianlei move just now was a real killer move.

Even Gu Linyu, who is also a late-stage congenital, showed a look of fear towards this thunder.

From this we can see how terrifying the move just now was!
However, Jiuxuan Tianlei was terrifying, but he met Ye Yun who was even more terrifying.

According to Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu's guess, Ye Yun was able to shake the lightning with his physical body, and his cultivation level was only higher than his own.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a great monk at the Golden Core Realm!
Golden Core Great Cultivator!
What is that concept?
Moving mountains and filling seas, subverting stars are all the same as playing!
The two of them are only at the late stage of congenital, so there is no room for presumptuousness in front of him!

"No wonder! No wonder!"

Chen Yuhan secretly sighed in his heart, no wonder he said two things in one breath.

"I just said, he is not stupid, why is he so calm in the face of my Jiuxuan Tianlei. It turns out that his cultivation is far above ours."

"It's just, how could a waste four years ago become so strong? You know, even if an ordinary person enters the realm of transformation, in addition to a great opportunity, their own talent and years of hard work are indispensable. In ten years, don't dream of becoming a Huajing Grandmaster."

"As for the innate level masters, they are hard to come by. There are countless dangers that you will encounter, and if you are not careful, you may be lost forever!"

"Ye Yun is so young, he was so useless before, how could he transform into such a terrifying person four years later?"

The more Chen Yuhan thought about it, the more speechless he became. In the end, he could only use the word "monster" to describe Ye Yun.

And Gu Linyu also thought the same way, they have lived for so long, and they have seen many talented people.

But it is definitely the first one to be like Ye Yun!
As shocked as Chen Yuhan, Gu Linyu, and Murong Hui.

Ye Yun's several shots repeatedly subverted his guess about Ye Yun.

First of all, Ye Yun pointed out to himself, opening up the meridians of his whole body with one finger. At that time, he guessed that Ye Yun was at the peak of transformation.

Later, Ye Yun instantly killed the veteran powerhouse in Southeast Asia, Lei Mo Herman, with a single look, which made him feel that Ye Yun might be a congenital master.

Now, Xiantian can no longer describe Ye Yun.

But he doesn't know what state is after innate, because that level is too far away from him, and he may not be able to touch it in his whole life.

At this time, only the word horror can describe Ye Yun!
"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect him to be so strong. This is really a blessing for our Murong family!"

"Fortunately, at the beginning, he gave way to Yan Yan in time, calming down his anger. Otherwise, if he took a breath, he would be able to bring our Murong family to the boil!"

Murong Hui secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Murong Yan with some rejoicing, thinking that he had given birth to a good daughter.

Ye Yun turned around, stood next to Murong Yan again, and asked Chen Yuhan and the two coldly:
"Now, do you still want to force my wife to seek refuge?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu shook their heads repeatedly.

In this situation and situation, if I say no more, I'm afraid I will be ashamed.

Ye Yun frowned slightly: "Then get out!"


Chen Yuhan Gu Lin Yu bowed his body, looking like an eggplant beaten by frost, took two steps back, and then disappeared into two white lights.

Ye Yun sent a voice transmission to Xiaotian in his heart: "Follow them and finish them off in the realm of comprehension. It doesn't matter if you eat them."

"Remember, act like an accident."

The forces in the comprehension world are billions of times stronger than those in the human world, but he didn't do this because he was afraid of their revenge.

Instead, I want to have more clean days, to spend time with my daughter and wife.

After all, if the big families in the cultivation world find out that he is so strong, they will definitely be ungrateful to the Murong family, and it will definitely be a little troublesome to deal with.

Therefore, Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu must die!

And to die without proof.

Xiaotian was sleeping in the kennel, when he heard Ye Yun's words, he immediately cheered up and turned into a ray of light to chase after him.

Ye Yun picked up Yaya, smiled and said to Murong Yan: "Honey, let's go back and continue singing."

Murong Yan glanced at the sky: "They won't go back and find someone stronger?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, all villains are paper tigers, you saw that Dao Lei was fake just now!"

"hehe yes!"

Murong Yan smiled and nodded.

With Ye Yun around, she didn't bother to study whether Chen Yuhan and the others were really strong or pretended to be strong.

Managing the entire Murong family is already very tiring, why bother to worry about matters in the martial arts world?

Chu Wenyan smiled and held Murong Yan's arm: "Sister, big cousin, let's continue!"


Comprehension world.

The smoke waves are misty and hidden, and the peaks are different from each other up and down.

A dreamy picture scroll.

Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu turned into white light and moved quickly through the clouds.


Chen Yuhan suddenly sighed heavily:
"I issued a military order before going to Murong's house, and I'm going back right away, I'm afraid I'm going to be laughed to death by them?!"

Gu Linyu frowned and said:

"There's no way around it, that Ye Yun is too perverted! I think he can be suppressed only by inviting the president or experts from a few big families to appear on the stage!"

"The two of us are lucky to be able to leave alive!"

Chen Yuhan nodded, with a trace of unwillingness and ruthlessness in his eyes:

"This time, I fell down. When I go back, I must find a good way to let the masters of the family deal with Ye Yun."

"Such a powerful evildoer has appeared in the world, it is really a serious problem for our cultivation world!"

Between the words, the two of them had flown thousands of miles away, and they were still a hundred thousand miles away from the headquarters of the Family Association.



Xiaotian lay on the cloud, and the two who rushed forward shouted.

The two stopped and looked at it carefully.

Gu Linyu laughed and said, "Where is this puppy, it looks so cute!"

Chen Yuhan stared at Xiaotian for a few seconds, shook his head and said:

"This is not an ordinary puppy. The aura in its body is very strong. It should be an innate level monster."

Gu Linyu's eyes showed a greedy look: "Take it back to make alchemy, and you will make a lot of money!"

Chen Yuhan smiled and said: "I also have the same intention. Seeing it like this, it can be easily subdued."

He stretched out his right hand, and shot a white light at Xiaotian: "Come here!"


Suddenly, Xiaotian roared wildly.

Its body instantly became taller than a mountain from a small meat ball.

Seeing this, both Chen Yuhan and Gu Linyu shrank their pupils and exclaimed:

"What the hell is this? How did it get so big?!"

A second later, Chen Yuhan was trembling all over, with an expression of incomparable horror on his face:

"Isn't this the Xiao family's Tianxu Thunder Dog? How did it become so terrifying?!"



As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaotian rushed in front of the two of them, chewed them up one by one, and swallowed them into his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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