Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 251 Gives you the time to enjoy death!

Chapter 251 Gives you the time to enjoy death!

Sioux City Jiuzhou Hospital.

"Boss, it's bad! Kitty and the others can't get in touch anymore!"

One of Meng Qiwei's followers had a frightened expression on his face.

"Can't you get in touch with both?"

Meng Qiwei frowned.

"Yes! Shut down everything!"

"I guess it might all be over!"

Meng Qiwei gritted her teeth tightly, with a look of hatred on her face:

"Damn it, why is that little boy so powerful?"

"Didn't you say that Kitty and the others are all big devils who kill people without blinking an eye?"

The follower nodded:

"That's right! The two are ruthless, that's recognized in the Tao, and they are very resourceful. They have killed no less than 50 people over the years, and the police have not found any valid evidence!"


Meng Qiwei couldn't help but gasped.

His follower was also recruited from Jincheng's underworld back then.

It is said that they have been helping Kitten and the others before.

Don't look at the limp nickname of this little cat, it actually means that this guy is cunning and vicious. The cat has nine lives. He killed so many people without being caught by the police.

Meng Qiwei knew that the servant would not lie to herself.

If even such a murderous tyrant can't succeed in sneak attacking Ye Yun, then there will be a big problem!
"Damn it, he won't take revenge on me, will he?"

Thinking of Ye Yun hitting herself into the wall with a slap, Meng Qiwei couldn't help but feel chills.

He yelled: "I want to be transferred to another hospital, to a safer place! You can't stay in this place, if you are found, I will burp!"

The attendant said: "Boss, I overheard the security guard saying that there is an intensive care unit on the top floor of this hospital for patients like you."

"The entire floor is protected by laser protection nets. If you break in rashly, the dense lasers can instantly turn people into hornet's nests!"

Meng Qiwei's eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

If it is protected by a laser protective net, not to mention people, not even a mosquito can fly in!
The attendant nodded: "Really!"

"Okay, I'm going to the intensive care unit now!"

"Also, just to be on the safe side, call my third uncle and ask him to find two martial arts masters from the Jin family!"


The night was dark.

Occasionally, a strange red light flashed in the sky, adding a terrifying killing intent to the peaceful night.

A white light fell on the top floor of Jiuzhou Hospital.

Ye Yun raised his head and glanced at the dark red door in front of him.

He was already at Meng's house just now, and asked Meng Qiwei where he was hiding.

After silencing everyone, he came to the hospital, ready to send Meng Qiwei to hell with his own hands.

He grabbed the doorknob with his hand and pulled it lightly. The half-meter-thick iron door was torn open by him like a piece of paper.

In an instant, the lights in the corridor ahead came on.

Two fully armed men in security uniforms pointed their guns at Ye Yun at the same time:
"Stand still or we'll shoot!"

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they gasped at the same time, their teeth chattering in fright.

Only then did they notice that the door behind Ye Yun had been torn into pieces!

You know, this is an iron door made of special carbon steel with the highest hardness in the world!
This special carbon steel is currently only produced in several top developed countries in Europe and America, and is assembled on the most advanced tanks and armored vehicles.

Hard to imagine!
And it's half a meter thick!
It's really unimaginable that it was torn apart like a piece of paper!
"What the hell kind of monster is this?"

The two bodyguards are retired special forces and have seen countless storms.

But I have never seen that someone can tear a half-meter-thick steel plate by hand.

"The gun can't deal with him, quickly open the laser protection net!"

One of the security guards responded quite quickly.

As his words fell, the five-meter-long corridor in front of Ye Yun emitted a dazzling blue light.


Countless slender laser beams shot out from the wall.

Densely packed, there is no trace of flaws at all.

It seems that even a mosquito will have countless holes shot out by these laser beams.


The two security guards were horrified to see that these laser beams, which could easily penetrate the steel plate, could not penetrate the man's body at all!

Not even a single hair of his hair was burned!

"What kind of monster is this?!"

The minds of the two security guards were blank. They clearly held guns in their hands, but they didn't have the courage to pull the trigger.

Bang bang!

Then, blood mist splashed.

When it fell, Ye Yun was already behind them.

Inside the intensive care unit.

Meng Qiwei's eyes trembled suddenly: "I feel someone is coming!"

"It's him! It must be him!"

Even if you are far away, you can clearly feel that terrifying aura.

The two attendants sitting in the ward and two men who looked like martial arts masters got up at the same time.

"How is this possible? How could he pass through the laser protection net?"

"Even if he is a tank, the protective net can smash him into a sieve!"

The two followers didn't believe it at all.

In this world, no one can survive under laser shooting.

But a second later, they realized they were wrong!

How wrong!

Ye Yun had already stood in front of them calmly.


The two followers were so frightened that their legs gave way and they fell to the ground at the same time.

However, Meng Qiwei wanted to burst into tears, and shouted:
"Master Zhou, Master Jiang, you go together and kill him!"

Zhou Shisheng and Jiang Songlin are well-known formation masters in Jiangbei Province.

It is said that the cultivation of the two is comparable to the three generations of masters of the Zhuge family in Yinzhou City, Jiangnan Province, one yin and one yang complement each other.

Once shot at the same time, it can create a huge killing array with a radius of one mile.

rise up.

Flying towards birds and beasts, all life will be invisible.

Meng Qiwei originally asked her third uncle to find these two people to give herself a reassurance, but she didn't expect them to make a move.

After all, in the corridor, there is the world's most advanced laser protection net.

Anyone who wants to go through this protective net to the intensive care unit is simply wishful thinking.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun really came, and he was unscathed!

This made him feel extremely threatened in an instant.

Zhou Shisheng and Jiang Songlin looked at each other, stared at Ye Yun arrogantly and said:
"The laser protective net is dead, but our formation is alive!"

"How much ability you have, we will see the outcome in the next battle!"

As soon as the two spoke, they all exploded into blood mist.

Before he even had time to raise his hand, he died instantly.


Meng Qiwei almost stopped her heart in fright.

Zhou Shi beat Jiang Songlin and Jiang Songlin, although they did not rank among the top ten martial arts masters in Jiangbei Province.

However, relying on formations, the two can make up for their own lack of strength.

If they cooperate, even the top five experts in Jiangbei Province will be quite afraid.

Meng Qiwei never expected that in front of Ye Yun, the two of them would have no chance to make a move.

This is so scary!

Meng Qiwei suddenly felt that she seemed to have made two fatal mistakes in succession today.

First, you shouldn't mock Ye Yun on the set.

Second, you shouldn't send someone to take revenge!
Especially the second one, it was a fatal mistake!

While he was in shock, Ye Yun waved his hand and turned the two followers into gas.

Then, she calmly came to him and grabbed him to the window.

"No! Please, don't kill me!"

Knowing that he was going to die, he still wanted to struggle.

But all the bones in his body were shattered, and he was no different from a dead snake in Ye Yun's hands.

Ye Yun looked at him coldly: "Do you know why it's not like killing them, but killing you?"


How dare Meng Qiwei answer?
Now she was so frightened that she burst into tears, and there was a foul smell wafting from the crotch of her trousers||.

Ye Yun smiled coldly:
"Because, when people face death, the longer they procrastinate, the more frightened and painful they will be."

"From here to the ground, a total of 110 meters, it takes 5 seconds to fall."

"These 5 seconds are the death experience time I gave you, enjoy it."

After speaking, let go.

(End of this chapter)

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