Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 239 Let the biggest member of your Cui family get over here!

Chapter 239 Let the biggest member of your Cui family get over here!

"Director Zheng, I have contacted Ms. Bai many times, and they all said that they are not available. Look, what should I do about this?"

Just as Zheng An put down the stool, a young woman walked in from the door.

She had a helpless expression on her face, with a hint of anger.

It seems that during the call with Miss Bai, he suffered a lot.

The tears on Zheng An's face were still wet, so he quickly wiped them twice with his hands, and said with an unhappy expression:

"Will love come? It's best not to come!"

"We have already found a special guest for the first episode of the show. She wants to show off, so you can let her show off!"

When the woman heard this, she glanced at Ye Yun, nodded knowingly, and turned around to leave the door.

Qing Lan had been watching Ye Yun braid Yaya's hair intently just now.

Like Zheng An, for a moment, she felt her heart was melted by this man.

Raising her jade hand, she wiped away the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes, she turned and looked at Zheng An:
"That Miss Bai is Bai Na, the city's popular singer?"

Zheng An nodded and smiled, "Yes, last time I met her at a party with my friends."

"I heard that I'm going to start a new program here, and my friend asked her to join me. I originally planned to let her be the special guest of the first episode."

He glanced at Ye Yun and said:
"However, I don't need it now! I don't want to serve such a young lady!"

Apparently, he was also angered by Bai Na, and even burst out with foul language.

Qing Lan only smiled slightly and said no more.

Bai Na came here because she wanted to use the show to increase her popularity.

It is rumored that recently she is developing towards film and television dramas, and is improving her image and popularity through various channels.

Although she is already the most popular singer in the city, this program on the station is likely to become a hit.

If she brought her own son here as a guest of the first issue, the sensational effect and benefits would be far beyond imagination.

In addition, if Bai Na wanted to step into the film and television industry, she would inevitably have to deal with various people from the TV station.

That's why she made an appointment with Zheng An to be a special guest here.

Of course, as a popular star, her temper is also very surly.

She thinks highly of herself and has no one in her eyes. For her, it's just commonplace.

Qing Lan guessed that if she hadn't coveted that this show might become popular, it would be impossible for Bai Na to put Zheng An in her eyes.

"Yo, what a breath!"

"I don't even think about it, who begged me to be the guest of this episode!"

A woman's voice came from the door.

Her voice is crisp and ethereal, with a charm that ordinary people can't match.

But from the sound, it is easy to think of a mean and sour face, and it doesn't match such a tall voice at all.

I saw a young woman wearing a white mink jacket and a purple tight dress inside, leading a four or five-year-old boy in.

The woman has good facial features, and the makeup on her face is appropriate, she can be regarded as a standard beauty.

However, the arrogance in his expression made it difficult for people to feel close.

She is the most popular singer in Sucheng, Bai Na.

When she came in front of Zheng An, she suddenly turned cold, raised her hand and threw it out.

Not much power.

But it's loud.

Bai Na looked at Zheng An with contempt:

"Dog, do you really think that I, Bai Na, are easy to bully?"

"If you invite me, I have to come right away. If you don't want me to come, I'll just shut up and stay at home, right?"

Zheng An touched his hot left cheek, feeling angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to explode, and asked instead:

"My assistant has been calling you, but you can't explain it yourself, and now you still bite back?"

With her hands on her hips, Bai Na sneered with a condescending look:

"You still have the nerve to mention that uneducated assistant?"

"Call me more than a dozen times a day, do you really think I am an operator of the mobile company?"

"Even if I wanted to come, she was so angry that I didn't want to come!"

Zheng An was speechless and seldom called, saying that you didn't value her and didn't take her seriously.

If you fight too much, it becomes harassment again.

This Miss Bai is really hard to serve!
Bai Na glanced at Ye Yun contemptuously, seeing Ye Yun's extraordinary handsome appearance, she couldn't help being slightly moved.

But, she has already brought her son here in person, how could she make a trip for nothing?

"Go back where you came from? This first episode must belong to me and my son!"

"If you are sensible, I can give you some travel expenses. Otherwise, hehe!"

Seeing her attacking Ye Yun, Qing Lan and Zheng An couldn't help but change their expressions at the same time.

Neither of them expected that Bai Na would aim the gun at Ye Yun so quickly.

This can be troublesome!

You know, Bai Na is not only a popular singer in Sucheng, but also quite famous.

And she is the daughter-in-law of the Cui family in Sucheng.

Cui Zhenning, the patriarch of the Cui family, a veteran fighting master in the Chinese martial arts world, is his father-in-law.

Cui Zhenning is nearly seventy years old and has only one son named Cui Mingze. At the age of 31, he married Bai Na, who is nine years younger than him.

Later, Bai Na gave birth to another son, and the mother was very expensive because of the son, and her status in Cui's family was very respected.

Although the Cui family is slightly inferior to the Jin family and Wang family in strength.

But in Sioux City, it can be regarded as one of the top five big families, and for ordinary people, it is a big family that is out of reach.

Bai Na also has the Cui family as her backer, so instead of declining her career after marriage, her career is even more prosperous than before.

Almost turning red and purple!
It was precisely because of these relationships that her temper became more and more surly, arrogant and domineering, not inferior to men.

Now, if she aimed her gun at Ye Yun, it would likely cause a confrontation between the Cui family and the Murong family.

And Qing Lan and Zheng An, who were sandwiched between the two big families, definitely couldn't escape from this turmoil.

At that time, no matter what the result is, both of them will suffer.

Qing Lan took a deep breath, with a firm look in her eyes:

"Miss Bai, Mr. Ye is from Jincheng's Murong family, and I invited him here, so he can't leave!"

Zheng An's lips trembled, he didn't have the courage to talk to Bai Na like Qing Lan.

However, seeing that Qing Lan was able to stand up, he still admired it in his heart.

"The Murong family?"

Bai Na folded her hands on her chest, with a disdainful smile on her face:

"You mean, since he is a member of the Murong family, he can come to our Sioux city to do his best?"

"There is a saying that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, do you really think our Cui family is easy to bully?"

She turned to look at Ye Yun, with a trace of jealousy in her eyes, jealous of his woman, who could have such a handsome husband.

However, more disdain:

"Ye, did you hear what I said?"

"Sucheng is not the place for you to stay, take your daughter, go back quickly!"

Since giving birth to her son, she can dictate to anyone in the Cui family.

Even Cui Zhenning would sometimes be scolded by her.

A man from Jincheng doesn't like it anymore, why don't he just keep scolding him?
Ye Yun frowned, let go of Yaya's hair, stepped forward and looked at Bai Na coldly.

Without any explanation, a slap was slapped hard on Bai Na's face.

Only half of her face was red from the beating, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding.

"It's you who should go."

"If you are not convinced, let the biggest member of your Cui family get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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