Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 196 For the sake of my daughter, all artifacts are floating clouds!

Chapter 196 For the sake of my daughter, all artifacts are floating clouds!
Because of Li Jiutian's incident, Yaya's school was delayed by one day.

The next morning, Ye Yun sent Yaya to school early.

When I came to the Red Green Blue Kindergarten, I saw Tian Jingwan standing at the door, greeting the parents of the children who came to school one by one.

Seeing Ye Yun and Yaya, her eyes flashed, she nodded with a smile:

"Mr. Ye is here!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "Morning!"

Tian Jingwan stretched out her hand to hold Yaya, and asked with a smile:
"Yunya, you didn't come yesterday, do you miss Teacher?"

Yaya immediately shook her head and said, "I don't want to!"

Tian Jingwan made a look of disappointment and sighed:
"Why? Is the teacher not good?"

Yaya nodded: "Of course the teacher is good! I don't want the teacher, because if I want to, the teacher can't come to my house! So I pretend not to want to!"

"Hehehe, your little mouth is really good at talking!"

Tian Jingwan led Yaya into the classroom, then turned around and said to Ye Yun:

"Mr. Ye, I assigned a homework assignment yesterday, and it will be finished by tomorrow morning at the latest."

"For specific information, you can read the notification from the parent group."

Ye Yun nodded: "Okay, I'll take a look when I get back."

From morning to night yesterday, he didn't have time to open the parent group, so he didn't know that Tian Jingwan had assigned homework.

Tian Jingwan nodded and smiled: "Okay, goodbye!"


After Ye Yun said goodbye to her, he drove home.

After returning to Murong Villa, he saw that Chu Wenyan and Ranran were chatting together.

Ever since the two of them met, they really felt like they hadn't seen each other for too long, and they were going to get tired of being together almost all day long.

Ye Yun knew that it was because they had very similar personalities and tempers, they got along very well with each other, and their relationship heated up quickly.

He and the two greeted each other, then walked into the room, took out his mobile phone and opened the parent group.

Inside, Tian Jingwan assigned a homework assignment.

Let all parents and children complete a handmade artwork together.

It could be a car, a tree, a flower, or a toy.

Children need to give full play to their imagination, and then the parents will help them to complete the homework.

In the afternoon, after Ye Yun took Yaya home, the two began to study what to do.

Yaya sat on the table, resting her chin on her small hands, thinking carefully about what to make.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Papa, I want to be a flower, the most beautiful flower in the world!"

"This flower must be very special, unique, and the most beautiful! More beautiful than the blue sky!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Yes, then can you draw a rough outline of it first?"

"If you draw it, it's easier for us to do, isn't it?"


Yaya nodded, then took out a pencil and a piece of white paper, and drew what she imagined the flower would look like.

Ye Yun saw that the flowers drawn by Yaya had the shape of stamens and were a bit like clouds.

Although the drawing is a bit crooked, the general appearance can still be seen.

Ye Yun thought about it, and felt that although the painting looked simple, it was actually not easy to find suitable materials to make it.

Because it is not only necessary to make such a shape, but also to be aesthetically pleasing, which is relatively difficult!

Yaya held her chin and asked, "Papa, can this be done?"

Ye Yun smiled and said: "Of course! As long as it is what you think, Papa can help you make it!"

Ye Yun suddenly thought that there were several colorful jade stones in his infinite space.

These multicolored jade stones are not only colorful, but also changeable in shape, containing infinite aura, which is very beautiful.

It is said that they are the sacred stones left by Nuwa after mending the sky in ancient times, and he snatched them from an enemy.

In addition to jade, he also thought of a few clusters of chaotic energy stored in the infinite space.

These auras originated from the primordial and chaotic period when the world was not yet opened, and possessed infinite spiritual power.

It can just be used to decorate the surface of multicolored jade, which looks hazy, much like clouds.

All that's left are the sprigs.

Ye Yun finally found a golden Neptune fork, and planned to transform it into a flower branch.

This Sea King Fork is the supreme artifact of the Sea God Clan in the Promise God Realm, and it is inlaid with three super god-level gems.

Not only is it extremely beautiful in appearance, but it also has extremely powerful divine power. Just a ray of light reflected from the gem can destroy a large planet in an instant.

But these are in Ye Yun's hands, and he is not afraid of threats.

He removed most of the divine power of the five-colored jade, the air of chaos, and Neptune's Fork, so that they could be combined without causing terrifying lethality.

But even so, if it is discovered by the martial arts people on the earth, they will probably fight for their heads and blood.

You must know that on the earth where martial arts are withering day by day, even if 90.00% of their divine power and aura are removed, the remaining [-]% is enough to make them supreme level artifacts!

But for Ye Yun, if he hadn't found them out for his daughter's happiness, they would be nothing more than scraps!

Seeing Ye Yun take out so many good things, Yaya's eyes lit up immediately, she clapped her hands and said:
"What a beautiful stone and fork, it will surely make the most beautiful flowers!"

"Yaya, what kind of stone fork flower?"

Before Ranran and Chu Wenyan walked in, they heard Yaya's cheers, so they asked curiously.

Yaya ran forward and pulled them: "Auntie, Auntie Yan, I want to make the most beautiful flower with Baba."

"Look, what Papa brought out is really beautiful!"


Ranran and Chu Wenyan's eyes lit up immediately.

Girls are naturally irresistible to these beautiful things.

However, they can't wait to snatch all these colorful jades away!
"Brother-in-law, let us help you do it too!"

Ranran was holding five-colored jade in his hand, and it was fun to pinch and pinch.

Ye Yun has made the Neptune's fork as long as chopsticks, nodded and said with a smile:

"Okay! Just follow Yaya's drawing and make it more beautiful!"

Afterwards, Ranran and Chu Wenyan surrounded Ye Yun, compared the blueprints with him, and held colorful jade stones.

After the three compared each other for a long time, Ye Yun satisfactorily inserted the five-colored jade stone into the Neptune Fork.

Then, together with them, he kneaded the air of chaos into the shape of a cloud, and wrapped it in the colorful jade.

A flower made of three supreme artifacts was born!
"Wow! So beautiful!"

Seeing the radiant, mottled and blurred flowers, Yaya clapped her hands happily.

After Murong Yan returned home, she was so startled that she couldn't speak when she saw the brilliant light all over the room.

After a long time, she came back to her senses and asked Ye Yun: "Ye Yun, you made this too?"

Ran Ran and Chu Wenyan ran to her side, hugged her and laughed:
"Sister, we and my brother-in-law did it together, don't forget our credit!"

Yaya held the blueprint high, and looked at Murong Yan like offering a treasure:
"Ma Ma, Ma Ma! This is my own design, isn't it great?"


Murong Yan hugged Yaya emotionally.

I secretly sighed in my heart, the little girl is really getting bigger and bigger, and she can design things by herself.

Once upon a time, she was still the little meatball who was wearing crotch pants and couldn't even walk steadily.

The next day, Ye Yun sent Yaya to the kindergarten.

Because he was afraid that the light of the artifact would be too strong, Ye Yun covered it with a black cloth before letting Yaya hold it in his hand.

Yaya walked into the classroom and said to Tian Jingwan:
"Teacher, Papa, my aunt and I made the most beautiful flower in the world!"

Tian Jingwan saw the black cloth in her hand, and said with a smile:
"Yunya, did you hide this flower inside?"


Ya Ya nodded.

At this time, all the children in the class stretched their necks to see.

"Yunya, is there really the most beautiful flower in the world there?"

"You're not lying to us, are you?"

What the children saw was also a black cloth, and they couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Of course! I'll show you now!"

Yaya walked to the middle of the classroom and opened the black cloth.


In the classroom, there was an exclamation immediately.

Tian Jingwan, and all the children were stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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