Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 241 I really can't afford to mess with it!

Chapter 241 I really can't afford to mess with it!
As the footsteps got closer and closer, Zheng An's body was already trembling beyond belief.

I saw a white-haired old man, leading four middle-aged men in black martial arts uniforms, entering the door aggressively.

The old man lowered his head and saw Cui Mingze lying on the ground with only one breath left, his pupils constricted suddenly:


Cui Zhenning squatted down in a hurry, when he saw the palm prints on Cui Mingze's chest, and the broken ribs, poking the skin bulging.

Can't help but gasp.

"What a slap!"

As a veteran fighting master, he could tell how much a slap would weigh.

You know, there are some differences between fighting and martial arts.

Fighting, pay more attention to actual combat effects, such as the strength, angle, and lethality of shots.

As for martial arts, it pays more attention to the practice of routines, as well as the improvement of inner cultivation.

In contrast, fighting is closer to killing skills.

Cui Zhenning could tell that this slap was a killing technique!

Too bad!
Let him, a fighting master who was once feared by others in the Chinese martial arts world, feel a chill down his spine.

"Who is it?!"

Lift your head and look around.

I saw a handsome man squatting behind a girl, braiding her hair.

He, demeanor, is so calm.

This kind of person is a master at first glance!
"Boy, you are so ruthless, you are really going to take on indissoluble hatred with my Cui family!"

Cui Zhenning glared at Ye Yun.

His eyes are full of killing intent!
"Dad, this kid is lawless, today you must make him pay the greatest price!"

"My Mingze was beaten so badly by him! We can't bear this tone!"

Bai Na was hoarse.

Seeing that Bai Na was beaten into a pig's head, Cui Zhenning became even more furious, and almost spewed flames from his throat.

Whether it's Bai Na or the Cui family, they are all well-known existences in Sucheng.

Now that someone openly insults him, this is a deep hatred comparable to killing his wife and seizing his son!
"Boy, I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

Seeing that Ye Yun ignored him and was still meticulously braiding the little girl's hair, Cui Zhenning was so angry that his beard stood on end.

"I, Cui Zhenning, don't kill the unknown, report your name, so that I can send you to a decent end!"

Cui Zhenning stepped forward in two steps, the muscles of his whole body began to swell, and the clothes were bulging.

As a veteran fighting master, although he is nearly seventy years old, he has never slack in his practice for so many years.

The tendons of this sound are full of infinite power.

Once it swelled up, it was enough to make him, a weak-looking old man, instantly turn into a bloodthirsty beast.

Seeing Cui Zhenning approaching, the four priests of Cui's family also stepped forward with a murderous look.

They are all masters at the peak of internal strength, the four of them stood together, just that momentum made Zheng An and his legs tremble.

Zheng An swallowed, and said:

"Patriarch Cui, he is from the Murong family of Jincheng, and his name is Ye Yun."

He heard that Cui Zhenning is fairly humble, and has always had a good reputation in the martial arts circle in Sucheng.

Moreover, this matter is Bai Na's fault in the final analysis, if she is not so arrogant and domineering, Ye Yun will not be angered.

Now, before the two sides fight each other, let's talk about things.

Maybe there is still room for redemption.

After all, he fought in the live broadcast room and had already disabled so many people. If he was investigated by the stage, he and Qing Lan would both be imprisoned.

"The Murong family...Ye Yun?"

Cui Zhenning, who was still aggressive just now, couldn't help but change his face after hearing Zheng An's words.



A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Cui Zhenning's legs went limp and he knelt heavily on the ground.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry!"

"I, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I was presumptuous just now!"

How could there be a fierce light in his eyes at this moment?

It's full of horror!
For Ye Yun's name, he has long been familiar with it.

First, I heard that he was at Xiao Xuanzong's dinner party, and Xiao Xuanzong couldn't get up because of his eyes.

Then, it was rumored that during the battle between Li Jiutian and the Murong family, he sneak attack Li Jiutian, who was known as the strongest land fairy in China for 500 years at that time.

Success in one fell swoop!
Although Ye Yun's sneak attack is very contemptible to many martial arts practitioners.

But you must know that what he killed was a real land god.

This ability, even if it is a sneak attack, is enough to make people awe-inspiring!
Although Cui Zhenning is a veteran fighting master, but if he wants to call Ye Yun the truth, no matter his own strength or the strength of the family behind him, he will be blown away.

Now, there is no other way out except to bow down and surrender.

Seeing Cui Zhenning kneeling on the ground, Bai Na almost exploded with anger, and ran forward to scold Cui Zhenning:
"Old man, are you confused?"

"He is the murderer who injured your son, and he beat me like this. If you don't seek revenge from him, what does it mean to kneel here?"

She reached out to pat Cui Zhenning's head.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenning grabbed her wrist and pressed her hard to the ground.

"You bastard, you must have offended Mr. Ye by causing trouble everywhere!"

"You also kowtow to Lao Tzu, otherwise, let Mingze divorce you!"

Cui Zhenning was really angry, this woman usually yelled at him, that's all.

The person offended now is a great god who kills people without blinking an eye.

If the situation continues to evolve, the entire Cui family may suffer catastrophe.

You know, not only the Murong family is in charge of Jiangbei Province now.

There are even rumors that the Luo family, the newly established super family in Jiangcheng, is also related to the Murong family.

If this is the case, I am afraid that Ye Yun can put the Cui family in a desperate situation with just one word.

How can you provoke such a person?
Bai Na was confused by Cui Zhenning's actions.

It was only at this time that she realized that the handsome boy in front of her was someone she could not offend.

"Damn you bastard, Jincheng isn't staying here, what are you doing here in Sucheng?"

Fear is fear.

She still felt it wasn't her fault.

Ye Yun ignored Cui Zhenning and the others and let them kneel there.

He didn't show a smile until he finished braiding Yaya's hair: "Okay."

In everyone's eyes, Yaya has delicate features, fair skin, wearing a cute princess dress, and a thin ponytail that Ye Yun tied her hair on.

It looked cute and delicate, even Cui Zhenning, an old guy, was slightly moved.

For a moment, I wish I could have such a lovely granddaughter.

"It's beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

Qing Lan glanced at the camera, and the Yaya in the camera had a sense of immortality all over her body, which was really likable.

"Papa, that's great!"

Yaya's biggest wish is to let people all over the world know that she has the most powerful daddy.

Now, her first step has been achieved.

So he hugged Ye Yun happily and kissed him:
"Papa, I love shit on you!"

Ye Yun looked at her dotingly: "Baby, Papa loves you too!"


Seeing Ye Yun always ignoring him, Cui Zhenning felt embarrassed.

After waiting for a while, he stood up tremblingly, bowed to Ye Yun and said:
"Well, Mr. Ye, we won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, someone carried Cui Mingze out.

On the way, Cui Mingze and the crippled bodyguards suddenly gushed out the stagnant breath in their bodies.

The air flow broke through their internal organs and broke everyone's meridians.

A group of people died before they could be sent to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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