Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 231 God of War System!

Chapter 231 God of War System!

Yang Jinsong and the others were frightened by his powerful aura and their hearts shrank violently.

Regardless of Yue Yiwu's young age, his domineering aura is deeper than some old masters.

What's more, since his debut, he has won several battles, and his arrogance in the world is absolutely unmatched by others.

Although Yang Jinsong and the others are all veterans in martial arts.

But at this moment, in front of him, he was trembling like a newcomer who just entered the industry.

As for Yue Yiwu himself, he has been rooted in Zijiang all these years, and has worked his way up and down to achieve his present style.

Become the master of the Martial League and look down on the entire martial arts world in Zijiang.

Although he has a somewhat introverted personality and seeks stability in everything, after becoming the No. 1 in Zijiang's bright face, he has no intention of developing into other cities.

However, this does not mean that there is room for sand in his eyes and he can let others run wild in Zijiang City.

What's more, he has an advantage that no one else can match.

That is, in his body, there is a very powerful system.

Ares system!

Relying on this system, he doesn't need to practice at all, and he can gain a higher level of cultivation and strength than them when facing any enemy.

As a result, they were brutally crushed and won every battle.

So, now he wants status and status, ability and ability.

How could he tolerate someone trying to dominate his turf?


Yang Jinsong and the others nodded immediately.

Being able to teach others with the leader, their status in the martial arts world of Zijiang City will rise to a higher level in the future.


As the bullfight ended in a hurry, it was still early.

Murong Ranran and Tong Xinyi decided to go shopping in the nearby pedestrian street.

A group of people walked on the road, chatting and laughing happily.

Suddenly, Murong Yan remembered the doubts just now, so she asked:
"Ye Yun, what method did you use just now to make the bull disappear?"

As soon as she asked, Ran Ran and Tong Xinyi immediately joined her.

There is also the little girl Yaya, four girls, looking straight at Ye Yun at the same time, all of them look like curious babies.

Ye Yun said with a smile:

"It's not difficult. There is a method in martial arts called teleportation. I used this method to bring the bull out of the bullring."


The girls all nodded in agreement.

Take things from a distance.

It sounds absurd, but they have indeed heard of it.

On a sudden whim, he asked:
"Brother-in-law, if I want to go back to China in the future, you can take me back in the air, okay?"

Ye Yun smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I can't do it."

"Tch, that's too false!"

Ran Ran rolled her cute eyes.

Murong Yan covered her mouth with a smile and said:
"Crazy girl, you can really think! No matter how powerful your brother-in-law is, he can't bring you back so far."

Ran Ran curled her lips: "Sister, just by looking at the two of you, you can tell that you are bullying me together!"

"We are twins, you don't want it, you don't want a sister if you have a brother-in-law!"

Xiao Nizi hugged Murong Yan's arm and rubbed it back and forth, acting coquettishly.

Yaya ran up to Ranran and said with a smile, "Auntie, Yaya won't bully you!"

Ran Ran let go of Murong Yan, hugged Yaya and kissed her:
"It's better for Yaya to be nice to my aunt!"

Turning her head, she glanced at Ye Yun and Murong Yan proudly:
"Two against two, I'm not afraid of you! Hmph!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan looked at each other and smiled, this girl really makes people wonder what to say.

"Dad, it's them!"

Suddenly, a black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle stopped behind Ye Yun and the others.

Yang Haohai pointed at Ye Yun's back and said angrily.

Yang Jinsong nodded, and said to Yue Yiwu:
"Mr. Yue, it's that little boy who speaks nonsense!"

"You are so young, yet you are so ignorant!"

Yue Yiwu snorted coldly and raised his hand: "Follow me!"

A group of people hurriedly got out of the car and stood in front of Ye Yun and the others.

With his hands behind his back, Yue Yiwu raised his chin high, and lowered his eyebrows to look down on Ye Yun.

Yang Haohai, Yang Jinsong, and Zhou Hanyu stood beside him with a proud expression on their faces.

Several other people also had unkind expressions on their faces.

Also, a hint of pride and sarcasm.

As soon as Tong Xinyi saw Zhou Hanyu, she knew she was looking for trouble again, so she couldn't help frowning and said:

"Zhou Hanyu, are you finished?"

"Today my cousin, cousin and husband are here to play, please don't be so annoying!"

Zhou Hanyu sneered and said, "It's not me looking for trouble with you now, but Leader Yue looking for you!"

"Leader Yue?"

Tong Xinyi frowned, and looked at Yue Yiwu, her gaze trembling.

She once heard from her father, Tong Ruichang, that the most popular warrior in this city in recent years is called Yue Yiwu.

In addition to the masters of the four major families, Zijiang City is his most famous.

Moreover, at a young age, relying on his amazing martial arts talent, he defeated powerful enemies all the way and became the leader of the Zijiang City Martial Arts Union, gaining a strong limelight.

She didn't expect Zhou Hanyu and the others to find him today.

"Cousin-in-law, this person is not easy to deal with!"

Tong Xinyi looked at Ye Yun with some concern, she could tell that Yue Yiwu's goal was Ye Yun.

"I called my father to intercede. Maybe there was some misunderstanding."

She thought about it, Ye Yun had never had any friendship with Yue Yiwu, and Zhou Hanyu was only obstructing it.

Let my father come, maybe I can rely on his face to give up this matter.

who knew...

"Today, it's useless for the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu to come!"

"I, Yue Yiwu, as the leader of the Martial Arts League in Zijiang City, want to rectify the name of Zijiang's martial arts world!"

"An arrogant person dares to talk nonsense on my territory. If I don't teach me a lesson, I, Yue Yiwu, will be sorry to countless brothers!"

Yue Yiwu's voice was bright and upright, and his vivid words made Yang Jinsong and others' blood boil.

"That's right! Even if people from the four major families come today, it's useless!"

"If you dare to insult me ​​in the Zijiang Martial Arts World, you must teach me a lesson!"

Seeing their awe-inspiring looks, Tong Xinyi's expression changed slightly.

Although, she heard from Murong Yan that Ye Yun is a master of martial arts.

However, Yue Yiwu's reputation in Zijiang City is real.

Right now, there are so many of them, many versus few, which cannot but be worrying.

Ye Yun stepped forward, glanced at everyone contemptuously, and finally his eyes fell on Yue Yiwu:

"Since you want to stand up for others, I will give you a chance to try."

As he spoke, he released one-hundredth of the true energy in his body.

Yue Yiwu and the others felt his aura at the same time.

Yang Jinsong and the others couldn't help but look shocked, this aura was really unimaginably powerful.

Only Yue Yiwu sneered, calm and composed, he immediately activated the God of War system in his body:
"System, help me detect his realm, I want to be one level higher than him!"

Every time, facing a powerful opponent, the system can always accurately judge the opponent's state.

Then, help him upgrade to a realm stronger than the opponent.

The so-called strong is strong, that's it.

But this time...

"The system cannot complete this task because the target's realm..."


(End of this chapter)

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