Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 218 If you don't win, you will be in vain! !

Chapter 218 If you don't win, you will be in vain! !

"Oh, it hurts me so much!"

Lei Meng, whose body was as strong as steel, rolled all over the ground and screamed after recovering.

No one would have imagined that this robot-like man would be sent flying by Ye Yun's finger.

And, writhing in pain.

There is no way to fight back!
However, fortunately, Ye Yun was merciful, and Lei Meng was able to get up after being in pain for a while.

He came to Ye Yun tremblingly, bowed his head and said:
"Ye... Instructor, you are really amazing."

"I'm Lei Meng, I convince you!"

With a figure of nearly two meters, standing in front of the slender Ye Yun, he was originally like an adult facing a child.

However, at this moment, it was Ye Yun who looked extremely tall.

Like a majestic mountain, it makes Lei Meng bow down.

Martin and the others were all dumbfounded.

They had never seen Lei Meng being so in awe of people.

This means that the handsome man in front of him is already so powerful that it is indescribable!
You know, the strength of Lei Meng's empty-handed punch is about 1500 kilograms.

It is twice as much as the world's top boxing champion.

However, with his terrifying body.

If you want to flick him away with one finger, that kind of power is really unthinkable!
"It's terrible! This man is a tiger disguised as a lamb!"

Martin and the others felt chills in their hearts.


Fear is fear.

They are still somewhat dissatisfied.

There is a saying that the ruler is short and the inch is long. Lei Meng is a pure fighter of strength. His loss can only prove that Ye Yun is powerful.

As for the aspect of manipulating elements, it has not been able to show convincing performance.

After all, more than half of the people present are elemental controllers. If they don't come out and give it a try, how can they give up so easily?
Then Martin stepped forward and said:
"Instructor, your strength is terrifying. But, I still want to see if you have other abilities."

"I'm Martin, I'm the controller of the wind element. I'm best at speed. Some people call me the windrunner."

"So, I want to try if you can catch up with my speed, do you think it can?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly, nodded and said, "Yes."

It is impossible for this group of rebellious people to be convinced all at once.

Since they want to compare, let them completely give up.

He then points to a rock in the distance:
"It's about 2000 meters from here to that rock. I'll let you walk for three seconds first."

"Three seconds?!"

As soon as he said this, not only Martin, but also everyone else exclaimed.

Martin is known as the Windrunner, and his speed is no joke.

He can reach a distance of about 2000 meters in about three seconds.

Ye Yun actually said to give him three seconds, this...

It's crazy to the point of being defiant!

"Okay! Since the instructor said let me, then I won't refuse!"

Martin nodded heavily.

Then, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"This speed is really fast!"

Lei Meng and the others couldn't help but exclaim.

Turning his head, Ye Yun was still standing there with a calm expression on his face.

"Instructor, you can go! If you don't go, Martin will be here!"

Lei Meng was completely convinced by Ye Yun and couldn't help reminding him.

When he said this, exactly three seconds passed, and at the same time, Ye Yun brushed!With one touch, it disappeared.

When he appeared again, he was already standing on the rock.

A gust of wind in front of him almost hit his chest, but he barely blocked it.


Martin, who had recovered his body, looked at the man in front of him with a shocked expression, who was so handsome that he was jealous.

He has done his best!

Go beyond your own limit!

But still, behind!
She was completely abused!
"You are not human! You must be a fairy in the sky!"

"Oh my god! I really didn't expect that you could go so fast!"

Martin's eyes quickly changed from questioning to worship and awe.

Ye Yun gave him a faint smile: "I didn't think how fast it was just now, it's just average."

His understatement almost made Martin lose his temper.

This speed is almost insane, why is he called mediocre?

Speechless, he was completely convinced of Ye Yun at this time.

Ye Yun glanced at the others indifferently: "Is there anyone else who wants to compete?"

With a glance, everyone bowed their heads.

They are also masters with certain eyesight. After seeing this man Ye Yun, after two competitions, he didn't even lose his breath once.

This kind of ability is definitely not comparable to them.

Anyone who wants to talk about competitions now is a fool, okay!
"Instructor, we obey you!"

On the training ground, shouts were like thunder.

Lei Meng took the lead, and a group of people stood upright, looking at Ye Yun with fiery eyes, full of admiration.

Wang Qian watched the whole process of Ye Yun's training of these melons, and couldn't help being overjoyed.

What he is most worried about is that he will lose in the competition with his colleagues from Jiangnan Province in a month's time.

But just looking at the scene just now, he knew that he would win!

Not for anything else, just because Ye Yun is there, he is the guarantee of victory!
Ye Yun looked at the crowd indifferently, and said:

"Originally, I could directly improve the abilities of all of you."

"However, as soldiers, if you want to get any results, you need to work hard!"

He flipped his hand and took out a brown glass bottle by magic.

Inside the bottle were densely packed small black pills.

"What's in this bottle is something that can help you improve your abilities. It doesn't matter whether you're practicing physical fitness or practicing spells, you can use it."

"However, after taking it, you need to temper yourself day and night to consume the power released by these pills."

"If you are a little slack, your cultivation base will be abolished, or you will be seriously injured and become disabled."

"Do you dare to eat?"

The pill in his hand is the Supreme God Pill looted from a certain galaxy.

It can strongly stimulate people to realize their potential and release it thousands of times.

However, the danger of taking the Supreme Divine Pill is extremely high.

If you can't digest the power it releases in time, you may suffer from it.

Ye Yun remembered that when he first got the Supreme God Pill, in order to stimulate his potential, after eating one, he worked non-stop for ten days before fully digesting and absorbing its power.

The pain and suffering at that time are still fresh in my memory.

So he felt that only by suffering through hardships can he become a master.

If these special forces members want to improve themselves, they must go through hellish training.

Of course, everything is voluntary, and he will not force anyone.

"Grandma's, what is given by the instructor, what else do you dare to do!"

"I eat!"

Without further ado, Lei Meng came to Ye Yun and stretched out his hand, "Instructor, please give me one!"

"We eat too! Please give us one, instructor!"

With him taking the lead, Martin and the others, without missing a single one, stepped forward to take a Supreme Divine Pill.

At this time, in the hearts of everyone, fierce fighting spirit was burning.

Anyway, after a month, be sure to win the contest!

If you don't win, you are in vain! !

(End of this chapter)

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