Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 211 0 winning rate, I'm not afraid you won't accept it!

Chapter 211 Zero winning rate, I'm not afraid of your dissatisfaction!

The death of Qu Wushuang and others caused a sensation in Qingyang City.

However, it was only a moderate commotion, which came and went, and soon subsided.

Judging from the live video found by the local police station, they were all torn apart by a crazy big dog.

No one knew where the dog came from.

I don't even know where it went after that.

All in all, this was an unexpected accident that revealed a hint of treachery.

Unfortunately, none of the four people in this private room survived, and their deaths were miserable.

That's it!

After all, people in this world, from the time they open their eyes to the time they close them, are buried in their own circle of life.

All living beings suffer.

How can they have the energy to delve into this kind of incident that even the police can't decide?
Therefore, it only took about a week for Qu Wushuang and the others to completely quiet down in Qingyang City.

The only ones mentioned occasionally are those old men who wake up in the morning to drink tea and fight boxing.

There are also three or four groups of old ladies who chat with their parents.

Jincheng's side was not affected in the slightest.

The scenery is still good.

In the blink of an eye, it was Saturday morning again.

Chu Wenyan came to Murong Villa after school yesterday, played with Murong Ranran and Yaya until midnight, and lived in the room that had been arranged for her.

At this time, she had already washed up, and came to the front yard with Murong Ranran.

Invited by Yaya last night, the two of them will come to the front early in the morning to have breakfast with her.

Of course, this is Papa's loving breakfast.

It tastes good and is nutritious.

"Brother-in-law, big cousin, good morning!"

"Morning sister!"

Ran Ran and Chu Wenyan greeted Ye Yun and Murong Yan one by one.

Murong Yan was facing the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the living room, arranging her clothes.

As the president of Murong Group, she has always been very strict with her image, just like her meticulous work style.

"You guys are too early!"

Murong Yan smiled and nodded towards the two of them.

Since Ranran and Chu Wenyan came back, Murong Villa has become more and more popular, that's great!
Ye Yun is currently busy with breakfast in the kitchen.

Five fried poached eggs, five cups of special coconut milk, two bags of toast, a pot of mung bean soup, and a pot of foie gras with colorful fruit flavors.

Not to mention rich.

He came out with breakfast, nodded and smiled at the two of them, "It's early too."

Ran ran away Yin Hong's small mouth, and took a look at him and Murong Yan:
"Brother-in-law, sister, you even greet each other the same way, isn't that too tacit?"

Chu Wenyan giggled and said, "This is what you call a tacit understanding."

However, she said coquettishly:
"Didn't you say that both twins have telepathy? Sister, you only care about telepathy with your brother-in-law now, and you have left my own sister aside."

Murong Yan blushed pretty at what she said, lightly tapped Ran Ran's forehead and said with a smile:

"Crazy girl, talking nonsense again, eat quickly."

"I'm coming too!"

With double ponytails tied up, Yaya ran over briskly and squeezed between Ye Yun and Murong Yan.

After the meal, under the slightly envious gazes of Ranran and Chu Wenyan, Ye Yun squeezed a cup of fresh Zishi Nebula holy fruit juice for Murong Yan as usual.

He took out the lunch box and snacks that he had prepared earlier, and handed them to her exactly as they were.

"Honey, no matter how busy you are, remember to eat on time."

Ye Yun sent Murong Yan to the door without forgetting to remind her.

"Well, don't worry, I will eat on time."

Murong Yan nodded lightly, there was always a ripple of love in her eyes, "Then I'm leaving."

Waving, the two said goodbye.

"so envious."

Ran ran put her cheeks in her hands, stared at Ye Yun's back, lost her mind for a moment.

Chu Wenyan clasped his hands together and placed them on his chest, with an adoring look on his face:

"Big cousin really made a good man to the extreme, really amazing!"

"By the way, when I was young, why didn't I see that he still had this potential?"

Ye Yun turned around, smiled faintly at the two of them, then came to Yaya and wiped her small mouth.

"Yaya, where do you want to go today?"

Before the meal was finished, Ranran, Chu Wenyan, and Yaya had already started planning their day's schedule.

Yaya thought for a while and said:

"I also want to go to Carter's Fun Park, ride the roller coaster, ride the Ferris wheel, and have candied haws again!"

"no problem!"

Ranran and Chu Wenyan nodded at the same time.

After half an hour.

Ye Yun led Yaya, and Ranran Chu Wenyan and the others arrived at the gate of Carter's Happy Garden.

As soon as the few people entered the door, they heard someone shouting enthusiastically:
"Several people, we have newly added a claw machine, and there are dolls customized by Disney, do you want to play?"

Ye Yun and the others turned their heads and saw that it was the same boss who was caught in the trap last time.

Yaya nodded immediately when she saw the beautiful doll in the claw machine: "Play!"

The shop owner stared at Yaya, then glanced at Ye Yun.

It suddenly occurred to him that this man was the one who kidnapped all his doraemons last time.

As the shopkeeper at the gate of Carter's Happy Garden, he has met all kinds of people every day, and he doesn't know how many.

Most people just forget about it.

Only this extremely handsome face was still fresh in his memory.

It's hard for this kind of person to forget ten doraemons in one go, and hit them wherever they point!

However, at this moment, he was not overly worried because of Ye Yun's appearance.

Claw machines and ferrules can be different.

Its winning rate can be set artificially, any winning rate is fine, even if it is zero winning rate, it is completely fine.

And his claw machine was set to zero winning rate by him.

Since it was launched last month, no one has been able to catch the doll inside, netting more than 3000 yuan.

So now, he is full of confidence and is not afraid of Ye Yun coming to play at all.

He even began to imagine that when this handsome man got nothing, his expression must be very wonderful.


"Come, come! Children, the dolls here are so beautiful! They are all produced by Disney!"

"Come and try!"

Very seductive words.

Yaya hurriedly ran forward, stretched out her hand and asked Ye Yun for a few coins, and threw them in one by one.

Adjust direction, grab.

Adjust direction, grab.


Spent a few coins and got nothing.

"It's so hard to catch!"

Yaya was speechless.

Chu Wenyan asked:
"Boss, is this machine of yours unable to win the lottery? I just saw that I caught something, why did it fall again?"

The boss put his hands on his chest, hehe laughed and said:
"Isn't the claw machine just like this? You have to be skilled to catch it!"

"You didn't read the news. There was a young man who was catching dolls in a store every day, and almost made his boss cry?"

He glanced at Ye Yun and said, "Sir, why don't you try it?"

There is a hint of provocative words.

After all, everyone has an unyielding heart.

The last time I lost so badly, can I swallow this breath casually?

Zero winning rate, not afraid of your dissatisfaction!

"Yes! Papa, come and try!"

Yaya pulled Ye Yun, pointed forward with her small hand, "I want the pink one!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "Okay!"

He stepped forward and threw in a coin.

Next, adjust the direction and grab.

With ease, he grabbed the doll designated by Yaya.

During this process, the doll seemed to be stuck to its claws, and it couldn't fall off, which made the shop owner dumbfounded.

"Fuck! Why are you holding on so tightly?"

"What the hell... is the machine malfunctioning?!"

(End of this chapter)

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