Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 260 Why are you so arrogant!

Chapter 260 Why are you so arrogant!

Today's her, a head of blue hair is draped over her shoulders, and the breeze blows, blowing a few strands to float slowly.

Like a woman's slender and gentle hand, gently brushing across her face.

The most attractive thing on her white jade-like face was her big eyes.

Under the willow eyebrows, the long eyelashes kept trembling, making the eyes look like talking stars, constantly pouring out their inner tenderness.

On the slender jade neck, there is a pearl white necklace, which is thin, exquisite and beautiful, without being overwhelming, with a kind of just right beauty.

She was wearing an off-the-shoulder silk dress. The left and right sleeves were connected by a delicate pattern, which passed through her full and firm chest, and well outlined the curve of her upper body.

Under the pink pleated skirt, a pair of smooth and jade legs, and then white flat casual shoes.

Looking from the side, the whole person is full of vigorous youth.

It's more like a college student who is still on campus, but the enchanting temperament on his face can't be concealed no matter what.

Beside her, stood a little girl about the same age as Yaya, staring at Yaya curiously.

And Yaya was also looking at her.

"Aunt Qingyan, is this your baby?"

Yaya is a little uncertain, because that girl looks nothing like Lan Qingyan.

Lan Qingyan shook her head and smiled, "No, my aunt isn't married yet, she's the baby of my aunt's cousin."

She looked up at Ye Yun, her face was like a peach blossom, and she smiled slightly:
"Today I came to Jincheng's cousin's house. They all work overtime, so let me take the children out to play."

As she spoke, she picked up the little girl: "Her name is Niuniu."

"Niuniu, say hello to Uncle Ye and Yaya."

Niuniu raised her little hand: "Hello Ye Shushu, hello Yaya!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Hello."

Yaya stepped forward and held Niuniu's hand: "Let's play together!"

Seeing the two little girls running forward hand in hand, Ye Yun smiled and followed them.

Lan Qingyan originally wanted to quickly catch up with Ye Yun and walk side by side with him.

In the end, he slowed down a little, keeping a distance of a few centimeters, with a shy expression on his face.

Like a little daughter-in-law, follow behind him.

Since it is the weekend, there are many people in the Science and Technology Museum.

Especially the robot hall on the first floor, which was packed to the brim.

Yaya and Niuniu, hand in hand, looked at the robots one by one.

"Niuniu, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

Yaya feels that friends should understand each other.

Niuniu thought for a while: "I want to be a doctor, what about you?"

Yaya smiled and said, "I want to fly to the sky and leave my name on those beautiful stars."


Niuniu looked surprised, "I also want to go to the stars!"

Yaya smiled and said, "Then let's go together, shall we?"

Niuniu nodded: "Okay!"

The two of them held hands tighter as they spoke, and they seemed to have become very good friends.

"Kids, here is the robot aviation cabin, and there are still two last positions, come in and experience it!"

In the science and technology museum, in front of each robot exhibit, there is a part-time commentator from the university campus.

Seeing the cuteness of the two girls holding hands, Zhang Ying, a female college student in front of the robot cabin, waved to them.

"Niuniu, let's go to the airline cabin!"

Yaya suggested.

"it is good!"

Niuniu nodded.

"Hey, these two positions are ours, you guys go away!"

Before Yaya and Niuniu walked up the stairs of the aviation cabin, two little boys stood in front of them.

The little boys were all about four or five years old, glaring at Yaya and Niuniu angrily.

Zhang Ying came to the two boys, knelt down and said:

"Kids, you must follow the order in the airline cabin, and you can't take other people's seats."

She wanted to reach out and pull the two little boys apart.

Unexpectedly, one of the little boys slammed her hand open and stared at her angrily:
"I won't go! You let them go, open the door and let us in!"

"My parents are high officials in Jincheng, if you dare not listen, let them arrest you!"

Zhang Ying was taken aback by him, the child was too hostile.

This bossy look must have been learned from adults.

"Didn't you hear what my son said? Open the door and let them in!"

Before Zhang Ying recovered, she heard an extremely domineering voice.

I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a luxury brand and holding a Chanel bag in her hand, standing in front of her.

The middle-aged woman had curly red hair, and her face was as thick as flour.

With a fleshy face, he glared at the female college student angrily.

Zhang Ying stood up, a little afraid to look at her, and said in a low voice:
"However, the rule of our Science and Technology Museum is to visit all exhibits in order."

As soon as she finished speaking, the middle-aged woman slapped her across the face.

"You damn girl, dare to talk about the rules with me? Do you know who my old lady is? Huh?"

"I'm telling you, I'll give you three seconds, open the door quickly, otherwise, I will tell you to get out of Jincheng from now on!"

Her bright red nails almost touched Zhang Ying's face.

That domineering look scared Zhang Ying to tears.

Ye Yun and Lan Qingyan had already followed.

Lan Qingyan hurried forward to protect Yaya and Niuniu, frowning at the middle-aged woman:

"Sister, this is a public place, and children should be taught order."

"First come, first come, after these two children go in, can't you go in again?"

The middle-aged woman was very jealous when she saw Lan Qing's beautiful face, and when she heard her call her eldest sister, she immediately became angry:
"Little goblin, my mother told you that in Jincheng, my mother is the rule!"

"Don't think that you are justified because you are beautiful, let me tell you, I have seen a lot of vixen mothers like you, don't think that if you become a mistress to some rich man and give birth to these two little trash, my mother will be afraid of you! "


As soon as the middle-aged woman spoke halfway, she felt a burning pain on her face.

A terrifying force almost blew out her eyeballs.

Ye Yun lifted her up like a chicken with his left hand, stared at her coldly and asked:
"Who are you calling a little trash?"

"They, what's wrong?"

"Say it again and I'll listen."


"Also, you just said that you are Jincheng's rules?"

"Yes, it is!"

"now what?"


The middle-aged woman was directly frightened by Ye Yun.

The arrogance just now was swept away, and now only shock and fear remained.

Ye Yun sneered and threw her to the ground.

Then he stepped forward, took Yaya and Niuniu's hands, and sent them to the space capsule:

"Baby, you have fun."

Turning around, he gave the two little boys a cold look.

Just like their mother, the two little boys were so frightened that they burst into tears, and hurried away, throwing themselves into the arms of the middle-aged woman.

"Mom, don't let him go! Let Dad clean him up!"

Afraid to return to fear, the boy's hostility became heavier.

"Take care of him! This bastard, you must let your father take care of him!"

When the middle-aged woman thought of her man, she instantly became confident.

After she finished making the phone call, Ye Yun smiled coldly and brought her in front of Zhang Ying:
"How she beat you just now, pay her back a hundred times now."

"you dare!"

A middle-aged woman is afraid of Ye Yun, but she is not afraid of a college student.

Zhang Ying raised her head, with tears in her eyes and a trace of hatred.

People who bully others are the most hateful!

Even though she was a weak college student, she still couldn't swallow this breath.

Seeing Ye Yun's eyes, there was a sense of undeniability, and there was a hint of warmth of encouragement, and Zhang Ying suddenly felt a burst of courage in her heart.

He stretched out his hand and slapped the middle-aged woman hard on the face:

"Let you bully people! You should hit!"

The more they hit, the more powerful they seemed to be venting their boundless anger towards these people.

Even the crowd of onlookers, many people cheered:
"Good fight! This kind of person should be beaten hard!"

"Girl, don't stop! Beat her like a pig's head, and see how daring she is!"

(End of this chapter)

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