Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 262 The Story of Ye Yun and Murong Yan!

Chapter 262 The Story of Ye Yun and Murong Yan!
Ye Yun, Lan Qingyan, and two little girls, Yaya Niuniu, came to a Chinese restaurant near the Science and Technology Museum.

Niuniu took Yaya, sat down near the window, then pointed to the opposite side and said:

"Auntie, I will sit with Yaya, and you will sit with Ye Shushu!"

When Lan Qingyan heard this, her pretty face flushed slightly, and before she could speak, she saw Yaya jumping off the seat.

Yaya pulled Lan Qingyan and sat down beside Niuniu:
"Aunt Qingyan, you sit here, I will sit with Papa!"

Ye Yun picked up Yaya with a smile and put her on the seat:

"Baby, you arranged it very well!"

Yaya nodded with a smile:
"Must! Papa can only be by my side, or Mama!"

Ye Yun gave her a thumbs up, the little girl is really getting more and more sensible.

Lan Qingyan also smiled, sitting opposite Ye Yun, it seemed pretty good too!
After the tableware came up, Lan Qingyan stood up, took a set of bowls and chopsticks and set them up for Yaya.

Then he took another copy and wanted to set it up for Ye Yun.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "No, I'll do it myself."

Lan Qingyan nodded with a smile, lowered her head, and glanced at him quietly.

This man always has an expression of rejecting others thousands of miles away.

I really envy his wife, who can be loved by him like that.

Putting away her thoughts, Lan Qingyan asked:

"Ye Yun, I think you always take care of Yaya alone, is it because sister-in-law is busy?"

Ye Yun is two years older than her, she thinks it is most appropriate to call Murong Yan sister-in-law.

When Ye Yun heard her mention Murong Yan, his eyes immediately shone with tenderness, nodded and said:
"Yes, she is a career-oriented strong woman who has been very busy."

Lan Qingyan nodded:

"It must be very hard for her to manage such a big family."

Ye Yun nodded, and said with a bit of distress:

"It's very hard, I go home almost every day, and I look very tired."

Seeing the pain in his eyes, Lan Qingyan couldn't help being deeply moved:
"I can tell by the look on your face that you treat her very well."

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"My kindness to her is far from enough."

Lan Qingyan looked surprised:

"But, I heard people in Jincheng say that you dote on her very, very much, isn't that good enough?"

Ye Yun shook his head:

"That's just your outsider's opinion! For me, it's not enough!"

Lan Qingyan simply broke the casserole and asked the end:

"Then, why exactly?"

Ye Yun thought for a while and said:

"Tell you a story and you'll understand."

After a pause, there was a gleam of brilliance in his eyes that had passed through countless years.

"Once upon a time, there was a very down-and-out young man. He was bullied and looked down upon by others. He suffered from being bullied and lost hope in life."

"Until one day, he met a very noble girl. That girl didn't look down on him at all, but thought he was very nice."

"The girl told him that in ancient times, there was a man named Han Xin who was bullied and humiliated by others. Even when he grew up, he was forced to slip under other people's crotch."

"The girl said that later, Han Xin became the general of the great man, and he helped Liu Bang conquer the world and made great contributions. So she felt that when the boy grows up, he will become a master and will never be bullied by others again!"

Having said that, Ye Yun paused for a moment.

In the eyes, there are full of aftertaste of the past, as well as the touch hidden in the heart.

"After listening to the girl's words, the boy rekindled his hope for life. At that moment, the two ignorant hearts joined together."

"Although they separated after a short time together, and separated for a long time, because of the girl's encouragement, the boy kept gritting his teeth to face any difficulties and dangers. Finally, he became a stronger person than Han Xin!"

"And that girl, for so many years, has kept her original promise to the boy, worked hard and raised their children without complaint or regret!"

"What do you think the boy should do to the girl when he comes back?"

In Lan Qingyan's beautiful eyes, there is already a trace of tears:
"I think he should use his heart to love and accompany that girl."

She suddenly had a consonance, and looked at Ye Yun stupidly:

"That boy is..."

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

There were more tears in Lan Qingyan's eyes, like pear blossoms with rain.

She laughed and cried too.

She laughed, the person she fancy is an infatuated man and the most trustworthy backer of a woman.

She cried because she was moved by the story of Ye Yun and Murong Yan.

It was only at this moment that she realized that the hope in her heart seemed to never come true.

Ye Yun glanced at her indifferently: "Let's eat."


Lan Qingyan shyly wiped her eyes with a tissue.

Ding ding ding.

At this time, the phone rang.

Ye Yun saw that it was Xu Meiling calling.

Xu Meiling said that the signing of the web drama starring Ye Yun and the Penguin platform went very smoothly.

The whole crew held a celebration banquet at night, and he was invited to attend with respect.

Ye Yun nodded in agreement, after all, this is also an honor for Yaya, so she must go.

Lan Qingyan then also received a call from Xu Meiling, and after making an appointment, she hung up the phone and continued to eat with Yaya and Niuniu.


It is different from the quiet and peaceful life in Jincheng.

In Sucheng, because the Meng family was wiped out, the whole city has been a little restless in the past two days.

Especially the Jin family, it is even more difficult to calm down.

The two brothers Jin Zhiyou and Jin Zhicheng, after careful discussion, decided to tell this matter to Jin Shengyuan who was in retreat.

After all, as the butler of the Jin family, Meng Dinghong has become closer to them over the years.

The two brothers also thought of Meng Dinghong as their relatives and elders.

At this time, his whole family was wiped out, especially when Ye Yun's name was mentioned before his death, the two brothers couldn't bear it no matter what.

Inside the secret room.

The zhenqi released from Jin Shengyuan's body has reached a terrifying level.

Even the air seemed to be torn apart by him.

"Dad, Uncle Ding Hong was killed!"

When Jin Zhiyou's voice came in, Jin Shengyuan couldn't help frowning.

However, when he heard Meng Dinghong's name, his impatience was quickly replaced by anger.

"Come in!"

The sound was transmitted through the wall, and there was a trembling majesty in the voice.

Jin Zhiyou and Jin Zhicheng hurried into the secret room.

"Dad, Uncle Ding Hong's family was silenced two days ago!"

"The entire Meng family, a total of 41 members, were all killed!"

Jin Zhiyou's words exploded in Jin Shengyuan's mind like a thunderbolt.

"What's going on? Who did it?!"

Jin Zhiyou said angrily: "I guess Ye Yun did it!"

Hearing the name Ye Yun, Jin Shengyuan's eyes were filled with killing intent, and his fists were clenched loudly:
"How are you sure it's him?"

Jin Zhiyou replied:
"Uncle Ding Hong found me before he died, and he was killed as soon as he mentioned Ye Yun's name!"

"Obviously, Ye Yun did this!"

"Ye Yun! It's this damn Ye Yun again!"

From Jin Zhiyou's words, Jin Shengyuan also concluded that the mastermind was behind the scenes.

He let out an extremely angry roar, and the true energy in his body turned into thousands of thick threads, piercing countless holes in the ground.

The two Jin Zhiyou brothers could not help but tremble, and said in horror:
"Condensation into silk!"

"Dad, your cultivation level..."

Jin Shengyuan narrowed his eyes, with strong killing intent:
"Ye Yun, Ye Yun, don't think that you succeeded in attacking Li Jiutian, no one in Jiangbei Province would dare to do anything to you!"

"You dare to kill the butler of my Jin family, I must avenge this revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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