Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 214 He is an extraordinary person, but a god!

Chapter 214 He is an extraordinary person, but a god!
at this time.

In a building 500 meters away from the performance area, facing the window of Ye Yun's auditorium.

A middle-aged man stood with his hands behind his back, staring quietly at the opposite side.

Behind him stood a young woman in her early twenties, wearing a special military uniform, with a graceful figure and a heroic appearance.

It was Wang Qian and Xia Jin.

"Chief, Mr. Ye is here too, why don't you go down and meet?"

Xia Jin stared deeply at the extremely handsome face in the distance, and asked with a calm smile.

"Of course I want to see you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Gan's mouth.

"I didn't expect that I have a good relationship with him, and we can meet on such occasions."

Turning around, he asked, "How about the matter that asked you to investigate?"

Xia Jin thought for a while and said:

"There is no progress yet. Due to the long time and too few insiders, no breakthrough has been made so far."

Wang Gan sighed: "It is too difficult to win over an existence like him!"

"If you can't come up with something that particularly impresses him, I'm afraid he will dismiss it with just a few words!"

Xia Jin smiled lightly:
"Chief, you also said last time that a character like him is not a mortal, and it must be difficult to win him over."

Wang Gan shook his head and smiled, "That's right. To be honest, I don't have any hope of convincing him to work for us."

"A person like him is restrained, deep, unfathomable, and his horizons are probably beyond our imagination. As long as..."

"It's a great thing to let him help us! It's a pity that we haven't been able to find any good ways until now."

Tianluodiwang is the most special military organization in China.

Not only in terms of military equipment and military talents, try to recruit the country's top forces.

What's more, various forces from the martial arts world and the supernatural world are needed to stabilize the country and complete various unconventional tasks.

A powerful weapon like Ye Yun is extremely attractive to them.

It is an irresistible temptation not only for Jiangbei Province's heaven and earth network, but even for the entire China's sky and earth network.

Ever since Wang Gan met Ye Yun at Xiao Xuanzong's dinner party, he has never given up on him.


The bell rang twice, breaking the brief silence.

Xia Jin took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and instantly smiled:

"Chief, there is news!"


"Tank 99 is the latest generation of main battle tanks in China. It is extremely defensive, as well as powerful in maneuverability and combat capability."

"This 99 tank company is the most powerful land tank team in Jiangbei Province, and it ranks among the top tank companies in the country. They have participated in the National Day military parade in 09, and in the international land battle competition, Received a bronze medal."

"And this Zhi-10 flight formation did not give in too much. They are also well-known aerial hunters in our country. They have won the title of China Air Force Excellent Team three times in 05, 07 and 11. Among the Air Force teams , is well-known."

"Today's air-to-air and air-to-ground exercises will be an extremely shocking contest! Even I have never seen such an exciting contest!"

Lu Zhiqiang approached Chu Wenyan and the others a few meters closer, pointing to the two teams in front like a few treasures.

There was a look of pride and pride in his eyes.

Because there are his allies inside.

Moreover, these powerful military forces are also his backing.

In a vast country with majestic mountains and rivers, the People's Army is the giant dragon guarding these mountains and rivers.

As a member of this giant dragon, how could he not be proud?


He found that Chu Wenyan and the others did not show the shock and excitement as expected, but just replied him casually.

Even Yaya, the three-year-old girl, had a calmer face.

"It's really strange, how can they be so calm when such a big battle comes out?"

"Shouldn't you be screaming and cheering and excited?"

Lu Zhiqiang was speechless, feeling that the situation in front of him was far from what he had imagined.

Looking at that handsome man again, he still looked calm, which made him feel a sense of frustration in his heart.

He didn't know, to Ye Yun and Ran Yaya, these were really nothing.

Even Chu Wenyan, after seeing Ye Yun defeat the Overlord Salamander with one finger, his vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

How could it be possible to exclaim and be excited because of just a few tanks and helicopters?
Boom boom boom!
The sound was loud.

Semi-live ammunition exercises are already comparable to real battlefields.

For a while, thick smoke billowed and the flames exploded, making people dazzled for a while.


Bang! !

A loud bang.

A shell shot out from nowhere and exploded less than half a meter above the crowd.

In an instant, the projectile broke, and countless fragments of the shell fell towards the crowd under the powerful shock wave.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Lu Zhiqiang was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

If these shell fragments fell into the crowd, the consequences would be completely unimaginable.

"Everyone, get out of the way! Don't let the fragments of the shell hit you!"

In exercises, this happens from time to time.

But now, looking at the dozens of ordinary people sitting on the stage, if they were hit, it would very likely cause a lot of casualties.

As the closest soldier, Lu Zhiqiang naturally reminded everyone to avoid it at the first moment.

However, the flying speed of the fragments is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was like rain all over the sky, falling down with a splash, less than four or five meters away from everyone.

"Damn it! It's a big disaster this time!"

"It's only one that can save one!"

Lu Zhiqiang rushed towards Chu Wenyan, ready to cover her with his body.

However, just when he was in shock, he saw a scene he will never forget in his life.

I see.

That handsome man raised his hand and waved lightly, and a gust of wind was thrown out, turning all these fragments into ashes.

Not only that, even the shock wave generated by the explosion was blown away by his hand.


Lu Zhiqiang was stunned.

Completely stunned!

"With a wave of the hand, all the fragments of the shells were turned into powder. Is he still human?"

Lu Zhiqiang's eyelids twitched, and he was already swearing wildly in his heart.

Compared to the last time, in the An's compound, Ye Yun was so compressed that he couldn't get up.

This time the shock to him was even greater!
Because he has always felt that no matter how strong humans are, they will not be opponents of weapons and artillery.

Especially killing machines like 99 tanks and Z-10 helicopters, human beings are just like ants in front of them.

Weak and helpless.

However, the scene just now made him fully realize how ignorant and shallow his previous thoughts were.

It also made him completely give up the idea of ​​using military force to deter Ye Yun.

He suddenly felt that the man standing in front of him was not a mortal.


A god! !
(End of this chapter)

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