Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 192: There Are Ants Under My Feet!

Chapter 192: There Are Ants Under My Feet!
Raising his head, he stared at Li Jiutian with extreme anger:
"Child Jiutian, don't think that you are a land fairy!"

"I've lived to be 150 years old, I've never seen any kind of master, you little fledgling, dare to act presumptuously in front of me!"

Li Jiutian's facial muscles twitched when he scolded him.

He originally thought that this 150-year-old monster would be a mature and prudent figure with the demeanor of a master.

She never thought that she would yell at him like a shrew.

This immediately aroused his anger, and he wished to slap him to death, and never make noise again!

"Old man, since you are so arrogant, I will take you first!"

Li Jiutian's eyes turned cold, he flipped his right hand, and a cloud of blue light went straight to Xiao Huang.

"Ant moves!"

Xiao Huang smiled disdainfully, deliberately reduced the speed and strength by a million times, and stretched forward with his right hand, barely grasping the blue light.

Boom! !
A terrifying air wave exploded.

The flowers and plants on the ground, as well as the crowd watching, were all blown away.

Several big trees a hundred meters away were all smashed by the strong wind, and the scene was horrific.

"As expected of a land god, a casual strike is so terrifying!"

"We can only look up to this terrifying realm!"

Everyone was lying on the ground, looking up at Li Jiutian, their eyes trembling.

Soon, everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Huang again, with a hint of shock in their eyes.

"He was able to block Li Jiutian's blow. Could it be that he is also a land god?"

"In my opinion, this thing is probably true! Only if he is also a land god of the same realm, can he stop Li Jiutian's offensive!"

"Hiss! No wonder he was able to easily kill Xiao Xuanzong last time, so his strength is so terrifying!"

It was only then that everyone discovered that they had underestimated Murong Bo's strength.

You know, in the world of martial arts, the strength between the two realms is like a heavenly difference.

Especially the masters of transformation and innate masters.

That is basically an underground and a sky, which is completely different!

Moreover, Li Jiutian is the strongest Earth Immortal.

Although his attack just now was a bit random, it was not something a Huajing Grandmaster could bear.

There is only one possibility for Murong Bo to withstand this blow and defuse it.

That is, he is also a land fairy!
"It turns out that our ancestors are also land gods. This is really a great blessing for our Murong family!"

Murong Hui's eyes were burning, full of awe.

As for Murong Guang and the others, although they don't quite understand the realm of martial arts, they have made up a lot in the past few days.

At this time, when they heard that Murong Bo was a land god, everyone was so excited beyond words that they almost burst into tears.

Xiao Huang was very satisfied with everyone's performance, secretly smiled and said:
"It seems that this emperor is indeed a capable actor. This large group of people, even tears were tricked by me!"

He puffed up his chest and said loudly: "That's right! This old man is a land god, so don't be afraid, I have everything!"

Li Jiutian smiled disdainfully:
"So what if you are a land immortal? I am the Nine Heavens Azure Emperor, the strongest Earth Immortal who has survived the Nine Tribulations."

"Under my feet are all ants!"

The words fall.

A more terrifying blue light burst out, and he turned into a slender green light and approached Xiao Huang quickly.

"Good job! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Xiao Huang was about to burst into tears, his body trembled slightly, and a ball of equally terrifying true energy burst out.

Except for Ye Yun, no one saw clearly how they fought.

Only an extremely terrifying air wave exploded, shaking the entire Murong Villa.

The huge boulder on the body mountain in the distance rolled down, and this scene was like an earthquake.

"Terrible! It's really terrible!"

"When the Earth Immortal got angry, he buried his corpse for hundreds of miles! I didn't realize the horror of these words until today!"

Most of the onlookers were lying on the ground and did not dare to get up.

The air wave between the two of them was too strong, if they were not careful, they would be torn to pieces.

When the light dissipated, the air waves gradually subsided.

The figures of Xiao Huang and Li Jiutian appeared at the same time.

The two were ten meters apart, looking at each other.

The clothes on Xiao Huang's body were already torn, and there were streaks of blood on the exposed skin, which looked very eye-catching.

And Li Jiutian, with one hand behind his back, his sleeves fluttering, looked unharmed.


Then, Xiao Huang spit out a big mouthful of blood.

When Murong Hui and the others saw this, their eyelids twitched and they exclaimed:

"Not good! The ancestor was injured!"

Xiao Huang glanced at Murong Hui and the others, feeling unhappy and said:
"For you idiots, I even used dragon blood."

"You must know that this blood is very precious. A mouthful of blood can at least breed hundreds of dragons!"

"If it wasn't for the boss, how could I spit out such precious blood on the ground!"

Xiao Huang was very distressed, and suddenly found that acting not only depends on strength, but also depends on props.

Otherwise, the effect will not be realistic and will not move people's hearts!

Li Jiutian looked down on Xiao Huang and said with disdain:
"Sure enough, it's an ant. I haven't used any force yet, but you vomited first."

Xiao Huang frowned, that pained and angry look made Murong Hui and the others beside him very sad.

Xiao Huang said angrily: "Bastard! Nine Heavens, the old man hasn't shown his true strength yet, so don't be complacent!"

Li Jiutian sneered: "Then what ability do you have, you have to use it!"

"It's still early, I can play with you to the end!"


Xiao Huang stared and roared, the blood from the corner of his mouth spurted out along with the saliva, his voice was really full of emotion.

"Today, I will use our Murong family's long-lost unique skill, Ten-Duan Zhenwuquan, to make an end with you!"


He turned into a white light and shot at Li Jiutian at top speed.

The surrounding air was torn apart by him, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.


Li Jiutian narrowed his eyes.

He could tell that Xiao Huang's attack was very sharp and terrifying.

Even he, the strongest Earth Immortal, felt a chill down his spine.

"The Divine Physique of the Qing Emperor!"

"Yimu Lingbing Slash!"

Li Jiutian didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily activated the strongest body protection magic skill, and at the same time launched the deadliest killing move.

"The old man is fighting with you!"

Afterwards, Xiao Huang's heart-piercing cry came from the air.


Then, only the sound was heard, and there was only the sound of two people fighting in the air, and no one could see how they shot.

On the square, indescribable strong winds spewed out continuously, tearing apart the concrete floor and smashing trees, flowers, plants and boulders in the distance.

It's indescribably terrifying!

Even the sky changed color because of the battle between the two.

I see.

Dark clouds surged, wind and sand rose suddenly, like the end of the world.

"It's really scary! If they hit with all their strength, they should be able to destroy the earth!"

"God, how long will this battle last? I don't dare to stay any longer!"

The battle between two land gods is too scary.

Everyone had no doubts, if they didn't hold back and fight, they might be able to wipe out the entire Murong Villa with one move.


Just when everyone was terrified, there was a scream.

Xiao Huang's figure appeared first.

At this time, his face was pale, his whole body was dilapidated, bleeding profusely, lying on the ground trembling, and he could barely open his eyes.


Murong Hui and the others were shocked, and hurried forward to help him up.

I saw that he was extremely weak, his lips were pale, and his eyes were almost lifeless.

"Old ancestor, you have to hold on!"

The hearts of a group of Murong family members were about to bleed from fright.

If Murong Bo is killed, there is really no one in the Murong family who can stop Li Jiutian!
Xiao Huang slightly raised his eyelids, looked at Murong Hui and Murong Guang, and said weakly:
"Yes... sorry, my strength... is not enough... I can't beat him."


After finishing speaking, he sighed lightly.

This sigh really touched people's hearts, and everyone in the Murong family burst into tears.

Li Jiutian's figure then appeared in front of everyone.

His whole body's clothes were also torn, and the exposed skin was covered with blood, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

After staring at Xiao Huang for a while, he raised his head and laughed wildly:
"In the end, I, Li Jiutian, won!"

"Although you are also very strong, I will have the last laugh after all!"

He suddenly lowered his head, ignored the mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, looked at Xiao Huang ferociously and said:

"You are a dying person, you can't stop me!"

"Now, I'm going to bloodbath Murong Villa!"

(End of this chapter)

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